Deepfakes and Election Disinformation

A long-predicted threat has emerged.

Henry Kissinger, 1923-2023

The most important and controversial American diplomat of the postwar era is gone at 100.

Mil, Mali, Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off

A simple typo misdirected millions of emails intended for the US military.

China Calling in its Loans to Poor Countries

Debt-trap diplomacy has finally come home to roost.

It’s Good to Be Clarence Thomas

The questionable ethics of living a lavish lifestyle based on high office.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a Medal of Valor ceremony, Monday, May 16, 2022, in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz) President Joe Biden delivers remarks at a Medal of Valor ceremony, Monday, May 16, 2022, in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Press Corps Demanding Press Conference

President Biden is being pressured to face the music after the midterms.

Retired Flag Officers Cashing In As Foreign Agents

An unsavory practice that’s mostly legal.

Ukraine War Adding to Global Food Insecurity

Supply chain disruptions are contributing to crisis for 300 million people.

Who Lost Afghanistan?

The postmortems are well underway.

Indonesia Moving Its Capital, Because Jakarta Is Sinking

Indonesia is beginning an ambitious program to move its capital city. Because the current capital of Jakarta is sinking.

Trump’s Trade War Is Making Other Countries Great Again

The President’s trade policies stand to benefit a lot of other countries, just not the United States.

Sri Lanka Attacks Prove That ISIS Has Not Been Defeated

Sunday’s attacks in Sri Lanka make it clear that the claim that ISIS has been defeated are nowhere close to being true.

Mosque Officials Say They Warned Sri Lankan Authorities About Attacks

Further evidence that Sri Lankan authorities failed to act on warnings of rising Jihadism in their country.

ISIS Claims Responsibility For Sri Lanka Church Terror Attacks

ISIS is claiming responsibility for Sunday’s attacks in Sri Lanka, a strong sign that the claims by the Trump Administration that it had largely defeated the group were not true.

President George H.W. Bush Dies At 94

George H.W. Bush,, who served his nation as a warrior, Congressman, Ambassador, Vice-President, and President, has died at the age of 94.

Corruption, Thy Name is ‘Trump’

Both President Trump and Ivanka Trump are profiting handsomely from their time in the White House.

Trump Not Simply Violating ‘Norms’

An important message from Josh Marshall.

Barbara Bush, Wife And Mother Of Presidents, Dies At 92

Barbara Bush, only the second woman in history to be the wife and mother of a U.S. President, has died at the age of 92.

Knicks Center Enes Katner To Be Tried In Abstentia For Criticizing President Of Turkey

New York Knicks Center Enes Katner is at the center of an international legal dispute for speaking out against the President of Turkey.

Trump Reportedly Ready To Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Accord

Reports indicate that President Trump is preparing to fulfill a campaign promise and withdraw the U.S. from the accord on climate change reached in Paris in 2015.

Trump’s Economic Ignorance Costing the U.S. Jobs

Trump’s attempt to fix the balance of trade will almost surely end up leaving us all worse off.

Bush Family Member Says Bush 41 And 43 May Vote For Clinton

Are these the faces of Clinton voters? George P. Bush thinks so.

ISIS Attack Kills More Than 140 In Baghdad

A third major terrorist attack inside of a week.

20 Dead In Bangladesh Attack Claimed By ISIS

A third major ISIS-inspired or planned attack in three weeks.

Ben Carson: President Obama Was “Raised White,” Can’t Identify With African-Americans

Ben Carson may be a non-entity in the Presidential race at this point, but that hasn’t stopped him from making controversial statements.

Conservative Pundits Finally Seeing Sarah Palin For What She Is

Conservatives finally seem to be waking up to the truth about Sarah Palin.

Rand Paul, Marco Rubio Exchange Barbs Over Cuba Policy Changes

Two potential candidates for the Republican nomination in 2016 traded barbs this week over the President’s new policy toward Cuba.

If A Monkey Takes A Selfie, Who Owns The Copyright?

Wikipedia is refusing to recognize a photographer’s copyright claim because a monkey took the picture.

Bill Clinton Most Admired President Of Past 25 Years, Bush 41 Woefully Underrated

Not surprisingly, Bill Clinton is the most admired recent President according to a new poll, but his predecessor seems to be underrated.

Does The World Really Think Less Of The U.S. Due To Obama’s Foreign Policy?

There’s little evidence for the conservative contention that the President has damaged America’s position in the world.

The Coffee Insurgency?

The Economist reports that “The coffee insurgency” is winning.

Guns and Preventing Tyranny

The notion that guns prevent tyranny is based on fantasy and movies, not reality.

Politics Stinks

There’s no doubt about it, our political culture is pretty horrible.

Obama Administration Abandons Freedom Of Speech In Wake Of Embassy Riots

Capitulating to a mob is never a good idea.

Politico: Obama Levels More Personal Attacks Than Romney

A POLITICO analysis finds that “Obama and his top campaign aides have engaged far more frequently in character attacks and personal insults than the Romney campaign.”

So Much For The “Big Picture” Election

Yesterday it became clear that the Presidential campaign is headed into the mud.

Another Ridiculous Demand For Obama’s College Transcripts

Once again, people are demanding to see Barack Obama’s college transcripts for no good reason.

Romney Continues To Embrace Trump Despite Birtherism

Mitt Romney continues to keep Donald Trump close. It makes no sense, but it isn’t likely to matter in the end.

Twitter Wars And The 2012 Election

Will Twitter impact the 2012 elections? The evidence seems thin that it will.

Is The Right Letting Obama Win By Falling For His Distractions?

Phony wars on Stay At Home Moms, dogs, and Osama bin Laden. The Obama campaign is pointing at the shiny object, and the right is falling for it.

This Campaign Has Gone To The Dogs

Last week, an absurd campaign became even more absurd.

State Department Bought $70,000 Worth of Obama Biographies

Barack Obama wrote two bestselling memoirs before becoming president. Both of them are hot items at Foggy Bottom.