The Twitter Trap?

Has technology robbed us of more than it’s given in return?

Will Video Chat Take Off?

Video calling is becoming widely available. Will it become as common as talking on the phone?

Twitter As Breaking News Source

Sunday’s announcement of the death of Osama bin Laden was the latest example of how Twitter has become the go-to source for “Breaking News.”

The First GOP Debate: Clash Of The Pygmies

Last night’s Presidential Debate in South Carolina was interesting, but, in the end, not very important.

Ranking The Pundits

A study shows that most national columnists and talking heads are about as accurate as a coin flip.

Pakistani Man Unwittingly Live-Tweets Raid That Killed bin Laden

A Pakistani man named Sohaib Athar unwittingly became part of history in the early hours of Sunday morning when he started telling twitter about some odd events in Abbotabad, Pakistan

Osama bin Laden’s Death News Broken on Twitter

Keith Urbahn, chief of staff of former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, broke the news.

Worst American: Palin or Trump?

A respected liberal blogger thinks Sarah Palin and Donald Trump are the most appalling Americans of our time.

King & Spalding Withdraws From DOMA Defense. Thuggery? No, Just A Business Decision

A major law firm has withdrawn from defending DOMA in Court, and a public controversy has erupted.

Disadvantages of an Elite Education

While elite schools confer many advantages on their graduates, they also wall them off from normal people and create an entitled, out-of-touch elite.

Barack Obama Pirate Photo

Barack Obama dressed as a pirate

Sarah Palin Lambastes House GOP, Tells Republicans To “Fight Like Girls”

Sarah Palin was back speaking to a Tea Party crowd yesterday, but it just doesn’t seem like matters anymore.

Andrew Bacevich: Three Harpies?

Andrew Bacevich refers to Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Samantha Power as “the Three Harpies.”

The Obama Administration Wants To Read Your Email (Without A Warrant)

The Obama Administration is resisting efforts to expand Fourth Amendment protections to services like Gmail. That’s unfortunate.

Dump Trash at Boehner’s Place

Why in the hell are Federal taxpayers footing the bill for residential trash collection in DC?

Paul Ryan Unveils Plan To Cut Federal Spending By $6 Trillion Over Ten Years

Paul Ryan unveiled an ambitious plan to cut the deficit today. The question is whether it will be the beginning of a debate, or an opportunity for Democratic demagoguery

GE Paid Taxes in 2010 After All

The story that GE paid zero taxes last year despite mega-billion dollar profits is completely untrue.

Terry Jones Not Responsible For Afghanistan Rampage

If we allow the possible reaction of the most dogmatic, evil people who might hear the message to govern our expression, we don’t have freedom at all.

GE Pays Zero Taxes: Hate the Game, Not the Player

GE made $14.2 billion in profits last year but paid zero corporate taxes to the United States Government. Legally.

Radley Balko Joins HuffPo Collective

Radley Balko and his blogs are moving to Huffington Post.

The Intervener’s Dilemma

There are many opportunities to go to war. Here’s a guide for choosing between them.

Vikings Adrian Peterson: NFL Is “Modern-Day Slavery”

If you believe Minnesota Vikings’ Running Back Adrian Peterson, the NFL is a modern-day plantation and he’s a slave.

The “Is Economics a Science” Debate, from a Darwinian Perspective

Evolution is falsifiable and biology is a science. Economics might be.

Simplest Possible NCAA Bracket

Simplest possible NCAA Tournament bracket

New York Times Announces Paywall Rates To Begin March 28th

In less than two weeks, much of the content of The New York Times will go behind a paywall.

Gilbert Gottfried Fired From Aflac After Japan Tweets

Comedian Gilbert Gottfried is the latest idiot celebrity to damage their career on Twitter.