Romney Continues To Lead In Polls Of 2016 GOP Candidates, Leading Hillary In Head-To-Head Match

The numbers don’t lie, Mitt Romney remains popular among Republican voters.

iPhones and the US-China Trade Gap

Another example of the silliness of the “trade deficit” concept.

Oil Prices Have Been Falling For Months, And That’s Likely To Have Wide Repercussions

Quietly, oil prices have been falling for months now. That’s potentially a very big deal.

Obama’s Diminished Standing Among Women Is Hurting Democrats In The Midterms

To a large degree, the Democratic Party’s supposed advantage among women voters appears to not exist this year.

Ebola In The Age Of 24/7 News And A Broken Political Culture

Combining politics, an incessantly sensationalist news cycle, and a virus that scares a lot of people can’t end well.

English-Speaking People Don’t Speak Second Languages

Americans have long been lampooned for not speaking a second language. Now our cousins across the Pond are getting it, too.

Who’s Going To Pay For The President’s War Against ISIS?

As we head into a new conflict, perhaps we ought to give more thought to fiscal issues than the President is to overall strategy.

The Midterms And The Economy: Bad News For Democrats?

Republicans are winning with voters on the issues they say they care the most about.

Republicans Seem To Be Surging In Generic Ballot

Good news for Republicans.

The Tea Party’s Candidate Selection Problem

From the beginning, the Tea Party has shown itself to be just plain bad at picking candidates. This year, they finally seem to be on the verge of paying for it in the GOP primaries

Initial Fourth Quarter GDP Report Sends Mixed Signals

Some good news, but also plenty of reason to worry about the future.

Jerry Brown For President?

Fourth time’s the charm? Probably not.

Paul Ryan And Patty Murray Reach Budget Deal, But Can It Pass Congress?

A budget deal has been reached, now it has to get through both Chambers of Congress.

Administration Claims Success In Effort To Fix ObamaCare Website, But Victory Far From Clear

The Federal Exchange website seems to be functioning better, but many questions about implementation of the PPACA remain to be answered.

John F. Kennedy A Conservative? No, Not Really

Conservatives have their own Kennedy myth to compete with the myth of Camelot.

Our Fate Apparently Lies In The Hands Of McConnell, Reid, Boehner, and Biden

Are these four men our last, best hope for a deal that will end the shutdown and avoid breaching the debt ceiling?

Signs Of A Temporary Deal In Washington?

There seems to be at least some hope for a temporary deal in Washington to end the shutdown and raise the debt ceiling, but don’t count your chickens just yet.

GOP Plan Would Address Debt Ceiling, But Keep Government Shutdown Going

Republicans appear to be uniting behind a short-term plan to deal with the debt ceiling, but seem okay with keeping the government shutdown going forward.

Dysfunctional Government Has A Real World Impact

The real world impact of what’s happening in Washington is becoming apparent.

Negotiating Over The Debt Ceiling Is Not Unprecedented

Contrary to the White House’s arguments, negotiating over the debt ceiling is not at all historically unprecedented.

Return Of The Debt Kamikazes

They’re back…….

Obama And Boehner Can Negotiate, If They Really Want To

There’s a way for President Obama and Speaker Boehner to talk out a deal to resolve the current crisis, but they have to want to do it.

White House and House of Representatives Clash on Civilian Pay

The two ends of Pennsylvania Avenue are clashing on defense appropriations.

Obama’s Pivot To The Economy: More Of The Same

As expected, President Obama’s latest “pivot” to the economy is less than meets the eye.

Sam Nunn’s Daughter Running for His Old Seat

Michelle Nunn is running for her dad’s old Senate seat.

If QDR Accomplishes Much, It’ll Be a First

My first piece for RealClearDefense, “Enough with the QDR Hype,” has published.

Tea Party Apparently Now Considers Stopping Immigration Reform Most Important Issue

Forget about the budget deficit and spending. The Tea Party apparently now considers stopping immigration reform to be its most important task.

California Balances Budget While Expanding Aid to Poor

Jerry Brown’s second go-round as governor has been very, very good to the Golden State.

Defense Contractors Making Double President’s Salary

We’re paying a lot of money for defense contractors. It’s not clear how much of this is wasteful.

CBO Report Cites Economic Benefits Of Immigration Reform

A new Congressional Budget Office report finds real economic benefits from immigration reform.

Do Personal Relationships Matter In International, Or Domestic, Politics?

Does it matter if political leaders like each other on some personal level? Sometimes it does.