Sheldon Adelson Violated Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

The gambling mogul is self-reporting violations of the law against bribing foreign officials.

Supreme Court to Rule on Individual Contribution Limits

The Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether limits on contributions to political candidates is Constitutional.

Presidential Killing Powers Need Checks and Balances

“Killing Americans,” my latest for The National Interest, has posted.

Numbers Of Potential Future Lawyers Hits 13 Year Low

The Law School Bubble has imploded.

The Never Ending War On Terror

If you thought the War On Terror might be over, think again.

Young Voters Far Less Enthusiastic For Obama This Time Around

Younger voters are starting to become as cynical as the rest of us.

A Bipolar Night At The Democratic Convention

Depending on what time you watched any of last night’s proceedings in Charlotte, you got a very different experience.

White House Press Corps Bristles As Obama Limits Access

It’s been two months since the President has taken questions from the reporters who cover him.

Romney Campaign Adopts Risky “Take Off The Gloves” Strategy

The Romney campaign has apparently decided to be more aggressive in its attacks on the President, which poses serious risks for the campaign.

Campaign Spending, Free Speech, and Disclosure

The Koch brothers will spend more money in this election cycle than the entire McCain campaign did in 2008.

Whatever It Is, It’s Not Journalism

Reporters covering the 2012 election are letting the campaigns control what they report to a disturbing degree.

Governor Romney, Just Release The Tax Returns And Get It Over With

Mitt Romney’s intransigence over releasing more tax returns is politically stupid.

Bankers Still Unaccountable

Four years after the financial crisis tanked the global economy, bankers still put their interests above those of their customers, even to the extent of skirting the law.

Obama’s Assertion Of Executive Privilege And The Law

Is there any legal merit to the Administration’s invocation of Executive Privilege?

How Obama Became a Hawk

The president has come a long way from his days as a “liberal law professor who campaigned against the Iraq war.”

How SuperPACs Have Made Politics More Democratic

Far from being deterimental, there is a case to be made that SuperPACs have actually expended democracy during this election cycle.

Eric Holder: Yes, We Can Kill American Citizens Without Trial

Attorney General Eric Holder offered a somewhat alarming defense of the Administration’s policy on targeted killings.

New Twitter Policy Leads To Misguided Cries Of Censorship

Censorship or sound business practice?

Wukan Revolt Continues

Remember That Ban On Earmarks? Apparently, Some Congressmen Don’t.

The much celebrated ban on earmarks isn’t stopping Congressmen from trying to earmark.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Laws Against Stalking Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Jon Corzine Reportedly Used Influence To Hold Off Investigation Of MF Global

When the CFTC wanted to change a rule, Jon Corzine used his influence to stop them.

Perry And Cain On The Spot In Tonight’s Debate

Two candidates face a test tonight.

There Really Is A Death Panel

We’re learning more about the Obama Administration’s decision to kill Anwar al-Awlaki

Buffett Rule Hard to Follow

Making sure millionaires pay more tax than their secretary isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Should Your Salary Be Public Knowledge?

Daniel Indiviglio makes “The Case for Making Wages Public: Better Pay, Better Workers.”

White House Salaries

The Obama administration has released its report to Congress on what the White House staff makes. How you interpret it depends on your own economic status and your views of government in general and this president in particular.

Sarah Palin’s Emails

A quick glance provides some insights into Palin’s thought processes and leadership style.

Economic Horror Show

And even more bad news.

Disclosure Doesn’t End Conflicts of Interest

Requiring people with ethical conflicts to disclose them leads to more bad behavior, not less, a new study finds.

Transparency and National Security

Should transparency stop at the water’s edge?

Barack Obama’s Imperial Presidency

Like all Presidents before him, Barack Obama is asserting the right to virtually unfettered discretion when it comes to military matters.

Return of the Class System – Concierge Everything

Cruise lines are the latest to create separate enclaves for customers willing to pay more to escape the riffraff.

You Can’t Make the Government Perfect, But You Can Make It Better

It’s institutions of government – not its size – that matter when it comes to how good a job the government does.

Obama’s Propaganda Machine

The White House Press Office produces a blog, YouTube channel, Flickr photo stream, Facebook and Twitter profiles, and daily video programming.