
Didn’t we just talk about this?

Diagnosing The Odd Relationship Between Sarah Palin And The Media

The American media and Sarah Palin have developed an odd symbiotic relationship, and it’s unlikely to change anytime soon.

Sarah Palin Blasts Media For “Blood Libel” Against Her Over Arizona Shootings

Sarah Palin released a statement today about the Arizona shootings and the debate that has followed. It’s unlikely to help her.

“Heated Political Rhetoric” And The Giffords Shooting

The tragic shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 19 others in Arizona has started another debate about political rhetoric. It’s a stupid debate, and it’s utterly pointless.

The Palin “Target” Graphic

Graphic by Sarah Palin’s PAC had Gabriel Giffords’ district in the crosshairs

In (Partial) Defense of Ezra Klein

I don’t like it when things my allies say are misquoted and attacked; it’s no better when my allies do it.

Of Blizzards And Political Firestorms

Cory Booker, Michael Bloomberg, and Chris Christie have been in the news this week due to the political fallout over their handling of the East Coast blizzard.

Natural Monopolies

Christmas Tree Tweets

A Christmas tree tweets.

No, Net Neutrality Is Not A Government Takeover Of The Internet

Contrary to current conservative talking points, Net Neutrality is not a nefarious government scheme to takeover the Internet, but is aimed to address a real problem. Like most ideas that involve the government, though, it doesn’t really address the real source of the problem; not enough freedom

Email Use Falling Among Younger Internet Users

Younger users are moving away from email as a way to communicate with others, and toward more instant forms of communication like text messaging and Twitter.

DADT Repealed

The Congress has passed a repeal of DADT.

Feds Force Bank to Remove ‘Merry Christmas’ Sign

Fed examiners made a bank take down a “Merry Christmas, God With Us” sign. Then the “system” kicked in.

ObamaCare and the Lexicon of American Politics

Is “ObamaCare” a slur or a breezy and descriptive nickname?

Conservatives For Higher Taxes

Politics makes for strange bedfellows and, when it comes to the debate over the extension of the Bush tax cuts, anti-tax Republicans are making common cause with soak-the-rich progressives.

Stockholm Terrorist Attack

Is the West’s string of luck about to end?

Mr. Sanders Goes To Washington

Bernie Sanders took to the floor of the Senate yesterday to rail against President Obama’s tax cut deal. It was history in the making, but it’s not clear that it actually accomplished anything.

Obama Defends Tax Cut Deal As Democrats Signal Opposition

Amid signs that Democrats in Congress might rebel against the tax cut deal he struck with Republicans, President Obama took to the airwaves today to defend it at the same time that his base is rebelling against it.

Americans Mad As Hell, Still Going to Take It

After days of hype, National Opt-Out Day fizzled. It’s a classic collective action problem.

From “Don’t Tread On Me” To “Don’t Touch My Junk”

Are the American people finally waking up to the absurdity of TSA security theater? One can only hope they are.

Sarah Palin: I Am Engaged In Deliberations About Running For President

Yet another sign that the GOP’s biggest nightmare may actually end up coming true.

MSNBC Lifts Olbermann Suspension

The two episode suspension of Keith Olbermann lends credence to the theory that the whole thing was a publicity stunt designed to support MSNBC’s assertion that its opinion shows are somehow more pure than the shows on FOX.

Running For Office Someday? Your Facebook Page May Say Otherwise

Those images on your Facebook page may come back to haunt you if you decide to run for office someday.

Nancy Pelosi Staying as Minority Leader

Nancy Pelosi is strongly considering staying in Congress as Minority Leader. It’s her job if she wants it.

Sarah Palin’s Twitter Account

Ezra Klein argues that Sarah Palin’s Twitter account isn’t very popular. But that misses the point.

Newt Gingrich Shows All The Signs Of Running In 2012

Newt Gingrich for President ? You might want to think twice about that, Republicans.

When Reading 140 Characters is too Big a Strain

It only seems fair to take an entire tweet, lengthy though it may be, into account when reacting.

Campaign Blogger Relations Etiquette

Being a political blogger during election season is getting to be rather infuriating, especially if all you want to do is check your email.

“Princess Sarah” Causing Frustration Among Some Republicans

Sarah Palin is causing headaches among fellow Republicans regarding her 2010 endorsement activities.

Palin: Party Like It’s 1773

Sarah Palin and the Tea Party aren’t as clueless as their detractors think.

Chinese Dissident Dedicates Nobel Peace Prize To Tianamen Square Victims

Nobel Laureate Liu Xiaobo has dedicated his Nobel Peace Prize to the victims of the June 1989 massacre in Tianamen Square. Proving again that the events of that day still live on in the memory of many Chinese people.