America At 235

Some thoughts on the American experiment at 235 years and counting.

Bachmann, the Constitution, and Slavery

Bachmann’s views on the Founders and slavery are more significant than simply a question of how to classify John Quincy Adams.

Is The Debt Ceiling Unconstitutional?

Does a little known provision in the 14th Amendment make the entire debt ceiling debate irrelevant?

Bachmann and John Quincy Adams

Bachmann doubles-down on a problematic historical claim.

Looking to the Founders

Sandy Levinson suggests that there is a key lesson from the Founders that we ignore.

Rick Perry Advocates the Biblical Virtues of Keynesianism

Rick Perry makes a valid point about bringing the economy back to Biblical principles.

The First Memorial Day

David Blight recounts the story of the first Memorial Day.

Ron Paul’s Election Problem: The Issues he Supports

No, Ron Paul is not a viable candidate for president.

Health Care, the GOP Field, and Tribal Politics

How much of public opinion is about tribal political identification and how much is about the actual policies themselves?

WaPo’s Richard Cohen: Antebellum Republicans Should’ve Compromised On Slavery, Or Something

In a column about American Exceptionalism, a newspaper columnist makes a bizarre historical analogy.

Southerners Not Happy to Have Lost Civil War

So, some bright people are surprised at new polling showing that a significant minority of Southerners have not enthusiastically embraced their ancestors’ loss in the Civil War.

Francis Fukuyama on Origins of Government

Francis Fukuyama: “In the developed world, we take the existence of government so much for granted that we sometimes forget how difficult it was to create.”

Vikings Adrian Peterson: NFL Is “Modern-Day Slavery”

If you believe Minnesota Vikings’ Running Back Adrian Peterson, the NFL is a modern-day plantation and he’s a slave.

Does President Obama Apologize For America? The Facts Say No

It’s a Republican meme that President Obama has “apologized” for America repeatedly. The one problem with the meme is that there aren’t any facts to support it.

The New York Times Discovers That Corporate Speech Isn’t A Bad Idea After All

New York Times writer Adam Liptak discovers that a Supreme Court decision protecting “corporate speech” might not be a bad thing considering that he works for a corporation.

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter Five

Taking a dive into Mark Levin’s view of Federalism.

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter Two

The blogging of Mark Levin’s magnum opus continues.

When Compromise Is Immoral

150 years ago, President-Elect Abraham Lincoln was presented with a chance to avert Civil War. He passed it up, and we should be glad that he did.

Lee-Jackson Day And The South’s Continuing Confederate Fetish

It’s Lee-Jackson Day again in Virginia, and, once again, I find myself wondering why the South continues to honor a dishonorable legacy.

Blogging Liberty and Tyranny, Chapter One, Part One

I’m blogging Mark Levin’s Conservative Manifesto. Here’s part one…

Cleric Calls On Iraqis To Resist American “Occupiers”

Moqtada al-Sadr is back in Iraq, and it’s a good thing we’re on our way out.

Publisher To Delete “Racially Insensitive” Words From ‘Huckleberry Finn,’ ‘Tom Sawyer’

Just over 100 years after his death, Mark Twain’s two greatest novels are once again the subject of controversy.

History 101: Tariffs, Secession and the General Politico-Economics of Slavery

Those who argue that tariff increases, and not slavery, were the key reason for secession have some basic problems with the historical sequence.

The Problem that Barbour has Conjured

What the Haley Barbour situation illustrates is that we, as a country, have not fully accepted or dealt with our own past.

Haley Barbour Stupidly Reopens An Old Wound

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, who may end up running for President in 2012, has reopened wounds that finally seemed like they were closed.

Memo To South Carolina: Your Secession Is Nothing To Celebrate

150 years ago today a group of men gathered in Charleston, South Carolina and made one of the gravest mistakes in American history. They should not be honored for it.

Obama’s Tax Cut Compromise: Masterful Politics, Or A Fatal Cave-In?

President Obama is already taking heat from the left for his compromise on tax cut extensions, but will it actually hurt him in the end?

The 17th Amendment, Federalism, And Reversing History

Would returning to indirect election of Senators really have a significant impact on the growth of the Federal Government? Probably not.

Further Thoughts On The Repeal Amendment

Further thoughts on a rather radical proposed Amendment to the Constitution, prompted by a link from Instapundit.

Things not to Celebrate: Secession

Roughly 150 years ago, the CSA was born. Is this something worthy of celebration?

Worst Figures in American History

If you think Jimmy Carter is the Worst Figure in American History, you really need to read more.

Has The Internet Ruined Political Discourse ?

The Internet has given us many good things, but it’s also led to a decline in political discourse that we’d do well to reverse before it’s too late.

Is White Privilege A Myth?

Jim Webb argues that we should stop measuring diversity by race alone.

Does Harvard Discriminate Against Whites?

Rural whites are outperformed by Jews and Asians and passed over by blacks and Hispanics in the name of “diversity” by elite universities.