John F. Kennedy, Sarah Palin, And Separation Of Church And State

In her new book, Sarah Palin puts forward a view of the role of religion in politics that is in direct contrast with America’s own traditions.

Why Democrats Are Losing The Tax Cut Debate

Democrats are losing the debate over the extension of the Bush tax cuts, but when you look at the playing field it seems pretty clear that that they never had a chance.

Caption Contest Winners

The Props for Congress Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Congressional Black Caucus Withholding Support From Pelosi

Lack of support from a key constituency may pose a threat to Nancy Pellosi’s effort to stay on as leader of Democrats in the House of Representatives.

Heath Shuler To Democrats: It’s Time To Change Quarterbacks

Former Washington Redskins Quarterback, and current Congressman, Heath Shuler has launched a quixotic campaign against Nancy Pelosi for House Minority Leader.

Election Hangover Caption Contest Winners

The Election Hangover Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Whether They Like It Or Not, Democrats Seem Stuck With Nancy Pelosi

There are grumblings from within the Democratic caucus in the House that Nancy Pelosi may not be the best choice for Minority Leader. Unfortunately for Democrats, though, they don’t seem to have a viable alternative at the moment.

Some House Democrats Want to Delay Leadership Vote

There’s a move afoot to postpone the election of the House Democratic leadership. Why should people who were defeated in the recent elections have a say? And, surely, those just elected should have a vote.

New York Times Calls On Democrats To Reject Pelosi

The New York Times has joined the mostly muted chorus calling on Democrats to select someone other than Nancy Pelosi as their new Minority Leader. In all likelihood, their call will go unheeded.

Geithner Briefed Jon Stewart

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner held a private, off-the-record meeting in comedian Jon Stewart’s office back in April. Speculation abounds.

Nancy Pelosi Staying as Minority Leader

Nancy Pelosi is strongly considering staying in Congress as Minority Leader. It’s her job if she wants it.

Sarah Palin’s Twitter Account

Ezra Klein argues that Sarah Palin’s Twitter account isn’t very popular. But that misses the point.

Don't Steal From Medicare to Support Socialized Medicine Don't Steal From Medicare to Support Socialized Medicine

Coates Ad: Obama Forcing Seniors into “Government Run Healthcare”

Dan Coates has an ad that makes a claim that should make your head explode.

When It Comes To Ideological Purity, Democrats Can Be As Dumb As Republicans

A call for ideological purity in the Democratic Party in today’s New York Times demonstrates that Democrats can be just as foolish as Republicans.

Nancy Pelosi Rewards Disloyal Democrats!

Nancy Pelosi is irritating some party stalwarts by funneling money into the campaigns of Democratic incumbents running ads against her.

Nancy Pelosi Gets ‘It’ Done

John Cole is ashamed that some House Democrats are running against Nancy Pelosi, given her effectiveness. It’s all a matter of perspective.

Democrats Running Against Pelosi

Some Democratic candidates for Congress are working hard to distance themselves from Nancy Pelosi.


Jim Treacher has coined a new term, Oprahturfing, to describe wealthy celebrities funding attendance at political rallies. While clever, the concept of “Astroturfing” is being misused by both sides.

Caption Contest Winners

The Castle Arrghhh OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Boehner Willing To Let Bush Tax Cuts Expire For Wealthiest Americans

The political fight over the extension of the Bush tax cuts took a very interesting turn today.

Democrats Preparing To Cut Losses In Vulnerable Races

Democrats are sending some of their candidates to the Death Panels.

Republican Backlash Hits Tea Party Endorsee Christine O’Donnell

The nation’s 2nd smallest state is becoming the biggest battleground between the Establishment GOP and Tea Party insurgents.

Tea Party Guide To D.C.: Avoid Green And Yellow Lines

The Tea Party is coming to Washington, D.C. on Saturday for a Glenn Beck rally and one travel guide is warning them to stay away from certain parts of the city. Subtle racism ? No, it’s common sense.

Most Sexist Ad Ever Isn’t An Ad

The webmaster of a local Republican chapter linked a YouTube video that implies Democratic women are ugly.

Strip Clubs Didn’t Bring Down the Towers

Strippers didn’t attack us on 9/11. Then again, neither did American Muslims.

Pelosi: Investigate Mosque Opponents

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, appearing on San Francisco’s KCBS radio, called for an investigation in the efforts to stop the building of a Muslim cultural center at the hallowed Burlington Coat Factory location blocks from Ground Zero.

Politics And The “Ground Zero Mosque”

President Obama’s decision to speak out on the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” has turned what was a hot-button cable news item into a political issue that even his fellow Democrats don’t want to deal with.

Worst Figures in American History

If you think Jimmy Carter is the Worst Figure in American History, you really need to read more.

Tea Party More Popular than Pelosi, but not the Democratic Party

Shockingly, the Tea Party as a generic movement is more popular than congressional leadership. Interestingly, the Democrats are still slightly more popular than the Tea Party and the Reps are in third.

Christiane Amanpour’s “This Week” Debut

ABC’s Sunday talking heads show has a new host. Is she a secret Taliban sympathizer?

Pelosi Dodges Is Afghanistan ‘Worth It’ Question

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi won’t say whether she thinks the war in Afghanistan is worth the increasing toll on American blood and treasure.

So Much For “Recovery Summer”

The latest GDP numbers are nothing but bad news for Democrats.