Cable News Viewership Down Across The Board

Fewer Americans are watching cable news networks, and that’s not surprising.

Psyops Against Our Own?

Did a unit in Afghanistan engage in an IO operation against U. S. senators?

Iraqi Defector Admits To Lying About Saddam’s WMD Program

It turns out the Iraq War was indeed based, in part at least, on a lie.

Obama’s Propaganda Machine

The White House Press Office produces a blog, YouTube channel, Flickr photo stream, Facebook and Twitter profiles, and daily video programming.

Poll: Majority Of GOP Primary Voters Don’t Believe Obama Was Born In The U.S.

Four years after Barack Obama became a Presidential candidate, the birther myth not only persists, it seems to be becoming more prevalent. Why?

Let Mubarak Fall?

CNN’s Erick Erickson: Obama’s Arizona Moment Of Silence Intended To “Accommodate Atheists”

Yet more ridiculous political commentary arising out of the tragic shootings in Arizona.

Jared Loughner And The Sorry State Of Mental Health Care

There’s a lesson to be drawn from the tragedy in Arizona, but it isn’t the one the media is talking about.

Hollywood Lies About Plame

The editors of the Washington Post want you to know that “Fair Game,” the new movie about the Valerie Plame affair, is “Hollywood myth making.” Propaganda and lies is more like it.

Liberal Blogger Accuses White House Of “Hippie Punching”

The relationship between the Obama White House and the progressive blogosphere isn’t very good right now, and it’s a preview of what is likely to happen on the right if the GOP gets back in power.

Allegations Of Murder Mar American Mission In Afghanistan

A US military platoon was apparently able to target innocent Afghans for murder. Without senior commanders suspecting a thing.

Koran Burning Day Overreaction

Everyone from David Petraeus to Sarah Palin is speaking out against a nutbag pastor’s Koran burning event. While they’re right, they’re emphasizing the wrong message.

General Petraeus: “Burn A Koran” Day A Threat To U.S. Troops

The plan by one fringe church in Gainesville, Florida to burn copies of the Koran on September 11th is igniting fires of protest across the Muslim world.

President’s “Back To School Speech” Scheduled For Sept 14th

President Obama will be giving an address to schoolkids again this year. Stay tuned for the cries of “indoctrination !”

Islamic Radicals Citing Anti-Mosque Arguments In Propaganda

Not surprisingly, Radical Islamists are taking notice of the tone of debate in the United States over the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque.”

Associated Press To Staff: Don’t Call It The “Ground Zero Mosque”

The Associated Press tells its reports to stop using the phrase “Ground Zero Mosque.” That’s a good thing.

The Manufactured “Ground Zero Mosque” Controversy

How did the future of this former Burlington Coat Factory turn into a national political issue ? Well, it’s a rather interesting story.

Should Conservatives Be Embarrassed?

A growing number of conservatives are in dismay about the state of their movement.

Is The Right Losing Its Mind ?

American Conservatism has changed significantly since the days of William F. Buckley Jr. One former National Review editor says that it’s changed for the worse.

Balancing Secrecy and Democracy

“I don’t condone leaking secrets. But nor do I condone a policy that can only work in secret.” – Bernard Finel

Taliban Monkey Terrorists

The Taliban have a new secret weapon: Monkey terrorist soldiers.

Waterboarding and ‘Torture’ in the American Media

Did the American media cover up torture by the Bush Administration?

Horrible Quotes