Air Force Now Accepting Single Parents, Pregnant Women

The Air Force will now allow pregnant women and single parents to join.

State Department: Avoid Planet Earth, There Be Terrorists There

Al Qaeda may be up to something, so take no chances.

Bradley Manning Acquitted Of ‘Aiding The Enemy,’ Could Still Face Up To 136 Years In Prison

Bradley Manning was acquitted of the most serious charge against him, but is still likely to spend most of his life in prison.

Ty Carter Awarded Medal of Honor

Army Staff Sergeant Ty Carter will be the fifth living recipient of the Medal of Honor from the Afghanistan-Iraq era.

Chris Christie’s Misguided Attack On Rand Paul And The GOP’s ‘Libertarian’ Wing

Chris Christie waded into the debate going on in the GOP over foreign policy. His comments were less than helpful to say the least.

White House and House of Representatives Clash on Civilian Pay

The two ends of Pennsylvania Avenue are clashing on defense appropriations.

Transgender Soldiers Next Barrier

Last month, a retired Navy SEAL came out as transgender. Those still in uniform, however, must serve in silence.

Yemen’s al Qaeda No. 2 Still Dead

Abu Sufyan al-Azdi, al Qaeda’s number two man in Yemen, is still dead. Or dead again. Or finally dead.

The Disappearing Oval Office Address

The Oval Office Address, once a common tool of the Presidency, has been in declining use of late.

Pentagon to Take Draconian Personnel Moves if Sequester Continues

The Defense Department will freeze promotions, cut workers, and suspend training in the face of across-the-board funding cuts.

Obama Job Approval On Foreign Policy Hits Low In New Poll

President Obama is losing public support in the one area where he’s generally had broad support from the public in the past.

Afghan Troops Can’t Maintain Humvees, Either

On the eve of transition to solo operations, Afghan forces can’t do basic logistical functions.

Special Ops Troops’ Marriages Shaky, Survey Shows

A state of perpetual war is incompatible with good mental health and stable family relationships.

Monuments to Wasteful Spending in Afghanistan

The US military’s lavish new headquarters in Afghanistan has been completed just in time for our exit.

Pentagon’s Broken Payroll System

The military’s finance and accounting system has been dysfunctional for decades and is getting worse.

Frustration With Karzai Pushing Obama Toward “Zero Option” In Afghanistan

Frustrations with the mercurial leader of Afghanistan may increase the pace of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

When Is A Coup Not A Coup?

Words don’t always mean what you think they mean.

Joyner Unfair to Krugman

A decade ago. a certain New York Times columnist was more right than your humble host.

SECDEF Hagel on DOMA Ruling

Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has wasted no time issuing a full-throated statement endorsing today’s DOMA ruling

Was The American Civil War Avoidable?

Rather than asking whether it was “worth it,” the important historical question regarding the Civil War is whether it could have been avoided.

U.S. To Scrap Some Military Equipment Rather Than Take It Out Of Afghanistan

About $7 billion in military equipment now in Afghanistan will be scrapped rather than returned to the U.S.

Drone Pilots Are Bored

Going from flying a real airplane to operating a drone in Alamagordo sucks.

Most Americans Oppose Obama Administration’s Incoherent Syria Policy

Two polls indicate that most Americans oppose the President’s latest moves on Syria. This makes sense considering actual policy there seems to be entirely incoherent.

When Is A Leak Not Really A Leak? When It’s Beneficial To Those In Power, Apparently

Outrage over leaks like those that Edward Snowden makes doesn’t exist when its politicians doing the leaking.

Bill Clinton Criticizes Obama on Syria

Former President Bill Clinton says President Obama should ignore the polls and intervene in Syria.

Iran The Big Winner In Syria’s Civil War?

Has the West inadvertently handed Iran a victory in Syria?

Susan Rice, Samantha Power, And Syria

How would the addition of Susan Rice and Samantha Power to the President’s foreign policy team affect policy toward Syria’s civil war?

Why NATO Isn’t Going to Fight in Syria

Syria isn’t Libya.

Susan Rice To Replace Tom Donilon As National Security Adviser

Denied her chance at being Secretary of State, Susan Rice will be moving to a position that is arguably just as important in shaping American foreign policy.

Bradley Manning Trial Begins With Charges He Put U.S. Soldiers At Risk

Starting today, the fate of Pfc. Bradley Manning is on trial in a courtroom at Fort Meade, Maryland.

GOP Problems With Young Voters: A Messaging Problem, And A Policy Problem

Republicans have problems with the younger generation that they will need to fix if they’re going to succeed in the future.

Did The Pentagon Exaggerate The Effects of Sequestration?

The sequestration cuts are two months old, and it seems pretty clear that the claims of doom we heard before they went into effect were heavily exaggerated.

Too Early for 2016 Talk?

We’re actually not speculating about who might be running any more than we used to.

Administration Silent On Future Plans For U.S. Troops In Afghanistan

The United States is currently negotiating for a U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan after 2014, but they’re not sharing their plans with the American people.

The American People Want To Stay Out Of Syria

A new poll shows that 62% of Americans oppose American military intervention in Syria’s civil war.

Congress Forcing The Army To Buy Tanks It Doesn’t Want

Once again, politics is dictating military policy.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Tank Girl Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.