Veteran Diplomat Richard Holbrooke Dies At 69

One of the most active American diplomats of the past twenty-five years has passed away.

Federal Judge: Health Care Law Individual Mandate Unconstitutional

A Federal Judge in Virginia has handed the first legal defeat to the President’s health care reform package.

Peter Orszag and the Corruption Inherent in the System

Peter Orszag, President Obama’s first budget director, is headed to Citigroup and a multimillion dollar salary.

Obama’s Tax Cut Compromise: Masterful Politics, Or A Fatal Cave-In?

President Obama is already taking heat from the left for his compromise on tax cut extensions, but will it actually hurt him in the end?

Feds Block WikiLeaks From Own Workers to ‘Protect’ Info

The Obama administration is banning hundreds of thousands of federal employees from calling up the WikiLeaks site on government computers because the leaked material is still formally regarded as classified.

Palin: Obama Administration’s Incompetence in the WikiLeaks Fiasco

Sarah Palin has taken to her Facebook page to raise “Serious Questions about the Obama Administration’s Incompetence in the WikiLeaks Fiasco.” They’re more interesting than I’d expected.

Wikileaks Media Ethics Wikileaks Media Ethics

Classified Information and Journalistic Ethics

The two English language newspapers who have been Julian Assange’s accomplices in disseminating stolen secrets defend themselves.

Wikileaks Releases Diplomatic Cables, Revealing International Secrets

A new round of Wikileaks documents is out, and it opens the door on diplomatic correspondence previously hidden from the public.

Obama Seen As Biggest Impediment To Middle East Peace

Israelis and Palestinians don’t agree on much these days, but they do agree that Barack Obama hasn’t helped the peace process at all since coming to office.

New Plant Raises New North Korean Nuclear Concerns

North Korea has unveiled to the world a new nuclear processing facility that puts back on the table the question of just what we should, or can, do about the fact that a rogue state possesses nuclear weapons and wants to build more.

Bernanke’s Reply to China

The finger-pointing about the global economy continues.

Terrorism Show Trial Ends With Near-Complete Acquittal

The first civilian trial of a Guantanamo detainee ends with the Defendant being acquitted on all but one charge, and shows us why the entire process is little more than a show trial.

Afghan President: U.S. Should Reduce Military Presence

Hamid Karazi says that the United States needs to reduce it’s military presence in his country. Perhaps we should listen to him.

Earmark Reform Isn’t Just Symbolism

Eliminating earmarks is good policy and good politics.

Afghanistan: A War Without End

According to reports, the Obama Administration is set to abandon the July 2011 withdrawal deadline that was set earlier this year.

Bachmann v. Hensarling A Microcosm Of Internal GOP Battles

The race between Jeb Hensarling and Michelle Bachmann for Chair of the House GOP Conference is a microcosm for a battle that is likely to take place within the GOP for the next two years.

Geithner Briefed Jon Stewart

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner held a private, off-the-record meeting in comedian Jon Stewart’s office back in April. Speculation abounds.

Obama Backlash in Context

If the polling is anywhere close to accurate, a Republican wave will come crashing down today, repudiating the first two years of the Obama administration. What does it mean?

Young Voters Feel Abandoned By Obama

The younger voters that flocked to Barack Obama two years ago feel let down. They need to grow up.

One Polling Chart To Rule Them All

If you’re looking for a reason why the GOP is likely to do very well tomorrow, voter response to the “right track/wrong track” question is a very good guide.

No Permanent Victories in American Politics

Pundits and partisans constantly overreact to the momentary mood expressed in a single election. The Republicans have already rebounded from 2008. The Democrats will recover from 2010.

Stewart Rally Bigger Than Beck Rally?

215,000 people attended the “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” compared to 87,000 for “Restoring Honor.” Even if you believe the numbers, they don’t tell us much.

When Reading 140 Characters is too Big a Strain

It only seems fair to take an entire tweet, lengthy though it may be, into account when reacting.

The 112th Congress: A “Do Nothing Congress”?

Republicans are promising two years of gridlock and obstructionism if they take control of Congress, but is that really what the people who are likely to vote for them next week really want?

Karzai Corruption Includes Iranian Bribes

We already knew that Hamid Karzai was corrupt, now we know he takes bribes from the Iranians.

Government Unions, Not Chamber, Top Spender

The biggest outside spender in 2010 isn’t the Chamber of Commerce but the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.

Obama Cut Taxes? Really?

Remember that $400 tax cut President Obama gave you? Neither do 90 percent of Americans.

Who is Publius? or, Who’s Afraid of Anonymous Political Speech?

Reason’s Meredith Bragg and Nick Gillespie have a pretty amusing rejoinder to the Obama administration’s attempts to smear the anonymous funding of television ads opposed to their agenda in a video titled “Who is Publius? or, Who’s Afraid of Anonymous Political Speech?”

Obama To Blame For Anti-Muslim Sentiment? No, The Bigots Are

Who’s to blame for the rise in anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States, President Obama or those who have actually been encouraging bias against Muslims?

Wikileaks Didn’t Reveal That Many Secrets, SecDef Says

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates acknowledged in a newly released letter that the Wikileaks Afghan War document dump wasn’t as damaging as the Pentagon initially claimed. So what was the uproar all about?

Feds Will Not Honor California Voter’s Decision On Marijuana Legalization

California voters are two weeks away from possibly legalizing marijuana, but the Federal Government doesn’t care.

Obama Administration Asks For Delay In DADT Injunction

Only days after a Federal Court Judge issued an injunction preventing the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy from being enforced, Obama Administration has asked for a stay and announced that it will be appealing the case.

Federal Judge Allows Multi-State Lawsuit Against Health Care Reform Law To Proceed

A Federal Judge in Florida has handed a significant, albeit procedural, victory to the opponents of ObamaCare.

Barack Potter & the Chamber of Secrets

Desperate Democrats demonize donors, facts be damned.

Voters See Democrats As More Extreme Than Republicans

More bad news for Democrats as a new poll shows that voters are more likely to consider them extreme than Republicans.

Will A Republican Congress Impeach President Obama ?

Will a Republican-controlled Congress bring about the third Presidential Impeachment in American history? Jonathan Chait thinks it’s virtually certain that it will, I’m not so sure.

Federal Judge Enjoins Military From Enforcing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

A Federal Judge in California has struck another blow to the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. Now, the ball is in President Obama’s court.

Taxes and Incentives

Greg Mankiw argues that, the more of his money the government takes, the less incentive he has to earn more. That’s debatable.