500 Catholic Priests In Illinois Found To Have Abused Children, Report Says

A preliminary report from Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan found at least 500 Catholic Priests whose abuse of children had been covered up by Church officials.

Obamacare Court Victory Could Backfire On Republicans

Republicans scored a win in Court last week, but it seems likely to lead to a political loss in the long-term.

Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over Border Wall Funding

Once again, President Trump is threatening a shutdown over the border wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for.

Florida Senate And Governors Races Head To A Recount

Florida has begun the recount process in both the Senate and Governor’s races. Where it goes from here is anyone’s guess.

Is Sean Hannity A Cable News Host Or A Trump Propagandist? Apparently, He’s Both.

When do we stop pretending that Fox News Channel is anything other than State Run Media for the Trump Administration?

Trump Administration Allowing Saudis To Evade Responsibility For Khashoggi’s Death

As the Saudis continue to dissemble and put forward an utterly implausible explanation for the death of Jamal Khashoggi, the Trump Administration shows no sign of having a spine.

Trump’s Decision To Leave Reagan-Era INF Treaty Is A Foolish Mistake

President Trump is preparing to scrap a thirty-year-old treaty that marked the beginning of the end of the Cold War. It would be a foolish mistake.

Donald Trump The Saudi Apologist

President Trump is serving as a knowing apologist for a despotic regime.

Chicago Cop Convicted Of Second-Degree Murder In 2014 Shooting

Nearly four years after the fact, a Chicago Police Officer has been found guilty of murder in the shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald.

Elon Musk Sued For Fraud Over Aborted Plan To Take Tesla Private

The legal troubles for Tesla’s Elon Musk just got a lot more serious.

Judiciary Committee To Hold Hearing On Accusations Against Judge Kavanaugh

After a day of political pressure, Senate Republicans have agreed to hold a hearing regarding the sexual assault allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh next week.

Several States Opening Investigations Into Catholic Church Abuse Scandal

Several states are opening new investigations of the Catholic Church abuse scandal. It’s about time.

New Reading Environment?

Social media has altered the way writers and readers interact in odd ways.

Democrats Finalize Superdelegate Reforms

Democrats have pulled the trigger and essentially eliminated the power of superdelegates except in the unlikely event that a nominating convention goes to a second ballot.

D.O.J. Inspector General Finds No Political Bias In F.B.I.’s Clinton Email Investigation

The Department of Justice’s Inspector General found that former F.B.I. Director James Comey was ‘insubordinate’ in regard to the Clinton email investigation, but found no evidence of political bias at the Bureau.

Trump’s Nixonian Response To The Russia Investigation: ‘L’etat c’est moi’ (‘I am the state’)

President Trump’s attorneys have put forward a shockingly expansive view of the powers of the President.

The Cynical Truth Behind Trump’s Attacks On The News Media

The President’s constant attacks on the news media are meant for a single purpose, to undermine even accurate reporting about wrongdoing in his Administration.

Fallout from EU’s GDPR Continues

American companies are struggling to comply with the EU’s new privacy regulation, with many outlets choosing to simply block access abroad.

D.C. Circuit To Provide Live Audio Streaming Of Nearly All Argued Cases

One of the most prominent Circuit Courts of Appeal in the nation will begin live-streaming nearly all of their oral arguments.

Michael Cohen Once Threatened The Onion Over A Satirical Trump Article

Michael Cohen once threatened The Onion because it published a satirical article about Donald Trump.

Trump Acknowledges Reimbursement Of Cohen Payment To Stormy Daniels

President Trump’s latest financial disclosure finally acknowledges that he reimbursed Michael Cohen for the payoff to buy the silence of Stormy Daniels.

In Donald Trump’s World, “Fake News” Means Anything Negative About Him

For Donald Trump and his supporters, “Fake News” means any news that doesn’t shower enough praise on him.

Has Donald Trump Killed The Presidential Press Conference? It Sure Seems Like It

It’s been 441 days since Donald Trump held a full-fledged Presidential press conference. Does anyone care?

