Erick Erickson Is Putting Party Before Country

How much of an American can you be if you are willing to wreck the economy for political gain.

Obama Walks Out of Talks Saying ‘Don’t Call My Bluff’

President Obama has walked out of negotiations on the debt ceiling with an agreement is nowhere in sight.

Business, the GOP, and the Debt Ceiling

The GOP’s debt ceiling stance appears to be making some in business uneasy.

Government Debt is Currently Cheaper Than Cash

Right now, it’s more prudent for the Federal government to borrow money than to pay cash.

Where Are The Rational People In The Debt Ceiling Debate?

The participants in the debt negotiations are being led by constituencies that have little interest in compromise.

Obama Still Trying To Sell GOP On “Grand Bargain” Debt Deal

It was a largely fruitless weekend in the debt negotiations.

Chances Of Long Term Debt Deal Collapse Amid Mutual Recrimination

It’s still politics as usual in Washington.

Is Washington Fighting The Wrong Economic War?

While unemployment remains stubbornly high, Washington is spending its time fighting over the budget deficit

Tim Pawlenty: Michele Bachmann Hasn’t Really Accomplished Much In Congress

Tim Pawlenty took aim at Michele Bachmann yesterday but will he keep up the attack?

American Independence: Time to End the Experiment?

British professor Julian Lindley-French offers a tongue-in-cheek essay for the 4th of July: “American Independence: Time to End the Experiment.”

In Today’s GOP, Reagan Is A RINO

The Ronald Reagan that Republicans lionize is very different from the one who actually served as 40th President of the United States.

The Genius of Mitch McConnell

The Senate Republican leader is running a shrewd political game. But what’s good for the GOP is bad for America.

Eric Cantor, Jon Kyl Drop Out Of Biden Deficit Talks

Talks about a deal to raise the debt ceiling seem pretty close to collapse now that there are no Republicans involved.

Republicans At A Foreign Policy Crossroads

For the first time since the end of World War II, the GOP is wrestling with two diametrically opposed visions of foreign affairs.

Is Ending Subsidies a Tax Increase?

Grover Norquist believes ending government handouts must be offset by tax cuts.

Romney & Bachmann Rise, Pawlenty & Cain Fizzle In Mostly Lackluster Debate

The debate format was the biggest loser last night, but there were a few memorable moments in New Hampshire.

U.S. in Worse Shape than Greece

We might be looking at a potential fiscal crisis.

Enact a Credible, Long-term Plan for Fiscal Consolidation

Is it possible to address the U.S. fiscal situation?

Romney Leads Obama in Poll

President Obama comfortably leads all Republicans but one.

Mitch McConnell: No Deal On Debt Ceiling Without Medicare Cuts

As Congress left town for the long weekend, the Senate Minority Leader threw a grenade into the budget negotiations.

Eric Cantor: Any Tornado Disaster Relief Must Be Off-Set By Spending Cuts

Should we worry about the deficit when funding “disaster relief”? Should we be funding “disaster relief” at all?

Republicans 2012: Who Else Might Run?

With the customary hand-wringing over the low quality of the presidential field well underway, the corollary pining for other candidates to join the race is starting.

Trying (Again) to Explain the Debt Ceiling Vote

What are the options regarding the debt ceiling?

Happy Debt Limit Monday!

As of today, the United States is legally barred from borrowing money to finance its operations. Thanks for nothing, Congress.

GOP Aide: “No New Tax Increases” Pledge Is Intellectually Dishonest

Republicans are playing politics with the National Debt. Please don’t tell me you’re shocked.

What is the Debt Ceiling?

A lot of people appear confused at to what the debt ceiling is and why it has to be raised.

Republicans Ready To Punt On Ryan Plan’s Medicare Changes?

Republicans seem to have realized that the Ryan Plan’s Medicare reforms aren’t going anywhere.

Measuring The Bin Laden Bounce, If There Is One

There’s not much movement in the President’s job approval numbers.

Public Turning Against Ryan Plan

The GOP seems to be losing the public relations battle over deficit reduction.