Obama’s Job Approval Numbers Take A Hit In Wake Of NSA Revelations

President Obama’s poll numbers seem to be suffering under the weight of nearly two months of scandals and/ media attention.

Will NSA Data Mining Matter To Voters?

Will voters care about the revelations about NSA data mining? Signs point to no.

Bringing GDP into the 21st Century

The government is changing the way it calculates Gross Domestic Product.

The Incredible Shrinking Federal Budget Deficit?

The Federal Budget Deficit appears headed in the right direction, for now.

Congress Forcing The Army To Buy Tanks It Doesn’t Want

Once again, politics is dictating military policy.

The Boston Bombings And The Immigration Reform Debate

For better or worse, the attack in Boston is likely to have an impact on the immigration reform debate.

Gun Control A Low Priority Issue Among American Voters

There’s a very simple reason why gun control is stalling in Congress despite its popularity in the polls.

Odds Of A Democratic House Takeover Low

The odds for a party switch in the House of Representatives remain quite low.

End Military Funeral Honors for Veterans?

Bill McClellan calls for ending military funeral honors for most veterans.

It Doesn’t Matter Whose Idea The Sequester Was

Once again, politicians in Washington are engaging in irrelevant partisan battles rather than trying to solve the nation’s problems.

Republican Brand Still Damaged, Little Hope Of Repair Coming Soon

The GOP’s public image continues to be bad and there seems to be little sign that they’re doing anything to change that.

Coffee Makes You Smart, Sexy

Coffee makes you smarter, burns fat, and is good for your liver.

CPAC Snubs Chris Christie

CPAC’s organizers have decided not to invite the most popular Governor in the country.

The Sequester, Moving Goalposts, and the 2012 Elections

Ezra Klein argues that the voters already decided how the sequestration fight should play out.

The GOP’s Problems Aren’t Just About “Messaging”

The GOP isn’t going to solve it’s problems solely by concentrating on “messaging.”

Obama, GOP Battle Over Sequestration Cuts

The sequestration cuts are fast approaching, and the political battle is continuing.

The GOP’s Ongoing Bush Problem

Pretending like the Bush administration never happened is a problem for the GOP.

Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss To Retire

Two-term Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss will not seek re-election in 2014.

The Politics Of Gun Control

Based on the polls, the odds of some changes to America’s gun control laws will become law. It’s unlikely they’ll accomplish anything, though.

A Credit Downgrade Warning Both Sides Should Listen To

Fitch is out this morning with a warning on the nation’s credit rating that both Republicans and Democrats need to listen to.

John Boehner’s Side of the Fiscal Cliff Story

The Speaker’s version of what went down during the negotiations does not make the Speaker look good.

Understanding how Congress Works

(As well as party behavior).

The Platinum Coin Boondoggle

Could a coin like this solve the looming debt ceiling crisis?

A Different Way Of Handling Disaster Relief

It’s time to start thinking outside the box when it comes to disaster relief.

Congress Jumps Off Fiscal Cliff, Pulls Parachute Rip Cord

Our politicians have averted an artificial crisis of their own making. The next one’s in two months.

The Art Of Compromise

You can’t always get what you want.

Over The Fiscal Cliff, Sort Of

Automatic tax hikes and spending cuts took effect at midnight. A deal involving the executive and half of the legislative branch could largely reverse them.

Obama’s Meet the Press Interview

Obama shows some spine.

Institutions Matter: Just Look at the Congress

Representative democracy is a process of delegation of power to agents who act on behalf of citizens. The process of delegation matters.

Republicans Ignoring Political Reality In Fiscal Cliff Negotiations

From a political point of view, the GOP’s position on taxes makes no sense at all.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Exorcism of Arizona Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Fiscal Cliff Compromise

A outline of a deal both sides could live with.

Should Congress Just Kick The Can Down The Road?

Perhaps we should take a pass on trying to reach a deal on resolving issues propelling us toward the Fiscal Cliff.

More Republicans Moving Away From Norquist Tax Pledge

More signs of cracks in the wall of GOP resistance to tax increases.