A Path To A Brokered Convention?

One analyst sees a way that the current GOP race could indeed lead to a brokered convention.

Santorum Wins Three Races Nobody Pays Attention To

Rick Santorum swept three states that are off the media radar screen. Will it revive his campaign?

Georgia Judge: “Barack Obama Is A Natural Born Citizen”

The Birthers have suffered yet another totally predictable loss in Court.

Planned Parenthood, Komen, And The Never Ending Culture Wars

Once again, the culture wars intrude into yet another area of life.

Obama Crusin’ For A November Bruisin’?

Things aren’t all sunshine and roses for the Obama 2012 campaign.

Romney Wins Big, Newt Loses Mean, Race Continues (But Not For Long)

Mitt Romney won big last night, Newt Gingrich was Newt Gingrich, and the race is coming to the beginning of the end.

The Birthers Go Down To Georgia

You thought the birthers went away? Silly you.

Romney And Gingrich Neck And Neck In Florida

It’s pretty much a dead heat in Florida between Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney’s Misleading Claims About The United States Navy

Mitt Romney is making claims about Naval readiness that are, at best, misleading.

The Myth Of Newt Gingrich The Great Debater

Conservatives seem to believe that Newt Gingrich can beat Barack Obama merely by debating him. They are delusional.

Newt Gingrich Wins South Carolina, Republican Race In (Temporary) Chaos

Last night, South Carolina was Gingrich Country.

More on Newt Gingrich’s Academic Career

Newt constantly lays claim to the title “historian” and asserts it as evidence of his insights and as a qualification for office. As such, the quality of the claim matters.

Paula Deen Has Diabetes; Will Get Rich From That, Too

Shockingly, Paula Deen, the morbidly obese woman who fries Twinkies on television, has diabetes.

Republicans Vying For Tim Tebow Endorsement

Republican candidates have reached out to Tim Tebow for an endorsement. Desperation?

Voter Fraud Exposed!

Dead people almost voted in New Hampshire. Zombie democracy is nigh!

Changing Electoral Maps

Looking back at the Electoral College results of the modern era–and ahead to November.

GOP Candidates Losing To Obama Among Latino Voters

Republicans are learning that their hard line on immigration comes with a political price.

Cam Newton, Racism, and Black Quarterbacks

The Panthers rookie is having a historic season. Were doubts that he could succeed colored by race?

Nice Work If You Can Get It

Becoming a Member of Congress can be a very lucrative career.

Mark Richt Broke NCAA Rules By Being Decent

Mark Richt, head football coach of the University of Georgia Bulldogs, inadvertantly broke NCAA rules by paying coaches and other employees extra money out of his own pocket.

Newt Gingrich’s Radical, Irresponsible Attack On The Judiciary

Newt Gingrich’s ideas about the role of the judiciary are very dangerous.

Trying to Understand Newt’s Appeal

Musing about his smarts.

About that Gingrich Marijuana Quote…

Usually if a quote is too good to be true, it is.

Blast from the Past: Newt and Drug War Logic

Back in the late 90s, Newt wanted to execute marjiuana traffickers.

Newt Gingrich, “Academic”

Trying to construct Gingrich’s c.v.

Herman Cain Suspends Presidential Campaign

We won’t have Herman Cain to kick around anymore.

Woman Claims 13-Year Affair With Herman Cain

Another allegation of sexual wrongdoing for Herman Cain.

Newt Gingrich On Immigration: A Perry Moment?

Newt Gingrich spoke some truth on immigration last night, and that might hurt him with Republican voters.

How Can Newt Gingrich Possibly Live Down His Past?

It’s hard to see how Newt Gingirch can remain a viable candidate given his past

Herman Cain Won’t Be President and That’s a Very Good Thing

The former pizza executive is a smart guy. But he’s not fit to run the country.

Clark Clifford Republicans

Have Republicans been co-opted by the Big Government they claim to hate?

Perry And Cain On The Spot In Tonight’s Debate

Two candidates face a test tonight.

Alabama Immigration Law Causing Produce To Rot In The Fields

Another case of the law of unintended consequences.

Farmers Finding Few Americans Willing To Do Jobs Immigrants Do

It turns out there are some jobs immigrants will do, but Americans won’t

Herman Cain Rising: New Frontrunner, Or Flash In The Pan?

Is Herman Cain for real, or is this rise int he polls just another boomlet destined to fade away?

Koch Brothers Under the Microscope

A major backer of Republican and Libertarian causes is under fire.

Are Blacks Abandoning Obama?

Dick Morris has a penchant for counter-intuitive analysis. And for being wildly wrong.

Despite Controversy And Doubt, Troy Davis Was Executed In Georgia Last Night

The execution of Troy Davis brings back to the forefront the reasons why the death penalty is inherently flawed.

US Poverty at Record High

A record 46 million Americans are living in poverty.

Fourth Circuit Tosses Challenges To Affordable Care Act, Declines To Rule On Merits

Both Virginia lawsuits challenging the Affordable Care Act have been dismissed by a Federal Appeals Court.

Democrats Fear Obama’s Jobs Plan Will Be Too Little, Too Late

Democrats are fearing the President’s jobs plan will be underwhelming. Based on initial reports, it looks like their fears are well-placed.