Collegiate Prank Leads To Suicide

Three lives intersected last week at Rutgers University, but one person didn’t make it out alive.

Meghan McCain Busted By Own Tweet

Meghan McCain canceled an appearance at Juniata College with only three days’ notice, citing “several unforeseen professional responsibilities.” She tweeted that she was “headed to sin city with my favorite crew of sinners instead.”

Facebook’s Business Model

Facebook’s 26-year-old founder, Mark Zuckerberg, is one of the wealthiest men in America. Most of his work force is unpaid.

Obama: “We Can Absorb A Terrorist Attack”

What’s so wrong with saying that America will survive even if al Qaeda manages to hit us again ?

Howard Fineman to HuffPo

In yet another sign of how rapidly the media landscape is changing, longtime Newsweek stalwart is leaving for the Huffington Post.

Justice Breyer: Laws Against Koran Burning May Not Be Unconstitutional

In comments this morning, Justice Stephen Breyer seemed to suggest that Koran burning might not necessarily be Constitutionally protected.

Dirty, Sexy Politics a Dreadful, Selfish Crime

It is impossible to read Dirty, Sexy Politics and come away with the impression that you have read anything other than the completely unedited ramblings of an idiot.

Instapundit’s Initial Take On 9/11

Taking a short trip back in time via Instapundit’s archives reveals a September 11th post that turned out to be prophetic.

Washington Post Columnist Falls For Twitter Fake Congressman Parody

The Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart is suffering a little New Media embarrassment after writing a blog post based on comments by a Congressman who doesn’t exist.

Blog Comments a Tragedy of the Commons

Comments sections on larger blogs seem inevitably to turn into cesspools. Is it worth trying to stop it happening?

More Hate Crimes Against Christians Than Muslims!

Did you know that more Christians than Muslims were victims of hate crimes in America? Did you also know that there are a lot more Christians? Oh. Never mind, then.

AP to Credit Bloggers

The AP will now start mentioning bloggers whose work they use in their stories. Fat lot of good that will do.

Obama the ‘Cotton-Picking President’

CNN’s Rick Sanchez has apologized after referring to Barack Obama as the “cotton-picking president of the United States,” which some have termed “racially tinged.”

Alaska Libertarians Say No To Murkowski Bid

Lisa Murkowski’s one chance at political survival if she loses the ongoing vote count in the Alaska GOP Senate Primary has gone out the window.

Social Network Omissions Reveal More Than You Think

Your Tweets, Facebook wall posts, and FourSquare announcements obviously provide a lot of insights into your life. But so does what you’re not posting.

Boehner To Obama: Fire Your Economic Advisers

House Minority John Boehner is getting a lot of attention for calling for mass firings at the White House. The real news, though, is that his speech is shifting the focus of the political conversation back to the economy. Which is just what the GOP needs.

Breaking: Twitter Doesn’t Matter

Technology guru Leo Laporte had been using Google Buzz to aggregate his social media presence for a few weeks and discovered that his feed had stopped going out and discovered that nobody gave a damn.

Palin Taking Heat For Defense Of Dr. Laura

Sarah Palin’s decision to jump to the defense of “Doctor” Laura Schlessinger has many Republicans confused as to what her plans for the future are.

Web Is Dead – Long Live the Internet?

Wired proclaims, “The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet.” It’s great linkbait but completely wrongheaded.

Is The GOP Anti-Islamic ? No, But They Are Playing With Fire

The GOP is playing a dangerous game with the anti-Islamic rhetoric that it seems to be courting these days.

Obama’s Shadow War on Terror

Barack Obama has significantly widened his predecessor’s global war on terrorism, even if he’s no longer calling it that.

SiteMeter Bleg

My SiteMeter statistics have suddenly become much less useful. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Blog-Media Convergence

Blogs are all grown up now and indistinguishable from other online media.

Should Conservatives Be Embarrassed?

A growing number of conservatives are in dismay about the state of their movement.

Has The Internet Ruined Political Discourse ?

The Internet has given us many good things, but it’s also led to a decline in political discourse that we’d do well to reverse before it’s too late.

Internet As Your Permanent Record

If it’s online, it’s forever.

#ATTFAIL Hashtag

The inside story about a crappy wireless network’s loveless marriage with a beauty queen phone.

Facebook Most Popular, Most Annoying Site

While people keep flocking to Facebook in droves, the site has the lowest satisfaction rating of any e-business site.

Seat Hogs: Subway Villains?

WaPo’s Breaking News Blog highlights a story that is, well, hardly breaking news: inconsiderate people on the DC subway.

Malapropisms, Manhattan Mosques, And Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin tweeted, and took the wrong side in a story that doesn’t even deserve to be a controversy.

McChrystal’s Team America

Stan McChrystal’s boys had “Team America” patches made up.

Republicans Ready To Repeat The Same Mistakes All Over Again

If Jon Kyl’s recent comments are any indication, Republicans haven’t learned their lesson just yet.

Headlines as News Content

News headlines are increasingly divorced from the article content, with serious connotations for a nation of skimmers.

Managing Online Relationships

What do you do when you’ve reached Twitter Terminal Velocity?

Social Media Sharecroppers

We’re all unpaid employees of Facebook.

Sarah Palin, One Year Later

One year ago today, Sarah Palin resigned as Governor of Alaska after only 2 1/2 years in office.

Day One Of Kagan Hearings Fail To Excite, Or Educate

Miss yesterday’s opening round of the Kagan hearings ? You didn’t miss much.