Republican Response To Obama Immigration Moves Not Entirely Negative

Republican reaction to the President’s immigration policy announcement has been relatively muted, and it’s likely to stay that way.

Anti-Mormon Sentiment Increasing

The “Mormon Question” that has long plagued Mitt Romney is being raised again by a new study showing the sentiment rising among liberals and non-believers.

The Big Lie Of The 2012 Election

Both candidates are telling the public that they can change the way Washington works. They’re both setting themselves up to be the source of major disappointment.

Obama Losing Support Among New York Jews? Or, More Statistical Noise?

Several conservatives are touting a poll that purports to show a 22 point drop in support for Obama by Jewish voters in New York. Is it believable?

Problems For Obama Among Blacks In North Carolina? Don’t Believe The Poll

A new poll purports to show the President losing 20% of North Carolina’s African-American vote to Mitt Romney. Don’t Believe It.

Lying and Political Campaigns

The Republican nominee gets some backhanded praise from an unlikely source, MoJo blogger Kevin Drum.

Black Mormons Torn Between Romney And Obama?!

When I saw the headline “Black Mormons Face Tough Election Choice Between Romney And Obama,” I naturally presumed it would lead to a parody news piece in The Onion.

Jeb Bush: Reagan And My Father Have No Place In the Modern GOP

How would modern Republicans treat Ronald Reagan and his Vice-President?

Will Obama’s Gaffe On The Economy Matter In November?

The President’s comment that the private sector is “doing fine” continues to be a topic of discussion.

No Mr. President, The Private Sector Isn’t Doing Fine

The President seems to think the private sector is doing fine. He couldn’t possibly be more wrong.

Bill Clinton’s Bizarre Walk Back On Tax Cut Extensions

Bill Clinton walks back his comments about extending the Bush Tax Cuts in the most unbelievable manner possible.

How Much Did Money Matter In The Wisconsin Recall?

Was money the reason Scott Walker won on Tuesday? The available evidence says no.

2012 Race Down to Seven Battleground States?

While the news media is focused on sixteen battleground states, the professionals running the Obama and Romney campaigns are focused on a much narrower list.

Intellectual Honesty in American Politics: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

A Bill Clinton parody account created by the Romney campaign is both clever and yet another sign of what’s wrong with American politics.

Wisconsin Post-Mortem: Winners, Losers, And What Comes Next

What lessons can we draw from the Wisconsin Recall?

Wisconsin Recall Was A Bad Night For Cable News

None of the cable news networks did particularly well last night.

Scott Walker Survives Recall Election In Wisconsin

A contentious political battle that has lasted a year has come to an end.

Recall Elections Are Disruptive And Unnecessary

In an ideal world, today’s Recall Election in Wisconsin would not even be legally possible.

Bill Ayers’ Barbecue and Other Things That Won’t Decide the Election

Republicans apparently think that re-running the 2008 campaign, just more efficiently or more ruthlessly, will work this time. Here’s why it won’t.

Scott Walker Continues To Lead Wisconsin Recall Polling

Barring an upset, Scott Walker looks likely to survive his recall election tomorrow.

Obama Donor Dropoff

87% of those who gave at least $200 to Barack Obama in 2008 have not yet done so in 2012.