MAGA is Getting More MAGA

Trump’s second term would be much worse than his first.

Congressional Typologies

Grouping House Members by their voting patterns.

Mike Johnson is Very Religious

His critics are focused on the wrong problem.

[Speaker of the House Mike Johnson] [Speaker of the House Mike Johnson]

Mike Johnson (Who?) for Speaker?

Could the fourth time be the charm?

An Observation about American Democracy

The ongoing Republican debacle and what it says about representative democracy in the US.

Jordan Strikes Out

Three increasingly-embarrassing defeats is all you get, apparently.

House GOP Drowning [UPDATED]

In a bathtub?

Two GOPs

A policy-leaning wing and a political-leaning wing make for an unworkable coalition.

Will Jim Jordan Bullying Backfire?

Will at least four Republicans have a spine?

Jim Jordan Wrestling His Way to Speaker [Updated]

The crazies are this close to a complete takeover.

House Leadership Crisis Continues [Updated]

Jim Jordan is trying to bully his way into office. It almost certainly won’t work.

Scalise Drops Out of Speaker Race. What Now?

The clown show still lacks a ringmaster.

“David Duke Without the Baggage”

Some thoughts on the Speaker contest.

Steve Scalise Nominated for Humiliation

McCarthy lost it. Turned in his gavel. You, guy, are number 1.

Could Kevin McCarthy’s Replacement be . . . Kevin McCarthy?

One of the worst movies in memory may be getting a sequel.

McCarthy Won’t Run For Speaker. Now What?

We won’t have Kevin to kick around anymore.

The Biden Impeachment Tantrum

The inmates are running the asylum.

The Depressing State of House Republicans

We all suffer if the the unserious have power.

Chip Roy’s Call for Debate

He is proving the opposite of his argument.

The GOP Clown Show

Just when you thought they couldn’t get more incompetent.

Some Tabs and Quick Takes

Some tab plus some tabs equals some tabs.

The Centrist Fantasy

Can moderate Republicans take back their party?

Trump Hemmorhaging Donors and Backers

The ship is abandoning the sinking rat.

Trump Tipping Point?

As more details emerge about the documents he stole, defenders are falling away.

politics outrage shouting politics outrage shouting

What’s Politics For, Anyway?

Capitol Hill Republicans are turning the concept on its head.

The Weak Case Against the January 6 Committee

Republicans killed their parents and demanding mercy for being orphaned.

January 6 Committee Subpoenas Republican Leaders

An unprecedented manuever in response to unprecedented obstruction.

Will It Matter That Kevin McCarthy Was Caught Lying?

Anyone familiar with Betteridge’s law of headlines knows where this is going.

Republican Efforts to Steal Election Were Widespread

Did we not already know this?

Kinzinger to Serve on 1/6 Committee

Another GOP member is added to the investigation.

The January 6 Commission will be All-Democratic

A chance for a real investigation? Ruined legitimacy?

Republicans and the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act

A third of the party’s Members of Congress voted against a popular bill.

The Republican Party’s Shame

The Party of Lincoln went over the cliff like lemmings in support. It’s tough to see how they recover.

House Judiciary Committee Opens Impeachment Hearings

The impeachment inquiry moves to the House judiciary Committee this morning.

Trump Growing More Agitated As Impeachment Inquiry Continues, Reports Say

As the walls close in, the President is growing more agitated.

Former Ambassador Describes Effort By Trump Associates To Push Her Aside

Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch described how the President’s allies intimidated her out of her position, while the President intimidated her live on Twitter.

Democrats Begin To Make Their Case In First Day of Public Impeachment Hearings

There were few fireworks during the first day of public impeachment hearings, but the ground work for a case against the President was laid.

House Backs Rules For Impeachment Inquiry

Today the House of Representatives approved the procedures for the impeachment proceeding against the President.

The Fundamental Dishonesty of the House GOP “Protest”

They know how Congress works, but are banking on the fact that many Americans don’t.

Fearful Of Trump, Republicans Refuse To Answer A Simple Question

Fear of Donald Trump and his minions is making it hard for Republicans to answer a simple question.

Republicans Silent On Trump White House’s Use Of Private Communication

The same Republicans who were outraged over Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server are silent about the use of private apps by Trump officials.

Efforts To Influence Foreign Investigations Of Biden Deeper Than Thought

More information released last night confirmed the extent to which the United States was linking progress on its relationship with Ukraine to an investigation of Joe Biden and his son.

Jake Tapper And Chris Wallace Demonstrate How To Cross-Examine A Trump Surrogate

Jake Tapper and Chris Wallace both put Administration surrogates through the ringer on their respective Sunday morning shows.

It’s Mueller Time

Starting at 8:30 a.m. this morning, the eyes and ears of Washington and much of the nation will be focus on one thing, the testimony of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Congress And The Country Prepare For Mueller Time

On Wednesday, much of official Washington, and likely a good part of the country itself, will pause to watch what are likely to biggest hearings since the late 1980s.

Congress Holds Bill Barr And Wilbur Ross In Contempt

The legal and political showdown between Congress and the White House has entered into a new stage.

Justin Amash Quits House ‘Freedom’ Caucus

Michigan Congressman Justin Amash has quit a group he helped found nine years ago after they voted to condemn him for advocating for the President’s impeachment.