More Vote for Mail for Me, but not for Thee

This time, the Pences

Do Violent Protests Get Results?

If the goal is to change politics, not just vent frustration, messaging is important.

Our Awful Criminal Justice System

A stroll down memory lane.

What the Oregon Senate Primary Tells us about our Party System

This is more about structural conditions than it is about the GOP.

The Simplest Post on Partisanship I Can Write

An attempt at getting the point across.

IMHO boggle honest truth IMHO boggle honest truth

Honestly without Anonymity

Can there be truth when there are consequences?

Working Longer During the Pandemic

Contrary to some expectations, Americans are logging three extra hours of work a day.

The TV Doctors and the Problem of Cable “News”

Cable news “experts” frequently aren’t.

Data Collection/Analysis and Covid-19

Critics of the modeling and of the data analysis are being too simplistic.

Partisan Effects on Response to Covid-19

Leadership matters (as does sources of news).

Biden All But Wraps it Up

He’s a long way from 1991 delegates but no one can beat him.

Bloomberg Spent Half a Billion for Little ROE

Not a great night for the former New York major. But he still has $54.5 billion to comfort him.

Super Tuesday Creates Joementum

A bad night for Bloomberg and Warren has radically reshaped the race.

On the Act of Voting

A discussion of what #NeverTrump means, on Sanders v. Trump, and some about the philosophy of voting.

Beltway Sniper Ends Suit After Virginia Changes Law

Lee Boyd Malvo may be eligible for parole in two years.

Tuberville and Sharia Law

Speaking of xenophobia.


Which ones have you owned?

Brokered Democratic Convention a Real Possibility

Could the fevered dream really come true?

It isn’t a Dirty Trick to Vote in an Open Primary

The plurality of New Hampshire voters are unaffiliated. Should they all stay at home?

Front-Loaded Primary Schedule

The primary season has just started. It is almost over.

Feinstein and Three Democratic Moderates Leaning Toward Acquittal?

Surprising news from an unsurprising process.

What if November’s Loser Refuses to Concede?

There’s a very real possibility the legitimacy of the 2020 election will be contested.

Trump And The Judiciary

In just three years in office, Donald Trump has succeeded in taking huge steps in transforming the judiciary for decades to come.

Lawsuit Seeks To Preempt Efforts To Declare Equal Rights Amendment Ratified

A newly filed lawsuit seeks to blunt expected efforts in 2020 to “ratify” the Equal Rights Amendment even though it effectively died nearly 40 years ago.

The Problem With Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Laws

Willie Simmons is 61 years old. He’s spent the last 38 years in prison for stealing $9.00 thanks to what clearly appears to be an unjust and overly hard “habitual offender” statute. His story is far too common.

Susan Collins Announces Reelection Bid

After months of silence, Maine Senator Susan Collins has announced that she is running for a fifth term in office.

Nikki Haley’s Revisionist History

With her eyes on her political future in a GOP dominated by Trumpism, Nikki Haley is attempting to rewrite the history of one of the most significant events of her time as Governor of South Carolina.

Mike Bloomberg Is Running For President.

After flirting with the idea many times over the past decade and a half, Mike Bloomberg is officially running for President.

Mike Bloomberg Takes Another Step Toward Officially Running

Mike Bloomberg isn’t officially a candidate for President yet, but he’s getting closer.

Jeff Sessions Airs Obsequious Pro-Trump Ad

Jeff Sessions demonstrates just how obsequious he’s willing to be to get his Senate seat back.

Sean Spicer Finally Booted From Dancing With The Stars

We won’t have Sean Spicer to ikick around anymore.

Michael Bloomberg Poll Numbers . . . Interesting

The newest entrant is outperforming most rivals but is intensely disliked.

Mike Bloomberg Apparently Running For President For Some Reason

Mike Bloomberg is apparently entering the race for the Democratic nomination.

Jeff Sessions Enters Alabama Senate Race With Obsequious Trump Praise

Jeff Sessions entered the race for the GOP nomination for Senate in Alabama by heaping obsequious and pathetic praise on a man who had spent two years insulting him publicly and privately

Jeff Sessions Running For His Old Senate Seat

Jeff Sessions is running to win back his old Senate seat, putting into play the possibility of a clash with President Trump.

Federal Court Blocks Alabama Abortion Law

A Federal District court Judge in Alabama has blocked implementation of that state’s latest attempt to challenge Roe v. Wade

Jeff Sessions For Senate Again?

Former Senator and Attorney General Jeff Sessions is reportedly considering running for his old Senate seat.

Mark Kelly Becoming A Strong Challenger To Martha McSally In Arizona

Former Astronaut Mark Kelly is posing a big challenge to Senator Martha McSally in Arizona.

Roy Moore’s Senate Bid Not Going So Well

Roy Moore’s second bid for the Senate isn’t going so well.

Warren’s Same-Sex Marriage Joke Raises Concerns

Elizabeth Warren’s comments at an LGBT rights forum late last week were cheered by the audience, but some Democrats are raising concerns about their impact on the General Election.

AOC’s Outrageous Haircut


Fact Checking in the Trump Era

Can the media fairly parse the statements of those running against President ‘Bottomless Pinocchio’?

Not a Punchline. It is Corruption.

Hurricanes and corrupting truth.

NOAA Back Trump Over Scientists

The parent organization of the National Weather Service issued a statement Alabama and Dorian.

Alabama Man Who Spent 36 Years In Jail For Stealing $50.75 Finally Released

From the State of Alabama we get a perfect example of the reason why, at times, the law is an ass.

Alabama Governor Apologizes For College Blackface Incident

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey is the latest politician to apologize for donning blackface while she was in college.

Georgia Senator Johnny Isakson To Retire, Setting Up 2020 Battleground

Georgia Senator Johnny Isakson will retire at the end of 2019, setting up a contest in 2020 to fill the remainder of his term.

Conservatism without Originalism

A defense of a modest philosophy of judicial interpretation.

The Battle For Senate Control In 2020 Appears To Favor Republicans

In the battle for Senate control in 2020, the conditions appear to favor Republicans. At least for now.