Democrat Wins Special Election In NY-26

It’s just one Congressional District out of 435, but that won’t stop everyone from trying to turn the results in NY-26 into a national referendum on Medicare reform.

Will One Election Decide The Fate Of The Ryan Plan?

Voters in New York State may help move the budget debate on Capitol Hill.

Tim Pawlenty Opens Campaign In Iowa With Call To End Ethanol Subsidies

You don’t often see a candidate for President tell Iowans that he wants to eliminate ethanol subsidies, but Tim Pawlenty did.

Quote of the Day, Ryan Plan Politics Edition

The bungled politics of the Ryan plan.

Ron Paul’s Election Problem: The Issues he Supports

No, Ron Paul is not a viable candidate for president.

Mitt Romney Tries To Thread The ObamaCare/RomneyCare Needle

Mitt Romney began his effort to confront what is likely to be his biggest political liability in the 2012 campaign.

What is the Debt Ceiling?

A lot of people appear confused at to what the debt ceiling is and why it has to be raised.

Santorum: Social Policy Killed the British Empire

Santorum has an interesting theory about the decline of great powers.

More Musings on the Health Care Debate

An attempt at explaining where I am coming from on in the health care discussion.

Republicans Ready To Punt On Ryan Plan’s Medicare Changes?

Republicans seem to have realized that the Ryan Plan’s Medicare reforms aren’t going anywhere.

The Problem with the Ryan Plan

The bottom line is that the problem with the Ryan Plan is the Ryan Plan.

Public Turning Against Ryan Plan

The GOP seems to be losing the public relations battle over deficit reduction.

Are Republicans Facing A Backlash Over Ryan Plan And Medicare Changes?

There are signs that the Ryan Plan isn’t playing well with the public.

Everybody Hates Congress

Contempt for Congress is an old American tradition. Unfortunately.

More Poll Numbers (None of Them Especially Happy)

The new CBS/NYT poll is out and the numbers are not exactly happy, no matter whom you support.

Americans Oppose Entitlement Cuts, Support Raising Taxes On “The Rich”

According to a new poll, the American public still isn’t sold on the idea of cutting entitlements to cut the budget deficit.

Back to Those Darn Freeloaders

More on that freeloader problem (today with less snark).

USA a Low-Tax Country?

Australia is the only major country with lower tax rates than the USA.

The Radicalness of Alleged Conservatives

In all honesty, much of what is coming out of the mouths of self-described conservatives is actually pretty darn radical.

The Ryan Plan’s Political Problem

Will the Ryan Plan ever be voted out of the House?

Obama’s Solution To Deficit: Spending Cuts, Tax Increases, Few Specifics, But A Clear Roadmap For 2012

President Obama’s budget speech was light on specifics, but that’s because it was really the opening salvo of the 2012 campaign.