Posts by Steven L. Taylor

Steven L. Taylor
About Steven L. Taylor
Steven L. Taylor is a Professor of Political Science and a College of Arts and Sciences Dean. His main areas of expertise include parties, elections, and the institutional design of democracies. His most recent book is the co-authored A Different Democracy: American Government in a 31-Country Perspective. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas and his BA from the University of California, Irvine. He has been blogging since 2003 (originally at the now defunct Poliblog). Follow Steven on Twitter

This Moment in Time

The Trump administration’s approach to immigrant children is a serious test of our national morality.

Colombia to the Polls

Colombia is currently choosing its next president.

More Evidence of a Russian Offer of Dirt on HRC

The offer was made to Roger Stone.

Mark Sanford Loses Nomination Bid

His criticism of President Trump appears to have been a key reason.

Another Question for Trump Supporters

European alliance and Russian goals edition.

Winging it is not a Smart Foreign Policy Tactic

And yet, Trump seems to think his gut is all he needs. This will not end well with North Korea, nor the G-7 (or any number of other things).

On the Appropriation of National Symbols

Trump’s withdrawal of his invitation to the Philadelphia Eagles is just another example of his populistic nationalism. (And it isn’t healthy).

Some Questions for Trump Supporters

Trump’s suggestion to include Russia again in a new G-8 makes me wonder about a couple of things.

The (Lack of) Preparation for the North Korea Summit

“Winging it” isn’t how foreign policy should be made.

The US, Russia, and the EU

The actions of the Trump administration are helping Russian-EU relations (to the detriment of the US).

A PSA on California’s Top-Two “Primary”

It isn’t a primary and it is an illustration of how electoral rules affect behavior.

A Photo for Friday (Well, Sunday): “Somber”

Two days late, but here it is.

The Trump Administration and the Press

The numbers suggests that the administration isn’t too interested in talking.

Juxtaposing US Policy Towards Iran and Korea

The President and the Secretary of State had some oddly contradictory statements this week.

And Reality Rears its Head in Korea

It was never going to be as easy as the administration thought.

A Photo for Friday: “Final Goal”

Not only is it Saturday, but this is a diversion from normal entries.

Return to the Axis of Evil: The Legend of Curly’s Gold

Does the administration know what it is doing?

Kerry Seeks to Preserve Iran Deal

The former SecState is engaging in some shadow diplomacy.

The “Post-Truth” Era?

General (Retired) Michael Hayden has some harsh, and concerning, criticisms of the Trump administration.

Are we Really on the Brink of a New Era in Korea?

There are reasons to be skeptical about the dawning of a new age on the peninsula.

A Photo for Friday: “From Behind”

The theme continues.

Trump and Violating the Norms of Political Speech

An essay from earlier in the year by Jacob T. Levy underscores some of the points I recently tried to make about democratic norms in the current era.

On Denuclearization and North Korea

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

A Photo for Friday: “Inner Space”

The spring theme continues, even if spring is not cooperating nationwide.

On Discussing and Analyzing the Trump Presidency

An attempt at defining the conversation.

A Photo for Friday: “Spiderwort”

The spring flower theme continues.

Back to the TPP?

Trump suggests US might seek to rejoin the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Will Mexico Pay for the Wall?

The answer is, of course, no. Really, this is a post about the wall as policy.

Teaching Political Science and the Trump Administration

Dan Drezner notes some challenges on this topic, and I add some of my own thoughts.

China and Trade War Tactics

The great negotiator in the White House is likely underestimating the tools available to Xi.

New Fed Chair Overshadowed by Trade War Rhetoric

Speaking of trade war talk…

The DJIA and a Potential Trade War

The DJIA (and other markets) are not too happy about all of this trade war talk.

A Photo for Friday: “Sprinkled”

Sticking with the spring theme.

A Photo for Friday: “Untitled”

Yes, one of those “on Saturday” entries…

Proposal to Tie Some Visas to Social Media Checks

Under the proposal certain visa-seekers (such as China and India) would have to have their social media presence scrutinized.

Toensing and diGenova will not Join Trump Legal Team

So, not conspiracy theory lawyer after all.

A Photo for Friday: “Remains of the Past”

This week’s photo.

Tough Talk on Drugs is Empty Talk

President Trump is not being bold on drugs. Instead, he is just recycling old, failed idea.

Trump Hires Conspiracy-Theory Lawyer

Joseph E. diGenova has touted the theory that rogue FBI elements have tried to frame Trump in the Russia probe.

A Worthwhile Read on the McCabe Firing

Lawfare provides a balanced piece on the firing of Andrew McCabe.

In Case There Were Doubts about the Politics of the McCabe Firing…

Less than 24 hours after the McCabe firing, the president’s attorney explicitly connects the move to the Mueller probe.

A Photo for Friday: “Eye”

This week’s photo.

The Cable TV Presidency

The Trump presidency is the latest step in treating commentators like policy experts. It is all a manifestation of how the modern GOP is a populist party.

Tillerson out at State

Next up: Pompeo

Talking to North Korea is a Good Idea, but…

Talking to adversaries is a good idea. Of course, it matters how it is done.