Al Franken’s Pay for War Gimmick

A comedian-turned-Senator makes some strong points about how America goes to war.

Obama: Moderate 90s Republican?

Obama’s main politics are hardly as leftist as many make them out to be. Indeed, much of them could have fit well in the the GOP of 1990s and early 2000s.

Obama Blames Media (And A Certain “Carnival Barker”) For Birther Nonsense

President Obama chided the media for paying too much attention to the birther issue, but his criticism was unwarranted.

Everybody Hates Congress

Contempt for Congress is an old American tradition. Unfortunately.

Tea Party Politics At The State Level: Less Libertarian, More Authoritarian

If you look at the Tea Party’s impact on state politics, you see it really isn’t much different from the Religious Right.

Obama Administration Lobbied Standard & Poor’s Not To Lower Debt Outlook

Standard & Poor’s didn’t believe the Obama Administration’s argument that Washington would be able to fix the deficit. There’s no reason they should have.

Americans Oppose Entitlement Cuts, Support Raising Taxes On “The Rich”

According to a new poll, the American public still isn’t sold on the idea of cutting entitlements to cut the budget deficit.

Rand Paul: Both Sides Will Have To Compromise To Reach A Budget Deal

One of the Tea Party movement’s favorite Senators used the dreaded c-word.

The Radicalness of Alleged Conservatives

In all honesty, much of what is coming out of the mouths of self-described conservatives is actually pretty darn radical.

Obama Hits All-Time Job Approval Low In Gallup Poll

We’re approaching the point where those job approval numbers start to matter, and President Obama’s are heading down again.

This Budget Cutting Thing is Hard

To borrow a phrase: budgeting is the science of muddling through (with an emphasis on the “muddling” far more than the “science.”

CBO: Obama-Boehner Adds $3.3 Billion to Deficit Rather than Saving $38 Billion

The Congressional Budget Office has come up with slightly different calculations of the savings created by the Obama-Boehner budget compromise.

Obama’s Solution To Deficit: Spending Cuts, Tax Increases, Few Specifics, But A Clear Roadmap For 2012

President Obama’s budget speech was light on specifics, but that’s because it was really the opening salvo of the 2012 campaign.

Stupidly, House GOP Appears To Take Taxes Off The Table In Future Budget Talks

The GOP seems to be telling President Obama that revenue increases are off the table. That’s a huge mistake.

Obama’s Big Deficit Speech Will Come Without Specific Plan To Cut Deficit

Prepare to be underwhelmed by President Obama’s big deficit speech on Wednesday.

Budget Deal Postmortem: Who Won?, Who Lost?, Does It Matter?

What, if anything, does the budget deal mean for the future?

Paul Ryan Unveils Plan To Cut Federal Spending By $6 Trillion Over Ten Years

Paul Ryan unveiled an ambitious plan to cut the deficit today. The question is whether it will be the beginning of a debate, or an opportunity for Democratic demagoguery

Make A Budget Deal, And Move On To The Bigger Fight

Rather than fighting over the remnants of the FY 2011 budget, the GOP should make a deal and get ready for the bigger, and more important, battle ahead.

Most Of What Americans “Know” About The Federal Budget Is Wrong

The American people have no idea what’s really in the Federal Budget, which makes any discussion about what to cut virtually impossible.

From NPR To Abortion Funding: Fiscal Conservatives Are Fighting Meaningless Battles

So far, the Republican House’s effort to cut back Federal spending isn’t very impressive.

The Triumph Of The Neocons, And The Death Of Fiscal Conservatism

With minor exceptions, all of the potential candidates for the GOP nomination in 2012 seem to have accepted the idea that defense spending, and the Bush-era interventionist foreign policy, are off the table when it comes time to talk spending cuts.

Obama Fills Out His Bracket While World Collapses

President Obama is once again catching flak for his leisure activities.

Demonstrators converge once again on the Capitol after the state Senate abruptly voted Wednesday night to eliminate collective bargaining provisions. The Assembly is expected to vote on the issue Thursday. Demonstrators converge once again on the Capitol after the state Senate abruptly voted Wednesday night to eliminate collective bargaining provisions. The Assembly is expected to vote on the issue Thursday.

Wisconsin Passes Anti-Collective Bargaining Bill

Wisconsin Republicans stripped state employees of collective bargaining rights without the Democratic senators who fled the state to prevent a quorum.

Boehner, House GOP About To Take A Huge Risk On Entitlement Reform?

Republicans are about to take a walk along the third-rail of American politics.

Poll: Public Doesn’t Want to Cut Entitlements

More evidence of what we already knew: the public isn’t especially interested in cutting entitlements.

Ben Bernanke: GOP Spending Cuts Will Not Harm Economic Growth

Speaking before Congress yesterday, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke debunked the assertion that the GOP’s relatively modest $61 billion spending cut package would significantly harm economic growth.

The Size of Government Is a Non-Issue: A Late Night, Caffeinated Manifesto

It’s not the size of your government that counts — it’s what you do with it that matters.

Cutting Federal Workforce Costs Money?

The most likely cuts in federal spending are likely to actually increase the deficit over time.

Moodys: GOP Spending Cut Plan Could Cost 700,000 Jobs

Moodys warns the the Republican plan to cut spending could cost the economy 700,000 jobs.

Poll: Majority Opposes Laws Restricting Public Employee Unions

A new national poll suggests that moves to restrict the collective bargaining rights of public sector unions are not popular with the public at large:

Taxes At An All-Time Low; Deficits At An All-Time High

The drive to cut taxes is at the heart of the budget mess.

Wisconsin Teacher Showdown

Neither side is covering themselves in glory in the battle over the Badger State budget.

Generic Republican Ties Obama In New Gallup Poll, Actual Republicans Not So Much

President Obama isn’t unbeatable in 2012. but it’s clear even now that he’s going to be a far more formidable opponent than many Republicans seem to think.