The Debt Deal “Super Committee”: Unconstitutional, Undemocratic, Or Much About Nothing?

The “super committee” created by the debt ceiling deal is already the subject of criticism, most of it unwarranted.

One Year Ago Today: “Welcome To The Recovery”

One year ago, Timothy Geithner said them things about the economy he probably wishes he could take back right now.

A New Normal For Debt Ceiling Increases?

Has a precedent been set for future requests by the President to increase the debt ceiling?

Debt Deal Reveals GOP Split On Defense Spending

The cuts to Pentagon spending in the new debt deal are further revealing a split in the GOP over foreign policy and military spending.

Death of Politics is Greatly Exaggerated

Michael Cohen argues that our system is broken because Republicans will no longer compromise.

Biden: Tea Party ‘Terrorists’

Vice President Biden has called Congressional Republicans and their Tea Party backers “terrorists.”

Debt Deal Winners and Losers

Now that America’s political leadership have probably averted a self-inflicted global economic calamity, it’s time to assess the winners and losers.

Congressional Leadership And Obama Reach Deal To Raise Debt Ceiling

We have a deal in Washington. Now, the leadership just has to make sure it can pass Congress.

Debt Deal Emerging

President Obama and Congressional Republicans have the outline of a deal to raise the debt limit past the 2012 elections.

House Passes Boehner Debt Ceiling Bill 218-210, Senate Defeat Tonight Certain

It’s another Friday of drama in the debt ceiling crisis.

The Debt Ceiling Debate: Social Democracy v. Limited Government?

Charles Krauthammer claims we are in the midst of a great debate. I am not so sure.

Can Boehner Lead House Republicans?

The failure of House Republicans to pass a bill that would have been dead on arrival in the Senate, anyway, raises questions about whether a deal is possible and whether John Boehner can lead his own coalition.

Tea Party Leader Tries to Explain Position on Debt Ceiling

He doesn’t do a very good job.

With Economic News Like This, Why Would Anyone Risk Crashing The Economy?

Economic figures released today demonstrate clearly why the irresponsible talk surrounding the debt ceiling must end.

Follow-up on the Trillion Dollar Deficit Post

More thoughts on deficits.

How did we get to Trillion Dollar Deficits?

It is always useful to go inside the numbers.

The Impact of the U.S. Defaulting

Christine Lagarde believes the impact could be large and global.

How Obama Lost Control Of The Debt Negotiations

Barack Obama’s biggest enemy in the debt negotiations has been himself.

In Dueling Speechs Obama And Boehner Talk Past Each Other, Accomplish Little

Their mouths were moving, but nothing of substance was coming out.

John Boehner And Harry Reid Release Competing, Mostly Incompatible, Debt Plans

John Boehner and Harry Reid introduced their debt plans. Now, where do we go from here?

Debt Ceiling Kabuki Theater Update

It hasn’t been a very productive weekend in Washington, D.C.

Tom Coburn: Lady Gaga of Fiscal Conservatives

If a crisis over the national debt is averted, Oklahoma’s Tom Coburn may be the unlikely hero.

The Innumeracy of the Republican Party

Even if we adopt the “Cut, Cap and Balance” plan, tax hikes are a necessity.

Debt Talks Break Down (Again) As Boehner Walks Away

It wasn’t a good day for the debt ceiling negotiations.

The Debt Ceiling is a Housekeeping Procedure

The House Republicans are functionally insane.

On Debt Deal, Americans Want Compromise Not Grandstanding

Three new polls provide a warning to both sides of the debt negotiations, but mostly to Republicans.

The System Is the Cause of Systemic Failure

To save the world economy and themselves Germany and China must change course.

Gang Of Six Resurrecting The “Grand Bargain”?

The Gang of Six is back together. And they have a plan.

Wall Street Journal: The House GOP’s Balanced Budget Amendment Is A Bad Idea

One of the GOP’s staunchest media allies isn’t too impressed with their Balanced Budget Amendment.

POL 101: Balanced Budget Nonsense (Part I)

Talk of passing a balanced budget amendment is nonsense.

Who Wins If There’s No Debt Deal?

The idea that the GOP can block a debt ceiling vote and benefit politically is, quite simply, absurd.

Mitch McConnell-Harry Reid Deal on Debt, Entitlements

A Mitch McConnell-Harry Reid brokered deal on the debt ceiling looks promising.

Erick Erickson Is Putting Party Before Country

How much of an American can you be if you are willing to wreck the economy for political gain.

Obama Walks Out of Talks Saying ‘Don’t Call My Bluff’

President Obama has walked out of negotiations on the debt ceiling with an agreement is nowhere in sight.