UK Retaliates for Russian Nerve Agent Attack

Theresa May has expelled 23 Russian diplomats and convened the North Atlantic Council.

Russians Behind Nerve Agent Attack on British Soil. Now What?

The British prime minister and outgoing US Secretary of State declared a red line crossed. There’s no reason to think this White House will follow through.

Collapse of the Global Elite?

Elliot Cohen laments the lack of steel in the spine of the statesmen, diplomats, soldiers, and thinkers of the current generation.

German Air Force Wants F-35; German Government Doesn’t

Pork barrel politics is complicating Germany’s replacement of its 1970s fighter jet.

Don’t Bother Searching For A ‘Trump Doctrine,” There Won’t Be One

When it comes to foreign policy, Donald Trump has no over-arching philosophy and little knowledge, so don’t expect anything approaching a coherent doctrine from his Administration.

Trumps Fails To Implement Sanctions Against Russia Passed By Congress

Once again, President Trump is going soft on Russia. Why? I’ll leave that up to the reader to decide.

The Myth And Dangers Of “No Daylight” Between The United States And Israel

The Trump Administration has acted in a manner to create the impression that there is “no daylight” between the United States and Israel. This is a myth, and pursuing such a goal poses real dangers for America’s national interests.

Donald Trump Reportedly Won’t Visit United Kingdom Unless Theresa May Bans Protests

Donald Trump is wildly unpopular in the United Kingdom, and that’s apparently causing him to eschew visiting the United States’s most important ally.

As Trump Withdraws Into Fortress America, The World Moves On

President Trump has alienated America’s allies and friends, and they are acting accordingly.

Trump Preparing For A Forever War In Syria

While everyone is paying attention to the government shutdown, the Trump Administration is preparing for a never-ending, unwise, and unauthorized military commitment in Syria.

Happy New Year From Outside The Beltway!

2017 was quite a year. 2018 promises to be just as interesting.

Trump’s Asian Trip Leaves Allies Wondering And Doubting

President Trump returns home from an Asian trip that wasn’t exactly impressive.

America’s Forgotten, And Forever, Wars

America has become involved in conflicts around the world, largely without the knowledge of the American people or the consent of their representatives, and it doesn’t appear that’s going to end anytime soon.

Report Says Tillerson Reportedly Called Trump A “Moron,” Considered Resigning

Tensions continue to rise between the White House and Foggy Bottom.

North Korea Threatens War As Trump Ups His Fiery, Irrational Rhetoric

Donald Trump’s increasingly confrontational rhetoric regarding North Korea is leading to similar rhetoric from the DPRK, and concern among top diplomats.

Stanislav Petrov, Soviet Officer Who Helped Avert Nuclear War, Dies At 77

Early on the morning of Sept. 26, 1983, Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov helped to prevent the outbreak of nuclear war.

Trump Administration Preparing To Stay In Afghanistan For The Long Haul

America’s longest war seems likely to soon turn into America’s never-ending war.

Catalan Independence Vote Set For October 1st, Propelling Spain Into Crisis

In less than a month, voters in the Catalan region of Spain will be voting whether to remain part of Spain or assert independence.

No, General Mattis Is Not Defying Trump On The Transgender Military Ban

Contrary to reports, Secretary of Defense Mattis is not defying the President on his order to bar transgender Americans from serving in the military.

Trump’s New Afghanistan Plan Sounds A Lot Like Obama’s And Bush’s Plan

Based on initial reports, Trump’s Afghanistan policy looks a lot like what we’ve seen for the past sixteen years.

Trump Aide Tried To Set Up Meetings With Russian Officials, Report Says

A new report indicates that Trump campaign officials were seeking contact with Russian officials earlier than we thought.

Trump Thanks Putin For Expelling 755 American Diplomats

Donald Trump kowtows to Vladimir Putin yet again.

Pence Endorses The Really Bad Idea Of Bringing Georgia Into NATO

Vice-President Pence is advocating the admission of Georgia into NATO. That would be a bad idea.

Trump Signs Waiver Of Law Requiring Move Of U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem

Despite campaign promises, President Trump won’t be moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem anytime soon.

Trump Reportedly Ready To Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Accord

Reports indicate that President Trump is preparing to fulfill a campaign promise and withdraw the U.S. from the accord on climate change reached in Paris in 2015.

Donald Trump’s European Vacation

Donald Trump’s first overseas trip went about as badly as you’d expect it would.

The Trump White House Shake-Up Begins

The Trump White House loses ts first major staffer, and more are likely to come.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Donald Trump’s Loose Lips

Donald Trump seems to have an odd habit of sharing highly classified information with questionable people.

Bombing At Ariana Grande Concert In Manchester, England Kills 22, Wounds Dozens

A night of carnage and depravity in the United Kingdom.

Trump To Keep Iran Nuclear Deal, For Now

During the campaign, Donald Trump promised to undo the nuclear weapons deal with Iran. Now his Administration is signaling that, at least for now, the deal will stay in place.

What’s Taking So Long For Trump To Name U.S. Ambassadors?

Donald Trump has been President for nearly four months, but has yet to name Ambassadorial picks for many slots including several important posts.

Trump’s Military Advisers Want Him To Expand America’s Longest War

America’s longest war is still going on, and President Trump’s advisers want him to continue his predecessor’s policies of continuing to re-expand American forces in a war that has seemingly no end.

Tensions Rise On Korean Peninsula As North Korea Threatens Another Nuclear Test

North Korea is threatening another nuclear test, the United States is threatening retaliation, and China is warning of a ‘gathering storm’ on the Korean Peninsula.

U.S.-Russian Relations Hit a New Low

It’s been a bad week for U.S.-Russian relations.

Montenegro To Become Member Of NATO For No Good Reason

The tiny Balkan nation of Montenegro is set to become the latest member of the NATO alliance despite the fact that there is seemingly no good reason for it.

ISIS Expanding Its Base In Libya Despite U.S. Attacks

Despite American air strikes, ISIS is expanding its power amid the chaos in Libya.

Lying Donald Trump’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

It may well be that the 25th Amendment, not the impeachment clause, will be his undoing.

Michael Flynn, Trump’s Former National Security Adviser, Was Working For Turkey

More conflicts of interest for the Trump Administration.

Mattis Right on NATO

My latest is out at RealClearDefense.

Trump To Propose Massive And Unnecessary Increase In Military Spending

Reports indicate that President Trump will seek to increase military spending. We don’t need to, and we can’t really afford it.

Trump Campaign Reportedly In Contact With Russian Intelligence During Campaign

The story about the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia didn’t start with Michael Flynn, and it isn’t going to end with his resignation.

Trump’s Defense of Putin

The President throws the US under the bus to defend Putin.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Cock-a-Doodle Do It My Way Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Rex Tillerson Confirmed As Secretary Of State

In a closer than normal vote for the position, Rex Tillerson has been confirmed as Secretary of State.

Sometimes History Doesn’t Repeat Itself

Ambassador Karlov is mostly likely not a modern day Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

ExxonMobil CEO Rex TIllerson Reportedly Trump’s Pick For Secretary Of State

The head of the biggest energy company in the world is reportedly Donald Trump’s pick for Secretary of State.