Alaska Governor Says He Won’t Comply With Federal Health Care Law

Alaska Governor Sean Parnell says he won’t comply with any of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act, but his decision seems to rest of precarious legal ground.

Obama’s Propaganda Machine

The White House Press Office produces a blog, YouTube channel, Flickr photo stream, Facebook and Twitter profiles, and daily video programming.

Presidents Don’t Set Budgets; Congresses Do

We need to remember who actually sets the budget and, further, who is ultimtately responsible for the behavior of politicians.

Shirley Sherrod Sues Andrew Breitbart

Shirley Sherrod’s lawsuit against Andrew Brietbart promises to be an interesting test of the boundaries of defamation law in the political blogosphere.

Federal Budget Cuts That Exempt 65% of Spending

Ezra Klein dubs the Federal government “an insurance conglomerate protected by a large, standing army.”

Obama: We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Warrants

The Obama Justice Department says it can look at phone records without warrants or judicial oversight.

Toyota Cars Safe: Government Study

The Obama administration’s investigation into Toyota safety problems has found no electronic flaws to account for reports of sudden, unintentional acceleration and other safety problems.

Mubarak Out? Yes, But Not Necessarily Right Away

Hosni Mubarak may hang on to some semblance of power longer than many expected in the middle of last weeks chaos, mostly because there are few other alternatives right now.

Sarah Palin Puts Some Words Together About Egypt

Sarah Palin said something about the crisis in Egypt, but it’s not at all clear what she meant.

Obama Administration Discussing Plans For Mubarak’s Departure

The end game in Egypt may be beginning.

Report: Mubarak Will not Seek Re-election

Breaking news from CNN.

Egypt Balancing Act

Egyptians Upset With U.S. Response To Crisis

The United States is facing a serious public relations problem among the Egyptian people.

Supporting Democratic Aspirations of All People

The Obama administration’s slow and cautious response to Egypt’s protest was frustrating. And correct.

Anti-Government Protests Rock Egypt

Anti-government protests raged in Egypt for a second day, and nobody seems to know where they’re headed.

The Debt Ceiling Will Be Raised — Get Used To It

Demanding that the new GOP House hold the line at the current number is satisfying rhetorically, but all-but-impossible politically.

Midterm Grades: Barack Obama

Time for midterms.

Can We Please Stop Comparing Everyone We Disagree With To The Nazis?

Inevitably, the Nazis made an appearance during yesterday’s debate over health care reform in the House. It’s time for it to stop, or at least time for the rest of us to stop taking seriously anyone who resorts to such arguments.

Stuxnet A U.S.-Israeli Joint Effort?

The Stuxnet virus that has set back the Iranian nuclear weapons program by several years at least appears to have originated as a joint project between the United States and Israel.

Republicans Want to Ban Czars

House Republicans want to do away with the increasing number of “czars” in the White House.

Daley Pick As Chief Of Staff A Sign Of A New White House?

President Obama’s selection of Bill Daley as Chief of Staff is being seen as a sign that the White House is moving to the center and gearing up for 2012.

Obama May Bypass Guantánamo Rules

President Obama is likely to issue a signing statement in order to keep his Gitmo options open.

Debt Ceiling Vote Will Be The GOP’s First Test

Freshman Members of Congress are threatening to block a vote to raise the debt ceiling that Congress will have to take by this Spring. They’d be irresponsible if they did so.

Conservative Congressman Calls Obama Recess Appointments An “Outrage”

The reaction to President Obama’s recent recess appointments provide us with yet another example of bipartisan hypocrisy.

Does U. S. Support for NATO Serve a Strategic Purpose?

Does NATO membership serve a strategic purpose?

Time To Put Defense Cuts On The Table

With just over a week to go before the 112th Congress convenes, battle lines are already being drawn in battle over the defense budget.

International Sitrep

A capsule look at the world situation as 2010 draws to a close.

Denounced As “Death Panels,” Funding For End Of Life Counseling Makes A Comeback

The seemingly sensible end-of-life counseling that was originally part of the Health Care Reform Bill is making a comeback.

EPA Acts Unilaterally on Climate Change

Frustrated that it couldn’t achieve desired environmental legislation despite huge majorities in both Houses of Congress, the Obama administration has decided to govern by executive fiat.

White House Planning Major Staff Overhaul In 2011

The new year will bring major changes to the White House Staff.

FCC Adopts Net Neutrality Rules, Neither Side Happy

The Federal Communications Commission is using a statute from the 1930s to try to regulate the technology of the 21st Century. It’s a mistake.

ObamaCare’s Individual Mandate, And The Power Of Congress, Face A Test In Florida

The new health care law’s individual mandate was the subject of another bruising court battle yesterday, but the real question in the room was what, if any, are the limits on Congressional authority?