Rice Commission Issues NCAA Reform Recommendations

The Commission on College Basketball recommended an end to the one-and-done rule and other major reforms.

North Korea Halts Nuclear And Ballistic Missile Tests

The Kim regime has announced the end, for now, of its nuclear and ballistic missile testing programs. To understand why they made this concession, one needs to read between the lines.

Trump White House Requires Staffers To Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements

A new report confirms that the White House has indeed required staffers to sign non-disclosure agreements that are clearly not enforceable.

Most Dominant Athletes of the Last 20 Years

ESPN the Magazine has broken out the slide rule to rank the top athletes during its first two decades.

Justices Appear Skeptical Of Law Requiring ‘Crisis Pregnancy Centers’ To Provide Information About Abortion

The Supreme Court appears ready to strike down a California law requiring Crisis Pregnancy Centers to provide information on abortion.

BBC Pays John McEnroe 10 Times What it Pays Martina Navratilova

It may be time for transparency on pay structures so employees know what others in comparable positions are making.

Some Maryland Legislators Want To Require Candidates For President To Release Taxes

Maryland’s legislature is considering a law that would require candidates for President to release their tax returns. It’s probably not Constitutional.

Google Not Required to Vet Websites for Defamatory Content

A German court has ruled that the EU’s “right to be forgotten” does not require search engines to verify sites are free from malicious content before listing them.

Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Admits Paying Off Porn Star Alleged To Have Affair With Trump

Donald Trump’s lawyer admits to making a six-figure payment on the eve of the 2016 election to a porn star that Trump was alleged to have had an affair with. That just raises a host of other questions.

Israeli Police Recommend Charges Against Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli police have recommended that charges be brought against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Whether that damages him politically remains to be seen.

Trump Blocks Release Of Democratic Rebuttal To Nunes Memo

Donald Trump has blocked the release of a memo prepared by House Intelligence Committee Democrats to rebut the Nunes memo. It’s hard not to see this as a blatantly partisan move.

What If Clinton Had Done What Trump Is Accused Of?

Imagine a world where Hillary Clinton was President and stood accused of the same things Donald Trump and his campaign are currently under investigation for.

The Case For Bringing Back Earmarks

It’s been seven years since Congress eliminated earmarking, and what we’ve seen has provided good evidence for the argument that it should never have been eliminated.

White House Aides Using Personal Devices, Private Email For Official Communication

While there are real differences between what’s being reported about White House officials such as Jared Kushner and what Hillary Clinton did, the charge of hypocrisy is well-founded.

White House Under Siege As Russia Revelations Continue

Six months of revelations about ties to Russia is taking its toll on White House staffers.

Can States Require Candidates For President To Release Tax Returns? Probably Not.

States are considering laws that would require candidates for President to release their tax returns, but such laws are probably unconstitutional.

Trump Declares War On House Freedom Caucus

Donald Trump has basically declared war on the people who blocked the AHCA from passing last week.

House GOP Votes To Gut Independent Congressional Ethics Board (Update: GOP Pulls Rules Change At Last Minute)

On the eve of the 115th Congress, House Republicans voted to gut a key office charged with investigating Congressional ethics.

President Trump’s Unprecedented Conflicts of Interest

The incoming president’s business interests are a yuuuge problem.

Anyone But Trump

Even if you’re not sure who you should vote for, it’s obvious who you shouldn’t vote for.

Clinton Health Scare Raises Questions

Clinton stumbles and leaves an event early, leading to the news that her campaign has been withholding health information from the press.

Clinton Cleared Legally, But Her ‘Extreme’ Carelessness Will Follow Her To The White House

Hillary Clinton’s extreme carelessness with classified information probably won’t cost her the election, but it should.

In Latest Attack On A Free Press, Donald Trump Denies Credentials To The Washington Post

Donald Trump continues his war on freedom of the press and reporters who cover him critically by barring The Washington Post from covering campaign events.