Taxing The Rich Won’t Alleviate Income Inequality

Increasing taxes on the rich may be a fiscal policy worth talking about, but it won’t make the poor richer.

Rick Perry’s Not Really Flat Flat Tax Plan

Rick Perry’s tax plan isn’t very impressive.

Clark Clifford Republicans

Have Republicans been co-opted by the Big Government they claim to hate?

Romney Consolidates Frontrunner Status in Economic Debate

Romney consolidated his position as the presumptive nominee, Perry continued his disintegration, Cain discovered what it was like to be a serious candidate, and Bachmann doubled down on crazy.

What “Occupy Wall Street” Is Missing

By looking only in one direction, Occupy Wall Street is missing the big picture.

Super Committee Super Deadlocked

Not surprisingly, the “Super Committee” to deal with the deficit isn’t making much progress.

Americans Not Buying What Either Political Party Is Selling

Neither political party is resonating with the public right now, and neither is acting in the manner the public would like.

What Social Contract?

Does America have a social contract? If so, is it broken?

Obama Threatens Veto If Deficit Plan Doesn’t Include Tax Increases

The second half of the President’s political strategy is in place. Don’t mistake it for a serious legislative effort.

Obama’s Wimpy Debt Reduction Plan

As more details roll in on President Obama’s millionaire tax hike, it’s looking like it was drawn up by J. Wellington Wimpy: “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.”

Obama’s Millionaire’s Tax

President Obama is proposing a special tax rate for millionaires.

Thoughts About The Constitution On Constitution Day

Where do we stand after 224 years?

Perry Continues To Lead GOP Field

We’re getting close to the point where only two people on this stage will matter.

You Can Be Compassionate Without Supporting Big Government

Contrary to what Eugene Robinson and Paul Krugman argue today, compassion does not require one to support government social welfare programs.

Obama Jobs Speech Tough On Rhetoric, Light On Substance

Not surprisingly, there was very little about the President’s jobs speech to write home about.

Republican Debate: Romney Perry Fight Dominates Conversation

Last night’s GOP debate was a two-man affair.

Will Obama’s Perceived Weakness Cause Republicans To Overreach?

Assuming that the President is easy to beat could cause Republicans to move too far to the right.

Lack of Dental Care Can Kill You

Many Americans die from preventable dental disease because they can’t afford care.

Obama Should Listen to Small Businesses, Not Conservatives

Obama’s economic policies are failing because he’s listening to conservatives – not small businesses.

Rick Perry: Radical Libertarian? Theocrat? No, Just Another Big Government Conservative

Rick Perry isn’t as radical as some on the left are saying, but that doesn’t mean he’s any good.

Do Conservatives Get a Pass?

How would a Democrat-equivalent of Rick Perry be received?

Romney’s Plan Of Attack On Perry

The Romney campaign may be finally starting to pay attention to Rick Perry.

Rick Perry: Social Security Is “A Monstrous Lie”

Rick Perry placed his cowboy boots firmly on the third rail of American politics.

Rubio’s Speech

Rubio may be wowing conservatives audience, but is his rhetoric grounded in reality?

Social Security as a Ponzi Scheme

Social Security is like a Ponzi scheme in one way but not in other, more important ones.

Don't Steal From Medicare to Support Socialized Medicine Don't Steal From Medicare to Support Socialized Medicine

Medicare Spending Has Slowed Significantly Under Obama

For the past 18 months, Medicare spending has slowed down considerably – especially compared to the private sector.

A Boy Named Stilgherrian

When one adopts a one-word pseudo-elfin name, one might expect a spot of trouble

Paul Ryan For President?

Some Republicans apparently still aren’t satisfied with the 2012 field.

Warren Buffett: Tax Me More!

One of the super-rich says we should stop coddling the super-rich.

Standard & Poor’s Cites Tea Party Resistance To Debt Ceiling Increase As Factor In Downgrade

Denying the Tea Party’s role in the downgrade of U.S. debt is to deny reality.

Romney: Corporations Are People, Too!

The Twitterverse and the Democratic National Committee are having a field day with Mitt Romney’s declaration that “Corporations are people, my friend.”

Paul Favors Robbing Peter to Pay Paul

Non-rich people are in favor of taxing the rich and using the proceeds to fund programs for non-rich people

Michele Bachmann: Still A Debt Kamikaze, Still Completely Wrong

Michele Bachmann is claiming that the debt downgrade proves she was right about not raising the debt ceiling.

The Austerity Experiment

If we cannot adequately diagnose our problems it will be even harder to fix them.

Fight Brewing Over Defense Cuts

The defense spending lobby is already engaging in fear-mongering over very modest defense cuts.

S&P Debt Downgrade Leads To Same Old Washington Blame Game

The immediate reaction among the political class to the debt downgrade was the play the same old stupid games.

S&P Speaks

The main issue driving the downgrade appears to be lack of faith in the political parties to act responsibly and compromise over entitlements and revenues.

Yay! Debt Hits 100% of GDP and Other Good News!

Don’t worry be happy!

Former Congressman’s Defamation Suit Against Pro-Life Group To Proceed

A somewhat surprising First Amendment decision arising out of the 2010 Elections.

Debt Deal Winners and Losers

Now that America’s political leadership have probably averted a self-inflicted global economic calamity, it’s time to assess the winners and losers.

Congressional Leadership And Obama Reach Deal To Raise Debt Ceiling

We have a deal in Washington. Now, the leadership just has to make sure it can pass Congress.

Debt Deal Emerging

President Obama and Congressional Republicans have the outline of a deal to raise the debt limit past the 2012 elections.

The Debt Ceiling Debate: Social Democracy v. Limited Government?

Charles Krauthammer claims we are in the midst of a great debate. I am not so sure.

Tea Party Leader Tries to Explain Position on Debt Ceiling

He doesn’t do a very good job.

Follow-up on the Trillion Dollar Deficit Post

More thoughts on deficits.

How did we get to Trillion Dollar Deficits?

It is always useful to go inside the numbers.