Supreme Court Upholds Red Flag Law

A reasonable ruling clarifying a poorly-written prior opinion.

SCOTUS Strikes Down NY Gun Law

The 6-3 ruling broke down on predictable lines.

America’s Gun Problem is Here to Stay

The obstacles to fixing the problem are many.

Rittenhouse, Competence, and Crusade

A contrast in styles.

A Diminished, Surreal July 4th

The crowd for DC’s fireworks celebration was small but weird.

Supreme Court Hears Gun Rights Case But Likely Won’t Rule On Merits

For the first time in nearly a decade, the Supreme Court heard a significant Second Amendment case, but it is unlikely to rule on the merits of the case.

John Paul Stevens, Former Supreme Court Justice, Dies At 99

Just over nine years after retiring from the Supreme Court, former Associate Justice John Paul Stevens has passed away at the age of 99.

Trump Supports Amendment To Ban Flag Burning. He’s Wrong.

Donald Trump has endorsed a proposal by a Republican Senator to ban flag burning.

Terrorist Attack Kills 49 in Christchurch Mosques

Another white supremacist attack raises disturbing questions about our information environment.

John Dingell, Longest Serving Member Of Congress, Dies At 92

The longest-serving member of Congress in American history has passed away at the age of 92.

Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Second Amendment Case

For the first tine in nearly ten years, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case involving Second Amendment rights.

Memetic Warfare and Stochaistic Terrorism

America’s tradition of unlimited free expression increases the danger of violence.

Anthony Kennedy’s Right to Retire

A thoughtful liberal argues the Justice has “altered and destroyed his legacy” by allowing Donald Trump to appoint his successor.

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Civil Asset Forfeiture Case

We may finally get a ruling applying the Excessive Fine Clause to the states and limiting the ability of police to confiscate property.

Commission Set Up To Examine School Shootings Won’t Look At Role Of Guns

The Trump Administration’s School Safety Commission isn’t getting off to a very good start.

School Shootings No Longer Shock Students. It Shouldn’t Be Like This

We have a generation of schoolkids who aren’t even surprised when there’s a shooting at their school. That’s a problem.

Supreme Court Declines To Accept Yet Another Second Amendment Case

The Supreme Court has declined to accept yet another Second Amendment case for review, continuing a streak that goes back some eight years.

Federal Judge Upholds Massachusetts Assault Weapons Ban

Another Federal Court loss for gun rights activists challenging state laws banning “assault weapons.”

John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment

A proposal that has no chance of passing may harm the movement he’s seeking to help.

McMaster Out, Bolton In

Uh oh.

How The Reaction Of One Sheriff’s Deputy Rebuts The Arguments For Arming School Teachers

If a law enforcement officer with 30 years of experience can’t stop an active school shooter, what makes anyone think a teacher with a gun can?

Supreme Court Declines To Hear Yet Another Second Amendment Challenge To A State Gun Control Law

Continuing a pattern that has gone on for eight years now, the Supreme Court has declined to hear another appeal regarding a Second Amendment challenge to state gun control laws.

Are Mass Shootings a National Security Threat?

Phil Carter makes an interesting argument but he’s ultimately mistaken.

Supreme Court Declines Appeal Of Case Upholding Maryland Ban On Assault Weapons

The Supreme Court has declined to hear yet another Second Amendment case.

District Of Columbia Will Not Appeal Ruling Striking Down Concealed-Carry Law

The District of Columbia has decided not to risk an appeal of a lower court ruling striking down its restrictive concealed-carry law.

District Of Columbia Seeks Review Of Ruling Striking Down Concealed-Carry Law

Not surprisingly, the District of Columbia is seeking review of last month’s decision on its concealed-carry law by the full Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

Appeals Court Strikes Down District Of Columbia Restrictions On Concealed Carry Of Guns

A three-judge panel of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has struck down the District of Columbia’s restrictive concealed-carry law.

Supreme Court Declines To Accept Yet Another Second Amendment Case

The Supreme Court has once again declined to hear an appeal in a Second Amendment case.

Fourth Circuit Upholds Maryland’s Ban On So-Called “Assault Weapons”

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld Maryland’s ban on certain so-called “assault weapons,” but it’s unclear if the Supreme Court will even take up the case.

Donald Trump: “Second Amendment People” May Be Only Way To Stop Hillary Clinton On Judges

Did Donald Trump really suggest assassination as a political weapon, even as a joke? It sure sounds like it.

SCOTUS Declines To Review Case Challenging New York, Connecticut Gun Control Laws

Continuing a pattern that began six years ago, the Supreme Court has again declined to hear an appeal in a case involving a challenge to state gun control laws.

Court Of Appeals Rules 2nd Amendment Does Not Guarantee Right to Carry Concealed Weapons

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals deals a setback to the gun rights movement.

Court Declines To Hear Case Involving Chicago Suburb’s Assault Weapons Ban

The Supreme Court has declined to accept an appeal challenging a law barring certain types of so-called ‘assault weapons’ in a Chicago suburb.

Supreme Court Declines Review In Case Involving San Francisco Handgun Law

In a setback for the gun rights movement, the Supreme Court has let stand a San Francisco law that places tough restrictions on handgun ownership.

Federal Judge Bars Enforcement Of Restrictive D.C. Concealed Carry Law

A Second Amendment victory in the District of Columbia,

More Americans Support Gun Rights Than Gun Control, New Poll Finds

As the second anniversary of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School approaches, a new poll finds that more Americans support gun rights than gun control.

Federal Judge Strikes Down D.C. Law Barring Carrying Handguns In Public

In a logical extension of the Supreme Court’s decision in D.C. v. Heller, a Federal Judge has struck down D.C.’s law barring people from carrying handguns in public.

Ninth Circuit Strikes Down California Law On Carrying Guns In Public

Another Circuit Court finds that the Second Amendment protects a right to carry a weapon in public.

Nobody For Virginia Governor

The Richmond Times-Dispatch has endorsed “none of the above” for governor of Virginia.

Basic Truths on US-Mexican Relations

In fact, yes: the demand for drugs does come largely from the US.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Quark Side Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Liability Insurance for Guns

Would Liability Insurance Help Minimize Threats to Public Safety?

Is The Gun Debate Over?

Conor Friedersdorf contends “The U.S. Already Had a Conversation About Guns—and the Pro Side Won.”