F.B.I. Investigating Security Of Clinton’s Private Email Server

The F.B.I. seems to be looking in to just how secure. Hillary Clinton’s private email server was while she was Secretary of State.

Alcohol Tax Weirdness

Taxes on wine, beer, and spirits vary wildly from state-to-state and even within each state.

Man Complains Airline Made Him Pay to Sit Next to His Kid

We have unreasonable expectations for airlines.

Senate Renews, Modifies, Patriot Act

The Senate passed a bill that renews, and modifies, the Patriot Act

Clinton Foundation Discloses $26 Million In Contributions It ‘Forgot’ To Disclose Before

The Clinton Foundation has disclosed that there were $26 million in donations that it had failed to disclose while Hillary was Secretary of State.

Obama Administration To Take Steps To Cut Back On Police Militarization

President Obama is taking steps to reduce police militarization, but there’s much more that needs to be done.

Lindsey Graham Wants To Kill Americans Without Inconvenience of Trial

Lindsey Graham says that, if elected president, he would summarily kill anyone thinking about joining ISIS.

James Clapper Tells Congress He Testified Falsely Because, ‘I Forgot’

Director of National Intelligence now tells Congress that he testified falsely about NSA spying because he forgot the program existed.

Clintons Most Successful, Most Controversial ‘Power Couple’

A series of mini-scandals point to the conflicts of interest around the Clintons.

Hillary Clinton May Be Her Own Worst Enemy

Hillary Clinton’s political and personal baggage is likely to be a bigger problem for her than whomever her Republican opponent ends up being.

Two Hostages, Including One American, Killed In Raid On Al Qaeda Targets

An attack on al Qaeda outposts in January resulted in the death of two hostages, but also resulted in the death of two high value al Qaeda targets.

Hillary Clinton Faces New Revelations About Questionable Donations To Clinton Foundation

A new report ties undisclosed donations to the Clinton Foundation to a Russian company’s acquisition of controlling interest in a major uranium mining company.

US-Latin American Relations

Some thoughts on a column by Roger Noriega on the Obama administration and Latin America,

Report: Hillary Clinton Evaded Government Email While Secretary Of State

Hillary Clinton’s use of email while Secretary of State pretty much violated every Federal law and regulation on the issue.

DOJ Finds President Lacks Authority to Take Action He Took Next Day

The Office of Legal Counsel told the president Wednesday he couldn’t do what he did on Thursday.

Gruber: Politics, Hypocrisy, and Stupidity, Oh My!

Because no one, ever, has ever questioned the intelligence of American voters in extemporaneous discussions of politics.

President Obama Urges FCC to Make Internet a Utility

Obama proposes four ‘net neutrality’ rules.

Secret Service Director Resigns

An inevitable outcome for the head of a once proud agency.

113th Congress Set To Break New Ground When It Comes To Being Unproductive

The current Congress is on course to be the least productive in decades.

Implementation Of Europe’s ‘Right To Be Forgotten’ About As Absurd As You’d Expect

Judging by the early results, the so-called “Right To Be Forgotten” recently created by Europe’s highest court is creating more problems than it will solve.

Report: IRS Destroyed Hard Drives With Lerner Emails

Yet more adventures in bad records retention policy at the IRS.

IRS Says It Lost Two Years Worth Of Lois Lerner’s E-Mail

All of a sudden, the IRS announced it doesn’t have communications records it once claimed it did have.

Obama’s Cloudy Foreign Policy Vision

Once again, President Obama’s attempt to communicate a foreign policy vision falls short.

We’re 46th! USA!

Obama’s Kill Rules Keeping Obama From Killing

President Obama’s new rules for killing Americans with drones are proving inconvenient.

Justice Department and Prosecution of Glenn Greenwald

Does the Attorney General really think advocacy is a crime?

NSC Nonproliferation Director Fired for Tweeting

Jofi Joseph was unmasked as the obnoxious @NatSecWonk and fired by the White House.

The Obama Administration’s War On Leaks Chills The Press And Hurts The Public Interest

So much for the most transparent Administration in history.

Good Government Reforms Gave Us Bad Government

Recent anti-corruption measures have contributed to making American government worse.

Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run Un-Officially Began Yesterday

Yesterday, Hillary Clinton gave a speech that will most likely be remembered as the start of her 2016 Presidential campaign.

Senator Obama Warned About PATRIOT Act Abuses That Happened Under President Obama

President Obama is doing precisely what Senator Obama warned us about.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Chain Gang Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Obama’s Job Approval Numbers Take A Hit In Wake Of NSA Revelations

President Obama’s poll numbers seem to be suffering under the weight of nearly two months of scandals and/ media attention.

Poll: Gridlock Is The Biggest Problem With Congress

Congress gets bad grades in Gallup’s latest poll, and gridlock is the main reason

It’s About More Than Cell Phone Records, It’s About Liberty

The NSA’s data mining project is about more than just subpoenas for cell phone records.

Some Context on Turkey

Turkey has had along and ongoing struggle with democratic consolidation.

Virginia Governor’s Race Nasty, They Say

TIME says Cuccinelli vs. McAuliffe is “The Dirtiest, Nastiest, Low-Down Campaign In America.”

The Obama Administration’s Leak Investigations Threaten Press Freedom

The Obama Administration’s aggressive pursuit of leaks is threatening freedom of the press.

Obama’s Benghazi Problem Won’t Be Going Away Any Time Soon

The Obama Administration’s response to the Benghazi attack is approaching critical mass. It’s not going away any time soon.

McCain Going After Cable TV

John McCain is taking a break from advocating yet another war in the Middle East to make war against cable television companies.

Atlantic Council Awards Dinner 2013

Last night, the Atlantic Council honored Hillary Rodham Clinton, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, John S. Watson, Tony Bennett, and Juanes.

The Unanswered Question About Drones

Rand Paul’s questions about the nation’s drone war were only the beginning.