Polls Indicate Strong Public Support For President Obama’s Jobs And Tax Proposals

The public supports the Presidents tax plans, but will that matter on Election Day?

Rick Perry Leading GOP Field, But Electability Concerns Make Him Vulnerable

Rick Perry is still the GOP frontrunner, but his status far from secure.

Obama Threatens Veto If Deficit Plan Doesn’t Include Tax Increases

The second half of the President’s political strategy is in place. Don’t mistake it for a serious legislative effort.

Obama’s Wimpy Debt Reduction Plan

As more details roll in on President Obama’s millionaire tax hike, it’s looking like it was drawn up by J. Wellington Wimpy: “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.”

Obama’s Millionaire’s Tax

President Obama is proposing a special tax rate for millionaires.

Obama’s Job Approval, And Favorability, Slip On Economic Woes

The economy continues to drag the President down.

Obama’s Job Approval Continues To Plummet Despite Jobs Plan Push

The President’s jobs push isn’t doing much to help his job approval numbers so far.

Obama Jobs Plan To Include $447 Billion In Tax Increases

The “how to pay for it” part of the President’s jobs plan seems destined to be rejected by the GOP. Which may be exactly what the President wants.

Republicans Need To Tread Carefully In Response To Jobs Bill

With the economy at the forefront of the public’s mind, the GOP needs to be careful in its response to President Obama’s new jobs bill.

Obama Jobs Speech Tough On Rhetoric, Light On Substance

Not surprisingly, there was very little about the President’s jobs speech to write home about.

Democrats Fear Obama’s Jobs Plan Will Be Too Little, Too Late

Democrats are fearing the President’s jobs plan will be underwhelming. Based on initial reports, it looks like their fears are well-placed.

President Obama’s Job Ratings Sink Amid Economic Pessimism

With most of the public looking at the future and not seeing anything good, the President is suffering

White House Officials Upset That Republicans Playing Politics Interfered With Their Attempt To Play Politics

The White House is still smarting over the fact that they got burned by John Boehner, again.

Jon Hunstman Unveils A Tax Plan You Ought To Be Paying Attention To

Jon Huntsman is out with a tax and jobs plan that deserves a lot more attention than it’s likely to get.

Rick Perry: Social Security Is “A Monstrous Lie”

Rick Perry placed his cowboy boots firmly on the third rail of American politics.

Ron Paul: The Feds Should Have No Role In Disaster Relief

As Hurricane Irene makes its way up the East Coast, Ron Paul says disaster relief isn’t a job for the Federal Government.

Is There Really Anything Ben Bernanke Can Do?

Ben Bernanke didn’t offer many clues in his speech today, but one wonders if he really has any tricks left up his sleeve.

Post Office: We Could Save Money By Making Customer Service Even Crappier

The Postal Service believes it can save itself by making service worse. Something about that doesn’t compute.

Our Present Crisis: Recession, Depression, Or Something More Fundamental?

The world is likely to get worse before it gets better.

US Competitive Balance

Not only is the US outspending all our allies and competitors combined in real dollars on defense, we’re doing so in terms of GDP as well.

Americans To The White House: It’s (Still) The Economy, Stupid

President Obama’s job approval numbers are even worse when you just look at the economy.

Social Security as a Ponzi Scheme

Social Security is like a Ponzi scheme in one way but not in other, more important ones.

Paul Ryan For President?

Some Republicans apparently still aren’t satisfied with the 2012 field.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The I Fart In Your General Direction Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Paul Krugman’s Cure For Economic Woe: An Alien Invasion

According to Paul Krugman, what the American economy needs is for a bunch of space aliens to invade us.

Republicans Clash In Most Energetic, Combative Debate So Far

Last night’s debate was definitely more combative than previous renditions.

On Presidential Power (and More Musings on our System)

Presidents are not a powerful as they seem (and a return to the “are things broken?” theme).

The Austerity Experiment

If we cannot adequately diagnose our problems it will be even harder to fix them.

Fight Brewing Over Defense Cuts

The defense spending lobby is already engaging in fear-mongering over very modest defense cuts.

S&P Debt Downgrade Leads To Same Old Washington Blame Game

The immediate reaction among the political class to the debt downgrade was the play the same old stupid games.

Downgrading Standard & Poors

While it’s hard to argue with S&P’s political analysis, its economic judgment is a head-scratcher.

Is There A Disconnect Between The Tea Party Agenda And Voter Priorities?

The agenda of the Tea Party movement doesn’t necessarily coincide with what voters say they want from Washington.

Most Hated Congress Ever

The job approval numbers for Congress are at historic lows, but will that matter in 2012?