Trump Lies, The Truth Dies

Donald Trump’s lies became even more frequent during the recently-concluded campaign season.

All Politics Is National

Tip O’Neill was famous for once having advised his fellow Democrats that “all politics is local.” That’s not true anymore, and that’s unfortunate.

Apparent Explosive Devices Addressed To Robert DeNiro And Joe Biden Intercepted

More explosive devices sent to prominent Trump critics, including Robert DeNiro and Joe Biden, have been located.

Federal Budget Deficit Heads Back Up Under Republican Rule

Nearly two years into Republican control of Washington, the budget deficit is headed back up.

About that Unit Root Thing

A decade after the Great Recession, we now have data to answer the question.

Trump’s Wealth Originated In Shady Financial Maneuvers And Possible Tax Fraud

Much of what Donald Trump has claimed about how he built his fortune is a lie, and at least part of it originated in his father’s shady efforts to evade taxes.

Nikki Haley’s Lavish New York City Digs Give Rise To A Faux Controversy

As part of her position as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has use of a rather lavish private residence. This is not a real controversy.

The Trump Administration and Legal Immigration

The target is not just on illegal immigrants.

Corey Stewart: The Virginia GOP’s White Supremacist Albatross

Corey Stewart rose to become the Republican Party’s Senate nominee in Virginia with blatant appeals to racial division. Now his party fears they’ll be the ones who end up paying the price.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro Targeted In Apparent Assassination Attempt

Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro survived an apparent, albeit amateurish, assassination attempt yesterday in what could be a sign of underlying instability in Venezuela.

Democrats Already Gearing Up For 2020 Battles

The midterm elections are still four months away, but Democrats are already making moves to prepare for the race for their party’s Presidential nomination in 2020.

Trump Administration Suffers Legal Setback In Effort To Detain Immigrant Families

A Federal Judge has rejected a Trump Administration effort to change a 20-year-old legal settlement that bars long-term detention of immigrant families.

Calls To “Abolish ICE” Could End Up Being A Gift To Trump And The Republicans

Democrats are rallying around the “Abolish ICE” slogan in response to the Trump Administration’s immigration policies, but it could end up backfiring on them.

E.P.A. Administrator Scott Pruitt Resigns

After months of allegations regarding improper use of taxpayer dollars and the use of agency resources and personnel for personal needs, he is finally out.

North Korea Concealing Ongoing Nuclear Weapons Research

More evidence that North Korea isn’t living up to the promises it made in Singapore.

28-Year-Old Socialist Upsets Veteran Democratic Congressman

Joe Crowley, widely considered in line to replace Nancy Pelosi as party leader in the House, has been defeated.

The Trump Administration’s Family Separation Policy Is Cruel And Inhumane

A Trump Administration policy announced in April has resulted in roughly 2,000 children being taken from their parents at the border.

Have Democrats Moved Too Far to the Center?

Has the party paid too big a price to attract suburban voters?

Ireland Set To Vote On Lifting Abortion Ban

Tomorrow, Irish voters will head to the polls to decide whether or not to scrap a Constitutional Amendment that bans abortion in essentially all circumstances.

The Demise of Time Inc.

For decades, it was the preeminent brand in American journalism. Now its pieces are being sold at bargain rates.

Fixing Schools Requires Changing the Social Contract

Solving the problems created by neighborhood-based schools isn’t going to be easy.

Eighteen States Sue To Block Citizenship Question On Census

New York and nearly two dozen other jurisdictions have filed a lawsuit seeking to bar the Trump Administration from asking about citizenship in the 2020 Census.

Trump Order Bans Transgender People Except Under Unspecified ‘Limited Circumstances’

The President issued an incredibly confusing order that contradicts the advice of his generals and is probably illegal.

McMaster Firing Abrupt, Upended Plans to Clean House

Top White House staffers were preparing to fire several troublesome figures at once when the President suddenly upended the plan.

Ben Carson Defends Purchase Of Dining Room Table For His Office, Blames His Wife For Cost

I hope Ben Carson has a comfortable couch at home.

Jared Kushner’s Company Routinely Filed False Documents

The family real estate business made tens of millions through shady dealings.

Ben Carson Cancels Order For $31,000 Dining Room Table

Ben Carson comes to his senses, but questions still remain about his family seeming to benefit from his position in government.

Ben Carson Spends $31,000 On A Dining Room Table For His Office

Ben Carson has expensive taste in office furniture.

Congress Heads Toward Another Budget Deadline With No Apparent Deal In Sight

The current budget deal expires in six days and Congress doesn’t seem to know what it’s going to do about it.

A Strong, But Not Spectacular, Report On Economic Growth

The economy grew in the final quarter of 2017, but at a slower pace than earlier in the year and far slower than what the President has promised.

November’s Jobs Report Is Strong, But There Are Caveats

November’s Jobs Report was stronger than expected, but there are several caveats to keep in mind.

Twenty-Six Killed In South Texas Church Massacre

Another mass shooting.

House Republicans Unveil Tax Reform Bill

House Republicans unveiled their tax reform bill today, but its fate is far from clear.

Retirements By Capitol Hill Republicans Starting To Pile Up

A recent uptick in retirements from Congressional Republicans is leading some Republicans to become concerned about the party’s prospects in 2018.

Democrats Already Maneuvering For Support And Donors In 2020

We’re a long way away from the start of the 2020 election cycle, but Democrats are already maneuvering for support and money.

Who Could Have Seen this Coming? (Trump and Racial Politics Edition)

Who could have predicted we would be where we are at the moment in terms of racial politics and the White House?

The ACLU is Right to Defend Free Speech for Awful People

Yes, even Nazis must have their rights to peaceful speech and assembly protected.

Van Attack Outside London Mosque Kills One, Injures Ten, In Apparent Anti-Muslim Attack

A van struck a crowd outside a London mosque late last night in an attack by a man who said he wanted to kill Muslims.

Puerto Rico Votes Overwhelmingly For Statehood in Heavily Boycotted Referendum

Puerto Rican voters voted overwhelmingly for statehood yesterday in a referendum whose legitimacy is being questioned due to boycotts by opposition parties.

Trump Signs Waiver Of Law Requiring Move Of U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem

Despite campaign promises, President Trump won’t be moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem anytime soon.

First Quarter Economic Growth Better Than Initially Forecast, But Further Slowing Is Forecast

Economic growth in the first quarter wasn’t as bad as first estimated, but it still wasn’t very good. And the future is unclear at best.

Jeb Bush: I Told You So

Jeb Bush predicted that Donald Trump would preside over a “chaos Presidency,” and he was right.

Federal Judge Slaps Down Trump Executive Order On ‘Sanctuary Cities’

Another Federal Court has found another Trump Executive Order unconstitutional.

Seventh Circuit Rules Discrimination Based On Sexual Orientation Barred By 1964 Law

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars discrimination based on sexual orientation, but its reasoning is questionable at best.

At Least Three Dead, Twenty Injured, In Apparent Terror Attack In London

An apparent terror attack outside Parliament in London.

Ben Carson: Slaves Were Immigrants

Ben Carson is back and he’s saying some pretty dumb things again.