Biden and Trump Are Apparently Old

Stop me if you’ve heard this one . . .

lego people crowd lego people crowd

Why So Many Americans Die in Traffic Accidents

Our car culture is killing us.

high-resolution photo of parking, vehicle, meter, park, blue, yellow, parking meter high-resolution photo of parking, vehicle, meter, park, blue, yellow, parking meter

Does America Have Too Much Parking?

Cities are lowering or doing away with longstanding requirements to provide spaces.

Addiction and the Public Health Question

A brief foray into looking at Alabama state policy on fighting addiction.

Kyrsten Sinema’s ‘Side Hustle’

The Arizona Senator runs an online thrift store in her spare time.

We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Constitution

Is it time to call the whole thing off?

President Joe Biden welcomes ASEAN leaders to the White House,Thursday, May 12, 2022, on the South Lawn. (Official White House Photo by Erin Scott) President Joe Biden welcomes ASEAN leaders to the White House,Thursday, May 12, 2022, on the South Lawn. (Official White House Photo by Erin Scott)

Joe Biden is Aging (Developing Story)

The 79-year-old will be 80 on his next birthday.

Coronavirus Relief Funds Diverted to Pet Projects

Because of course it was.

Are Helmet Laws Racist?

Surprisingly, yes.

Proud Boys, Antifa Clash in Portland While Police Stand Idly By

The weirdest goddamn story you’re likely to read today.

Why are Masks Political?

Leadership matters (as does culture).

Most Americans Still Not Staying at Home

Social distancing is helping but too many aren’t taking it seriously enough.

E.T. Returns In XFinity Ad

A sequel to E.T. The Extraterrestrial of sorts, premiered yesterday.

Woman Who Flipped The Bird To Trump Wins Election

Juli Briskman gave Donald Trump a one-fingered salute in a photograph that went viral. Two years later, she won election in a district that includes Trump’s golf course.

Trump’s Trade Chickens Coming Home To Roost

After nearly a year, Trump’s trade policies are having their inevitable negative impact inside the United States.

Gary Johnson Enters Senate Race In New Mexico

Gary Johnson was a successful two-term Governor in New Mexico. Now he’s making a bid to represent the Land of Enchantment in the U.S. Senate.

Charlottesville Anniversary March A Complete Dud

White supremacists held a rally in Washington on Sunday, and almost no one but their opponents and the police showed up.

Woman Fired After Flipping The Bird To Trump’s Motorcade Sues Former Employer

A woman who was fired after a photograph of her giving the middle finger to President Trump’s motorcade went viral is suing her former employer. She doesn’t have much of a case.

Self-Driving Uber Kills Pedestrian

We don’t yet have enough information to assign blame here. Naturally, that’s not stopping anyone.

Austin Package Bomb Explosion Fourth This Month

Local and federal authorities are investigating a spree of explosions terrorizing Austin, Texas.

No, You Still Won’t Be Able To File Your Tax Return On A Postcard

Once again, tax “reform” won’t make it easier to prepare or file tax returns.

Eight Killed and Nearly A Dozen Injured In New York City Terror Attack

A month that was highlighted by the capture of the ISIS capital city of Raqqa ends with an apparent lone wolf ISIS-inspired attack in New York City

Muhammed Ali Dead At 74

The Greatest Of All Time.

Second Freddie Gray Trial Ends In Acquittal Of Baltimore Cop

An acquittal in one of the six Freddie Gray cases, but not an unexpected one.

Mistrial In First Trial Of Officer In Freddie Gray Case Deals Prosecution A Setback

A setback for prosecutors in the Freddie Gray case.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The How much does a Peloton weigh? Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Walk This Way Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Barbarians At The Gate Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Mother Charged For Leaving 11 Year Old In A Car: Protecting Children, Or Paranoia?

To some extent, we seem to be becoming overprotective.

Obama Derangement Syndrome At National Review?

Blaming Obama for the security bubble he travels in is, in the end, a pretty dumb argument.

Explaining The Conservative Love Affair With Vladimir Putin: It’s All About Opposing Obama

The bizarre conservative love affair with Vladimir Putin continues.

New San Diego Mayor Is A Republican, But Not Exactly A Ted Cruz Republican

Kevin Faulconer proves that Republicans can win in California, but not if they follow the path laid out by the party’s far right wing.

Victor Davis Hanson’s Prejudice And Race In America

We’ve still got a long way to go.

Mathematicians Solve Problem Solved Long Ago By Tradesman

Our eggheads isn’t as smart as they thinks.

Political Conventions In The Era Of The National Security State

Security at the Republican Convention in Tampa looks more like a war zone than a political convention in a democratic republic.

Lance Armstrong Stripped of Titles, Banned For Life, For Doping

Lance Armstrong joins a long line of the greatest athletes of his generation whose glory was fueled by performance enhancing drugs.

Judge: Poker Betting Not Gambling But Game of Skill

A federal judge has ruled that poker is a game of skill and that therefore betting money on it is not gambling.

Olympic Sexism

While women are more visible at the 2012 Olympics than any past games, there are still cries of “sexism.”

DC Man Steals His Own Bike

Danny Lesh freely admits to stealing a bicycle–back from the thief who stole it from him.

The Paranoid Wing Of The Tea Party

The tinfoil hat crowd has made its way back into the mainstream.

Speed Camera Clocks Bicycle at 57 MPH

A DC area community parted ways with the company running its traffic cameras after repeated errors of absurd magnitude.

Beer Bikes Banned By Bavarian Buzzkills

If you haven’t experienced the joys of peddling around Germany with 15 of your closest friends while enjoying several liters of Munich’s finest, you’re too late.

Are We Overprotecting Our Kids?

How did we survive without all the molly-codding kids today get?