Welcome to Wisconsin (A Division of Koch Industries)

A Welcome to Wisconsin sign with another sign saying “A Division of Koch Industries” is going around Twitter.

Twitter Standard Time

The CNN Effect has given away to Twitter Standard Time.

Gmail Smart Labels

Gmail has introduced another feature to help people deal with inbox overload: Smart Labels.

Charlie Sheen Symbolizes Western Decadance

An op-ed by a Hao Leifeng in China’s Global Times argues that “Actor Charlie Sheen is a classic example of the difference in Western and Eastern values and norms.”

Charlie Sheen Fired from ‘Two and a Half Men’

Charlie Sheen was the highest paid sitcom actor on the planet. Until a few minutes ago:

Charlie Sheen’s Women

Why is Charlie Sheen seen as likable despite his serial abuse of women?

James Franco Does It All

James Franco is a film director, screenwriter, painter, author, performance artist and actor. And working on a PhD at Yale.

Rolling Stone PsyOps Colonel Not PsyOps Trained

LTC Michael Holmes, the fellow who accused LTG William Caldwell of ordering him to perform psychological operations on Members of Congress, is not trained in psyops.

What Should The U.S. Do About Libya? Most Americans Say Nothing

Calls are coming from both sides of the aisle for the U.S. to do “something” about the situation in Libya. It would be better if we didn’t get involved.

Wisconsin Protesters Bizarro Tea Party?

Is Jon Stewart a useful idiot?

Real Doctors, Fake Notes

Either Andrew Breitbart controls the entire media complex or Crooks & Liars jumped the gun. “Figure it out.”

Want A Job: Give Us Your Facebook Password

Should employers be allowed to ask for your Facebook login as a condition of employment?

Is Email Dead?

Is social media killing electronic mail?

Virginia Families Sue Over Ten Commandments In Classrooms

A county in the far southwest corner of Virginia is the latest battle ground in the ongoing battle over the separation of church and state.

The ‘Lara Logan Deserved It’ Meme

Prominent commentators on the Left and Right are amused by an outrageous assault on CBS reporter Lara Logan.

Nir Rosen Lara Logan Twitter Controversy

Tweeting feels like IM’ing but it’s more like blogging.

Obama’s Propaganda Machine

The White House Press Office produces a blog, YouTube channel, Flickr photo stream, Facebook and Twitter profiles, and daily video programming.

Search Engine Optimization Dirty Secrets

JCPenney used black hat SEO to game Google. But Google’s penalties are arguably just as bad. And what about HuffPo?

Mubarak Resigns, Military Now Runs Egypt

Hosni Mubarak has stepped down — for reals this time.

Stop Us Before We Eat Again: The Case Against Food Paternalism

They’re from the government, and they’re here to take that tasty snack out of your hands.

Did Obama Sell Out Our Closest Ally To Get New START?

A new Wikileaks revelation indicates that the U.S. may have paid a heavy price to get a deal on New START.

An Intelligence Failure In The Middle East?

Some in Washington are claiming the intelligence community missed the warning signs of unrest in Tunisia and Egypt in what looks like little more than an effort to create scapegoats if things go wrong.

Kenneth Cole’s Cairo Tweet

Kenneth Cole used a tongue-in-cheek reference to the Cairo protests to promote its new spring collection.

Violence Continues To Rage In Cairo

Egypt entered a second day of chaos with all signs pointing to things getting worse before they get better.

Why American News Networks Stink

Al Jazeera English is kicking the butts of the American news networks on the Egypt story. Why?

Is Internet Access A Human Right?

The events in Egypt have led some to ask if the mere act of cutting off access to the Internet is, in itself, an human rights violation.

Supporting Democratic Aspirations of All People

The Obama administration’s slow and cautious response to Egypt’s protest was frustrating. And correct.

Blogging 101

Some thoughts on why certain topics get blogged.

You Can Never Please A Palin Supporter

The same people who were complaining a week ago that the media was obsessed with Sarah Paln are now complaining that a media figure has suggested she doesn’t deserve the coverage she gets.