Public Supports Budget Deal, But Not Much Else

Two new polls show that the public supports the budget deal, but has no idea what to do to solve our long term problems.

Political Derangement Syndrome

Whenever I despair at the current state of the Republican Party, I remind myself that things aren’t much better across the aisle.

Obama’s Big Deficit Speech Will Come Without Specific Plan To Cut Deficit

Prepare to be underwhelmed by President Obama’s big deficit speech on Wednesday.

Thoughts on the Likely Government Shutdown

A government shutdown is not just a hypothetical in a debating contest. It will affect real people.

Paul Ryan Unveils Plan To Cut Federal Spending By $6 Trillion Over Ten Years

Paul Ryan unveiled an ambitious plan to cut the deficit today. The question is whether it will be the beginning of a debate, or an opportunity for Democratic demagoguery

Make A Budget Deal, And Move On To The Bigger Fight

Rather than fighting over the remnants of the FY 2011 budget, the GOP should make a deal and get ready for the bigger, and more important, battle ahead.

Most Of What Americans “Know” About The Federal Budget Is Wrong

The American people have no idea what’s really in the Federal Budget, which makes any discussion about what to cut virtually impossible.

Newspaper Job Ad Goes Viral

Matthew Doig of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune posted a want ad for an investigative reporter and it’s gone viral.

America The Ignorant

Another survey shows that Americans don’t know much about their own history, but does it really matter?

The NPR Vote and Understanding the Budget

Republican budget cuts to this point have been less than serious.

Boehner, House GOP About To Take A Huge Risk On Entitlement Reform?

Republicans are about to take a walk along the third-rail of American politics.

Poll: Public Doesn’t Want to Cut Entitlements

More evidence of what we already knew: the public isn’t especially interested in cutting entitlements.

Cutting Federal Workforce Costs Money?

The most likely cuts in federal spending are likely to actually increase the deficit over time.

Taxes At An All-Time Low; Deficits At An All-Time High

The drive to cut taxes is at the heart of the budget mess.

Retirement: No Good Options

We can’t rely on private companies, the stock market, or the taxpayers to maintain our lifestyle in our golden years.

The U.S. Government Exists Primarily To Write Checks And Redistribute Wealth

The primary job of the Federal Government today is to take money from Peter and give it to Paul.

Obama’s Budget Proposal: Is It A Trap?

You don’t have to be Admiral Akbar to suspect that the President’s refusal to deal with entitlements in his budget proposal is a trap for the GOP.

President Obama Drops The Ball On Deficit Reduction

President Obama’s new budget involves nothing less than a thumb in the eye of anyone who hoped he would seriously address federal spending in his first term.

Federal Budget Cuts That Exempt 65% of Spending

Ezra Klein dubs the Federal government “an insurance conglomerate protected by a large, standing army.”

No, No-One Is Trying To “Redefine” Rape

No, the legislation does not in any way “suggest that some kind of rape that would be okay.”

SOTU Reaction: Both Parties Ignore The Debt Monster

If you watched last night’s State Of The Union Address, you wouldn’t have had any idea just how serious a problem we’re facing.

American Voters Continue Their Perpetual Fiscal Immaturity

We won’t be able to solve our fiscal problems until the American people grow up. So far, there are no signs of that happening.

The Health Care Debate Underscore the Fundamental Problem with the GOP

The current approach of the GOP to health care is not dissimilar to its approach to fiscal policy: not a lot of substance.

Americans Hate Taxes And The National Debt, Don’t Know What They Want To Cut

The American public still has a totally unrealistic view of what it will take to get the Federal Government’s fiscal house in order.

Deficits, the CBO and H.R. 2

When determining the effects on the deficit of a certain legislative action, both revenues and spending have to be accounted for. Indeed, you can’t determine whether there is a deficit, surplus or balanced budget without both variables.

Debt Ceiling Vote Will Be The GOP’s First Test

Freshman Members of Congress are threatening to block a vote to raise the debt ceiling that Congress will have to take by this Spring. They’d be irresponsible if they did so.

Denounced As “Death Panels,” Funding For End Of Life Counseling Makes A Comeback

The seemingly sensible end-of-life counseling that was originally part of the Health Care Reform Bill is making a comeback.

New House Rules for the 112th

The new House Republican majority will force lawmakers to vote when they want to raise the nation’s debt ceiling, publish committee attendance records, ban former members from lobbying in the House gym and require new mandatory spending to be offset by cuts to other programs.

Back to Health Care Reform: Government Takeovers and Free Markets

Did we have a free market in health care prior to the passage of PPACA? No.

ObamaCare and the Lexicon of American Politics

Is “ObamaCare” a slur or a breezy and descriptive nickname?

Political Lie of the Year: “Government Takeover of Health Care”

PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year 2010.

The Individual Mandate And America’s Ongoing Debate Over The Role Of Government

The battle over the individual mandate is really just nothing more than the latest round in a batter that has been ongoing for 221 years.

Why Were Republicans Silent During The Bush Years?

Republicans were largely silent during the Bush Administration as spending went out of control. Will they do that again?

Obama’s Tax Cut Compromise: Masterful Politics, Or A Fatal Cave-In?

President Obama is already taking heat from the left for his compromise on tax cut extensions, but will it actually hurt him in the end?

The Failure of “Starve the Beast”

The Republican talking point that lowering taxes lowers spending and raising taxes increases spending is denied by reality.

The Real Deficit-Reduction Math

There is a simple mathematical equation that explains why deficit reduction is so difficult.

Public Service and Skin in the Game

Thomas Ricks laments that the combination of the all-volunteer military and lower top marginal rates mean that the wealthy have “checked out of America and moved into physical and mental gated communities.” To solve this problem, he proposed bringing back the draft.

Little Public Support For Bowles-Simpson Deficit Reduction Plan

A new poll about the proposals coming out of the Deficit Commission makes it clear that the American public needs to grow up.