Iranian Proxies Kill Three American Soldiers

Further escalation is inevitable.

[Speaker of the House Mike Johnson] [Speaker of the House Mike Johnson]

Mike Johnson (Who?) for Speaker?

Could the fourth time be the charm?

House GOP Drowning [UPDATED]

In a bathtub?

Will Jim Jordan Bullying Backfire?

Will at least four Republicans have a spine?

Jim Jordan Wrestling His Way to Speaker [Updated]

The crazies are this close to a complete takeover.

House Leadership Crisis Continues [Updated]

Jim Jordan is trying to bully his way into office. It almost certainly won’t work.

Scalise Drops Out of Speaker Race. What Now?

The clown show still lacks a ringmaster.

“David Duke Without the Baggage”

Some thoughts on the Speaker contest.

Steve Scalise Nominated for Humiliation

McCarthy lost it. Turned in his gavel. You, guy, are number 1.

Could Kevin McCarthy’s Replacement be . . . Kevin McCarthy?

One of the worst movies in memory may be getting a sequel.

McCarthy Won’t Run For Speaker. Now What?

We won’t have Kevin to kick around anymore.

Pelosi Attack a Turning Point?

What will it take to end the cycle of violence?

Mass Shootings, Ideology, and Mental Illness

We know a lot less about the motives of spree killers than the public discourse suggests.

January 6th Yeah But-ism

Yes the riots were a disgrace but the Democrats . . . .

Capitol Riots Day 1 Analysis

An emotional day set the tone for the investigation.

Unmasked Stupidity in Congress

Speaker Pelosi and House Republicans are waging separate battles with science.

Liz Cheney’s Statement on Impeachment

The #3 Republican in the House will vote to impeach.

The Republican Party’s Shame

The Party of Lincoln went over the cliff like lemmings in support. It’s tough to see how they recover.

Liz Cheney For Senate?

It’s not clear if Congresswoman Liz Cheney wants to run for the open Senate seat in Wyoming. If she did, though, she’d be the prohibitive favorite.

Thrust Into An American Scandal, Ukraine’s President Dubbed ‘Monica Zelensky’

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky finds himself in he middle of an historic American scandal, and with a new nickname.

On A Day That Called For National Unity, Trump Reverted To Attacks And Division

On a day that called for national unity and empathy, President Trump couldn’t help but revert to form.

Second Circuit Reinstates Sarah Palin’s Lawsuit Against The New York Times

In a unanimous decision, a three-judge panel from the Second Circuit has reinstated Sarah Palin’s defamation lawsuit against The New York Times.

House Votes To Allow Contempt Proceedings Against Barr And McGahn

With the Trump Administration continuing to stonewall investigations, the House of Representatives is seeking to ramp up the pressure.

Liz Cheney Being Courted By House And Senate GOP

Liz Cheney can pretty much write her own political ticket right now.

House Votes 420-0 to Demand Public Release of Mueller Report

Sometimes symbolism is important. This is one of those times.

Nancy Pelosi To Trump: Cancel The State Of The Union Until The Government Reopens

Nancy Pelosi is “suggesting” to the President that the State of the Union be rescheduled for a time after the government shutdown ends, but it clearly seems like more than just a suggestion.

As Shutdown Continues, Republicans Begin To Fear Defections

As the shutdown drags on, Republicans are beginning to fear that members in the House and Senate may begin to fall away from supporting the President.

Solving Shutdown Crisis May Depend On What A “Wall” Is

Is it possible that the solution to the government shutdown is letting the President pretend he got funding for his border wall even though he didn’t?

Obamacare Court Victory Could Backfire On Republicans

Republicans scored a win in Court last week, but it seems likely to lead to a political loss in the long-term.

House GOP Doesn’t Have Votes To Fund Trump’s Border Wall

House Republicans reportedly don’t have the votes to fund the President’s border wall.

Trump Blames Media For Poisonous Political Rhetoric. He Should Look In The Mirror.

In the wake of attempted bombing attacks on people he has criticized, the President is blaming the media for poisonous political rhetoric. He needs to look in the mirror.

Trump Tweets Put Odds Of Immigration Reform In Doubt

The odds of an immigration bill passing the House were already low. This morning, President Trump pretty much guaranteed failure.

House Republicans Have No Idea What Direction To Take On Immigration

House Republicans are supposed to vote on one or more immigration bills this week, but can’t even agree what their policy should be.

House Republicans Put Forward DACA Proposal, Trump Immediately Rejects It

House Republicans put forward a plan to protect DACA beneficiaries, but President Trump appears to have doomed it already.

Democrats Moving Up In Generic Ballot Polls Again

After a period where Republicans seemed to be closing the gap, Democrats may be widening their lead heading into November.

Senate Committee Advances Bill To Protect Mueller, McConnell Vows To Block It.

Republicans joined with Democrats to advance a bill to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller, but it’s unlikely to go anywhere beyond that.

Will Ryan Be Forced Out Of The Speakership Before The Election?

Some Republicans are suggesting that Paul Ryan should be pushed out as Speaker before the November elections.

Paul Ryan Not Running For Re-Election

Paul Ryan won’t be running for re-election this year, opening up both a Congressional seat and a leadership spot.

Government Shutdown Likely Avoided Through September

This is no way to run a railroad.

Did Trump Really Move Left On Guns? Don’t Count On It

President Trump appeared to change positions on several gun control ideas, but he probably doesn’t mean it.

Prospects For Congressional Action On Guns Are As Dim As Ever

Despite the activism we’ve seen in the wake of the school shooting in Florida, it’s unlikely that we’ll see significant Congressional action on guns.

Federal Judge Dismisses Sarah Palin’s Lawsuit Against The New York Times

Sarah Palin’s lawsuit against The New York Times suffers a significant setback.

Roy Moore Likely Next Alabama Senator

The twice-removed Chief Justice is likely getting a promotion.

Trump Aides Nix Idea Of Going To Charlottesville

“Why the hell would we do that?” — White House official.

Sarah Palin Sues The New York Times For Defamation

Sarah Palin has filed a defamation suit against The New York Times alleging defamation in an Editorial linking her to the January 2011 shooting of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. From the facts alleged, she appears to have a good case.