Europe Terror Alert: CYA + Crying Wolf = ?

The State Department’s terrorism threat warning for Europe is probably meaningless. If it isn’t, it’ll be perceived that way.

OTB Radio – Tonight at 5:30 Eastern

Tonight’s topics: Democrats’ infighting, the continued Tea Party “takeover” of the GOP, the Obama administration’s following of its predecessor’s lead on executive power, and the degree to which America’s economic competition is fair.

Obama: School Choice For Me, But Not For Thee

President Obama’s recent comments about the D.C. Public Schools should raise a few eyebrows.

Obama Administration Invokes “State Secrets” Defense In Assassination Lawsuit

The Obama White House is asserting that the President has the authority to issue assassination orders against American citizens, and that no Court has the authority to review his decision. If that doesn’t worry you, it should.

Feds Seek Broad Authority To Wiretap Internet Communications

If the Obama Administration gets it’s way, your secure Internet communications won’t really be all that secure.

Federal Judge Orders Flight Nurse Discharged Under DADT Be Reinstated

While Congress continues to refused to act, another Federal Judge has struck a blow against the military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy.

Liberal Blogger Accuses White House Of “Hippie Punching”

The relationship between the Obama White House and the progressive blogosphere isn’t very good right now, and it’s a preview of what is likely to happen on the right if the GOP gets back in power.

Obama: “We Can Absorb A Terrorist Attack”

What’s so wrong with saying that America will survive even if al Qaeda manages to hit us again ?

Woodward Book Reveals There Is No Plan In Afghanistan

According to a new book from Bob Woorward, American policy in Afghanistan is the result of a decision making process that can only be described as chaotic at best.

Jon Stewart vs. Stephen Colbert

Jon Stewart has made the transition into the post-Bush era much more effectively than his protege, Stephen Colbert.

The High Cost of Immigration Enforcement

Both Congress and the Obama Administration have stepped up enforcement of immigration laws–at immense cost to both the budget and the courts.

Caption Contest Winners

The Obamawood Squares Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Gingrich Draws Fire For Remarks About Obama’s “Kenyan Worldview”

Newt Gingrich is drawing fire for his comments about that the President has a “Kenyan world view.” But, will Newt every pay the price for his inflammatory rhetoric ? Don’t count on it.

Kagan Recuses Herself From 21 Of 40 Cases SCOTUS Will Hear In 2010-11 Term

Elena Kagan has announced that she will not participated in the consideration of more than half the cases currently scheduled to be hear by the Supreme Court when it’s new term begins in October.

Obama Wins Executive Secrecy Case

The Obama administration has persuaded the nation’s most liberal appellate court that the executive branch’s right to secrecy trumps the rights of people claiming they were tortured by the United States Government.

Fifty-Six Days Out, A Tidal Wave Approaches

As the mid-term elections enter their final eight weeks, there’s more bad news for Democrats.

Bomb Iran ? No, That Would Be A Stupid Idea

Will Israel attack Iran ? You’d better hope not.

Hillary Clinton 2012 Ad Running

The first ad of the 2012 presidential cycle has aired, by some dentist touting Hillary Clinton. She’s not running. Could she?

Another Month, Another Anemic Jobs Report

The August jobs numbers may be “better than expected,” but they still aren’t all that great.

White House Considers Tax Cuts for Business

Facing a difficult economy and a very bad November, the Obama administration is considering a tax cut proposal to spur hiring.

So Much For The Illegal Immigration “Crisis”

The idea that we are in the middle of an illegal immigration crisis is not supported by the evidence.

Homebuyer Tax Credits: The Return Of A Really Bad Idea

After several months of bad housing sales, politicians in Washington are starting to talk about bringing back one of the worst public policy programs of the last two years.

Boehner To Obama: Fire Your Economic Advisers

House Minority John Boehner is getting a lot of attention for calling for mass firings at the White House. The real news, though, is that his speech is shifting the focus of the political conversation back to the economy. Which is just what the GOP needs.

Obama Administration Steps Back Into Israeli/Palestinian Quagmire

Once again, an American President is stepping into the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and, once again, he has no idea how to accomplish the goals he’s established.

Report: U.S. Convinces Israel To Back Down On Iran, Or Maybe Not

The New York Times is reporting that the Obama Administration has convinced Israel that Iran is much further away from developing nuclear weapons than Tel Aviv fears, but there seems to be something else going on here.

Maybe The Gulf Oil Didn’t Go Away After All

It’s beginning to look like initial reports that the Gulf of Mexico oil spill had been “cleaned up” may not be true after all.

OTB Radio – Tonight at 5:30 Eastern

Tonight’s topics: the Blagojevich verdict, whether lying about military awards should be protected speech, the politics of the Cordoba House project, the coherence or lack thereof of the Obama administration, and whether the United States should be more like Germany.

More Border Enforcement

Again, despite the rhetoric of some, the US does continue to enforce laws relevant to the border and, indeed, enforcement has been on the rise.

Obama: Don’t Raise Taxes During Recession

A year ago, President Obama was emphatically against raising taxes during the recession — even on the rich.

Obama’s Shadow War on Terror

Barack Obama has significantly widened his predecessor’s global war on terrorism, even if he’s no longer calling it that.

West Wingization of the West Wing

Senior staffers are already leaving the Obama administration due to burn-out. But are 18-hour days really necessary for running the White House?

What Happens If (When) Israel Bombs Iran

Every new report out of Iran seems to bring us closer to the moment when Israel has decided it’s heard enough. What happens if that day actually happens ?

White House Unloads On “Professional Left”

The White House seems to be getting annoyed at the criticism coming it’s way from the left.

Michelle Obama’s $ 375,000 Vacation

The First Family can go on vacation, but politics never does.

Sharron Angle: Conservative ? Or, Theocrat ?

Sharron Angle’s views about the role of religion in politics are disturbingly similar to those of people who believe that the Bible itself should be the law of the land.

Arabs Discouraged About Obama

This year’s Zogby poll of public opinion in the Middle East exhibits a marked shift on the Obama Administration, Iran.

Another Anemic Employment Report Confirms: No Recovery Summer

Another bad jobs report demonstrates that the “recovery” is an illusion for many people.

White House Dismisses Missouri Vote On Health Insurance Mandate

The Obama Administration is dismissing the results of a referendum in Missouri that purports to strike down health insurance mandates.

Obama’s War Policy Continues To Lose Support

The American military is on a mission in Afghanistan that the public is increasingly starting to question.

The Re-Invention Of Rand Paul

As the campaign in Kentucky heats up for the final sprint to November, Rand Paul seems to have succeeded in moving beyond many of the mis-steps that plagued him three months ago.

Federal Judge Denies Motion To Dismiss Virginia’s ObamaCare Lawsuit

A Federal District Court Judge has allowed a lawsuit against the Obama Administration’s health care reform law filed by the Commonwealth of Virginia to proceed.

Chevy Volt: Game Changer Or Electric Edsel ?

General Motors, and Barack Obama, are betting the future on a car that may be nothing more than an electric lemon.

So Much For “Recovery Summer”

The latest GDP numbers are nothing but bad news for Democrats.