Did US Choices Lead Egypt to its Current Situation?

We, as a country, need to remember that do not hold levers that allow us to move events this way or that

Time For Real Campaign Finance Reform

Mitt Romney made a suggestion about how to fix our campaign finance system. It’s a good idea.

Rick Santorum’s Disturbing Foreign Policy Vision

Rick Santorum’s foreign policy positions are troubling in many respects.

Rick Santorum: There Are No Palestinians, Everyone In The West Bank Is Israeli

Rick Santorum has some bizarre views when it comes to the dispute between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

The 2012 Election And “The Soul Of The Country”

Mitt Romney said the other day that the 2012 Election is about “the soul of the country.” This is most assuredly not true.

The ‘Anti-Israel’ Charge

Vehement disagreement with the policy views of a country and prejudice based on immutable traits are not the same.

Why Do We Never Learn?

A comment on the commentariat.

Would A Ron Paul Win Kill The Iowa Caucuses?

Iowa Republicans fear that a Ron Paul win on Jan. 3rd will destroy the credibility of their caucuses.

More on Paul and the Newsletters

How much should Paul’s newletter and his questionable associations matter?

Huntsman, Gingrich, And The Not-Really Lincoln-Douglas Debate

Yesterday’s encounter between Jon Huntsman and Newt Gingrich was less than it could have been.

On Gingrich, The Palestinians, And “Invented People”

Newt Gingrich’s comments about Palestinian nationhood came up during last night’s debate.

Newt Gingrich Calls Palestinians An “Invented People”

Once again, Newt Gingrich speaks without thinking.

A Reminder of Turkey’s Disposition

Just a reminder: Turkey is a NATO ally.

The Ridiculous “Who Lost Egypt?” Argument

There’s a little historical revisionism going on on the right.

Republican Foreign Policy Debate Post-Mortem

I liveblogged and tweeted my instant, mostly snarky, reaction to the CNN foreign policy debate. Here are some more fully formed thoughts.

GOP National Security Debate Live Blog

I’ll be liveblogging tonight’s Republican national security debate over at RealClearWorld along with a solid team of foreign policy analyst

Protesters Once Again Clash With Police In Tahrir Square

The protesters have returned to Tahrir Square, and so has the violence.

Syria and the Responsibility to Protect

We’re running out of excuses.

How Can Newt Gingrich Possibly Live Down His Past?

It’s hard to see how Newt Gingirch can remain a viable candidate given his past

Republican Foreign Policy Debate: Winners and Losers

Huntsman will gain little if any traction and none of the frontrunners really helped or hurt themselves.

Panetta Warns Of Unintended Consequences Of Striking Iran

The Secretary of Defense has some words of warning for those advocating military action against Iran.

Obama and Sarkozy Dis Netanyahu on Hot Mic

Obama to Sarkozy on Netanyahu: “You’re sick of him — but I have to deal with him every day!”

The Costs Of Attacking Iran

An attack against Iran’s nuclear weapons research facility won’t be an easy thing.

Wars and Rumors Of Wars

It’s time for another round of speculation about Iran and its nuclear program.

Are Pundits Underestimating Herman Cain?

Would Republicans really be crazy enough to nominate Herman Cain?

Republicans Bash Obama For Doing What Bush Wanted To Do In Iraq

President Obama is being attacking from the right for following through on a policy decision made by his Republican predecessor.

What Is Iran Up To, If They’re Up To Anything?

What’s the logic behind Iran’s alleged plot to commit terrorist attacks inside the United States?

Iranian Terror Plot in US Foiled

The Justice Department claims to have disrupted a major Iranian-backed terrorist attack in the United States.

Romney’s Realism Redux

The key to my understanding of Mitt Romney’s foreign policy rollout is the assumption “this is fundamentally a campaign document rather than a governing platform.”

The Incoherent Agenda Of Occupy Wall Street

Judging them by their own manifesto, the Occupy Wall Street protesters are pretty silly people.

Occupy Wall Street Not Our Arab Awakening

A meme is emerging that the Occupy Wall Street protests are America’s version of the Arab Awakening. That meme must die.

Palestinians Present Statehood Application To United Nations

We may have entered a new and dangerous phase of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Foreign Policy At The GOP Debate: Lots Of Sound Bites, Little Substance

If you’re interested in knowing how the candidates would handle a foreign policy crisis, last night’s debate was mostly unhelpful.

At U.N., Obama Says There Are No Shortcuts To Peace

President Obama explained his position on the Palestinian statehood resolution today, but one wonders if anyone listened.

Rick Perry’s Odd And Alarming Critique Of U.S. Mideast Policy

Rick Perry’s speech criticizing the President’s policies in the Middle East raised more questions than it answered.

Palestinians To Go Forward With U.N. Statehood Resolution

Foolishly, the Palestinians are going forward with their effort to get Palestinian statehood recognized by the United Nations.

Republicans Win Weiner’s Seat, Hold Heller’s

Businessman Bob Turner (R) defeated state Assemblyman David Weprin (D) in the special election for the House seat held by former New York Rep. Anthony Weiner (D). State Sen. Mark Amodei (R) beat state Treasurer Kate Marshall (D) in a special election for the House seat left open by Sen. Dean Heller (R), who was appointed to replace Sen. John Ensign (R).