Yes, The Shutdown Is Hurting The Republican Party More Than Obama And The Democrats

There’s no denying it now. The GOP is being harmed by the events in Washington far more than the President and Democrats in general.

More Evidence Of The Political Risk To The GOP In A Shutdown

With just hours to go, the Republicans on Capitol Hill seem prepared to take a big political risk.

What Would Obama Do If Congress Says No On Syria?

Given that the vote count seems to be heading that way, this is a question worth examination.

Senate To Consider Syria AUMF With Time Limits, No Ground Troops

A proposed Syria authorization being considered in the Senate places several limits on Presidential authority to act, but it’s unclear if those limits can actually work.

It’s Time For Congress To Debate The Wisdom Of Attacking Syria

Some Members of Congress are calling for a debate before any strikes on Syria. They’re absolutely right.

Could Today Be The Day Harry Reid Goes Nuclear? [Update: Tentative Deal Reached]

The Senate may be headed for an historic confrontation today if an 11th hour deal isn’t reached.

Some Basic Political Science Regarding Egypt

Some thoughts on the ongoing situation in Egypt.

The “Obama Scandals” Could Backfire On Republicans

The GOP’s latest investigatory crusade could end up backfiring on them.

Scandals Having Seemingly No Impact On Public Opinion Of President Obama

So far, three weeks of bad news hasn’t really had much of an impact on the public’s view of how President Obama is handling his job.

Some Initial Thoughts on the AP and IRS Stories

A starting point for two important stories.

The IRS Scandal Expands

Partisan targeting by the IRS should not be permitted to stand.

Obama’s Benghazi Problem Won’t Be Going Away Any Time Soon

The Obama Administration’s response to the Benghazi attack is approaching critical mass. It’s not going away any time soon.

Trying to Understand Benghazi!

A theory on why Benghazi will not die as a political issue.

Judging The 2012 Preditions

Last January 1, some of us made a series of predictions. Here’s how we did.

What Exactly Has Conservatism Accomplished Lately?

Judging by the record of the past decade and a half, movement conservatism has accomplished very little.

Would Obama’s Re-Election End Polarization And Gridlock In Washington?

The President and his supporters say that Congressional Republicans will temper their rhetoric in a second Obama term. Don’t count on it.

Bill Clinton Makes The Case For Barack Obama

Last night, Bill Clinton hit one out of the park for the President Of The United States.

Because Bill Clinton Is Popular, And George W. Bush Is Not

One of these men is going to his party’s convention, the other is not. The reason why is rather obvious.

Why Do We Let Politicians Get Away With Lying?

Lies and misrepresentations in politics seem to be something the American people have come to, if not accept, at least expect.

Paraguay’s President Impeached and Removed

President Fernando Lugo of Paraguay was impeached and removed from office this week.

Why NATO Won’t Go To War Over Syria Shooting Down Turkish Jet

Following yesterday’s shoot-down of a Turkish F-5 by Syria has once again raised the specter of NATO action under Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty. It’s not going to happen.

Ambition v. Ambition

Issa, Holder, and a little Madison.

Common Cause Files Ridiculous Lawsuit Against The Filibuster

Common Cause has filed a specious lawsuit alleging that the filibuster is unconstitutional.

The Impeachment Crisis Of 2015?

Could things possibly get worse on Capitol Hill? Grover Norquist seems to relish the possibility.

Obama’s Second Term Would Be Neither Groundbreaking Nor A Calamity

The truth about a Second Obama Term is that it likely wouldn’t be all that remarkable.

John King’s Question To Newt Gingrich Was Fair, And Newt’s Past Is Fair Game

Getting to the heart of last night’s moment of kabuki theater.

An Alternative View on Gingrich’s Debate ‘Win’

I can’t be the only one who cringed at his applause line: “To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significant question in a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything I can imagine.”

Supreme Court Overturns Murder Conviction Due To Improperly Withheld Evidence

Another death row inmate. Another case of prosecutorial misconduct from the office of Harry Connick, Sr.

The Presidency That Republicans Would Rather Forget

The Republican candidates for President have apparently forgotten that this guy was their party’s nominee twice.

A Glance Into The Crystal Ball For 2012

So, what’s next?

Gingrich and the Constitutional Order

Gingrich has some pretty radical ideas about separation of powers.

Newt Gingrich’s Radical, Irresponsible Attack On The Judiciary

Newt Gingrich’s ideas about the role of the judiciary are very dangerous.

Everyone Hates Newt

With Gingrich surging in the polls, the pundit class has gotten out the long knives.

About that Gingrich Marijuana Quote…

Usually if a quote is too good to be true, it is.

Bad Economic News Spelling Bad News For POTUS

There aren’t many glad tidings at the White House these days.

Newt Gingrich’s Improbable Rise

So, how did we get to the point where a fat, condescending, serial adulterer who left office in disgrace twelve years ago is the latest challenger for the conservative mantle?

Brewer Struggles to Explain Removal of Redistricting Commission’s Chair

One would like to think that if a governor seeks the impeachment of the head of an independent commission that said governor could, well, explain why. One would be mistaken, however.

Time For A Gingrich Boomlet?

Is Newt Gingrich on the verge of a rise in the polls?

Are our Problems Based in Leadership or Institutions?

Where should we look to understand the failings of the government?

For A Guy Who Says He Likes The Constitution, Rick Perry Sure Wants to Change It A Lot

In the book he released last year , Rick Perry advocated far reaching changes to the Constitution.

Honduran Truth and Reconciliation Commission Issues Ruling

Institutions, or the lack thereof, matter.

Are Plea Bargains A Deal With The Devil?

Usually, Defendants plead guilty for perfectly rational reasons.