Opposition To Same-Sex Marriage No Longer A Winning Issue For The GOP

Opposition to marriage equality is no longer the wedge issue it used to be.

Generic Republican Ties Obama In New Gallup Poll, Actual Republicans Not So Much

President Obama isn’t unbeatable in 2012. but it’s clear even now that he’s going to be a far more formidable opponent than many Republicans seem to think.

Poll: Majority Of GOP Primary Voters Don’t Believe Obama Was Born In The U.S.

Four years after Barack Obama became a Presidential candidate, the birther myth not only persists, it seems to be becoming more prevalent. Why?

Who Will Be The 2012 Republican Nominee? Follow The Money

The 2012 GOP nominee will have to raise $300 million and assemble a top-notch staff.

Stupid Poll Tricks

Polls matching President Obama against potential Republican contenders are entertaining but not informative.

Newt Gingrich’s Women Problem

Newt Gingrich is very popular among young conservatives. But two ugly divorces will keep him from being a contender for the presidency.

Ron Paul Wins CPAC, Loses YAF

Ron Paul has won the CPAC straw poll for a second straight year. But YAF has voted him off its board over his opposition to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

On CPAC, Social Conservatives, And GOProud

On the eve of this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, another shot has been fired by those boycotting the meeting due to the presence of a gay conservative group.

Mitt Romney Wins N.H. Straw Poll, Ron Paul Second, Palin Fourth

It’s straw poll season already. First up, New Hampshire where things turned out about how you’d expect them to considering Mitt Romney lives there now.

Assessing The GOP 2012 Frontrunners: They All Stink

Once again, the frontrunners for the 2012 GOP nomination aren’t looking very good at all.

New Poll Numbers: Huckabee-Romney-Palin Top the GOP, Obama at 54%

The newest WaPo/ABC News poll numbers.

Civility to Republicans’ Advantage?

Now that Republicans have the House, wouldn’t they be better off playing nice?

The End Of Sarah Palin?

One columnist argues that Sarah Palin’s response to the Arizona shootings mark the end of whatever political future she might have had. He’s probably correct.

Late Start to 2012 Presidential Race?

By this point in the last presidential cycle, there were already 14 major party candidates who had publicly announced. There are zero today.

Rudy Giuliani Thinking About A 2012 Run? Why?

Rumors are floating that Rudy Giuliani is thinking about running for President again. All of America asks, Why?

Denounced As “Death Panels,” Funding For End Of Life Counseling Makes A Comeback

The seemingly sensible end-of-life counseling that was originally part of the Health Care Reform Bill is making a comeback.

Can Mitt Romney Win Republican Nomination?

New polling shows that Mitt Romney is well behind the Fox News candidates for 2012.

Boehner Pulling a Gingrich?

John Boehner’s whining about being called a “hostage taker” by President Obama is reminiscent of Newt Gingrich’s whining about being “snubbed” on Air Force One.

Conservatives Ponder The Sarah Palin Problem

Some on the right are beginning to realize that Sarah Palin’s popularity may cause a serious problem for the GOP in 2012.

Will The Class Of 2010 Repeat The Mistakes Of 1994?

The incoming freshman of the 112th Congress say that they won’t repeat the mistakes that Republicans made when they gained power sixteen years ago, but some of the advice they’re getting virtually guarantees it will happen if they aren’t careful.

Republican 2012 Nominee: Who It Won’t Be

While Tim Pawlenty and John Thune get high marks from insiders, they have next to no shot at winning the 2012 Republican nomination for president.

Mitch McConnell: Defeating Obama In 2012 Crucial To GOP Agenda

Mitch McConnell made clear today that he’s targeting Barack Obama for defeat in two years.

Romney, Huckabee, Palin Lead GOP Field For 2012

Despite votes in the 2010 contest still being counted, polls for 2012 are already pouring out. They’re largely meaningless.

Sarah Palin’s Twitter Account

Ezra Klein argues that Sarah Palin’s Twitter account isn’t very popular. But that misses the point.

Newt Gingrich Shows All The Signs Of Running In 2012

Newt Gingrich for President ? You might want to think twice about that, Republicans.

My Basic Theory of Sarah Palin

Yes, I think that Palin is running in 2012.

Democrats Running Against Pelosi

Some Democratic candidates for Congress are working hard to distance themselves from Nancy Pelosi.

Change in American Political Parties

If the Republicans win back Congress in November, it will be largely unearned. But that doesn’t mean that there’s no incentive for change in American politics.

Palin, Romney Lead In Early GOP 2012 Gallup Poll

Once again, Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin are at the top of the field in the GOP 2012 race, but that may not last forever.

The Fox News Primary

More than ever before in the past, Fox News Channel will be the exclusive medium through which many of the candidates for the 2012 Republican nomination communicate with the public. And that’s a problem.

House Republicans Unveil Underwhelming “Pledge To America”

In 1994, it was the Contract With America. In 2010, it’s the Pledge To America. But does it really mean anything regardless of what it’s called ?