After Final Senate Vote Fails, The Iran Nuclear Agreement Is A Done Deal

The final effort to block the Iran Nuclear Deal failed in the Senate yesterday, meaning that the deal will now move forward.

Foreign Policy At The Republican Debate

With the exception of Rand Paul, the foreign policy discussion at last night’s debate was about as bad as you’d expect.

The Latest Conservative Rebellion Against John Boehner Is Fizzling Out

The latest effort by conservative Republicans to oust John Boehner appears to be coming to an unsurprising end.

Republicans Clash In Second Debate That Seemed To Last Forever

The Republican candidates for President took to the stage last night for a debate that seemed to last forever and accomplished nothing.

Donald Trump’s National Security Speech Was As Substance-Free As The Rest Of His Campaign

What was promoted as major foreign policy speech by Donald Trump turned out to be more substance-free stream-of-consciousness rambling from an egomaniac.

Republicans See Donald Trump As ‘Presidential,’ The Rest Of America Not So Much

Polling shows that Republicans increasingly see Donald Trump as Presidential and trustworthy. The rest of America disagrees.

Republican Candidates Abandon Reagan’s Optimism In Favor Of Doom And Gloom

To listen to many of the Republican candidates for President, it would appear that the lights have been turned out on Ronald Reagan’s shining city on a hill.

Senate Democrats Succeed In Filibuster Of Vote Against Iran Nuclear Deal

Senate Democrats successfully blocked a final vote on the Iran Nuclear Deal, meaning that Congressional debate on the matter is effectively over.

House Conservatives Push For Pointless Delay In Iran Nuclear Deal Vote

Some House Republicans are trying to delay the vote on the Iran Nuclear Deal with an argument that has no merit whatsoever.

John Boehner Faces A Tough Fall On Capitol Hill

Speaker John Boehner seems likely to see another leadership threat from fellow Republicans this fall.

Democrats Now Have Enough Support To Block A Final Vote On The Iran Nuclear Deal

At least on paper, Senate Democrats now have enough votes to block the Senate from voting on a resolution disapproving of the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Joe Biden Drops A Hint That Suggests He Probably Won’t Run For President

In a speech in Florida, Joe Biden spoke about his possible run for the White House, and gave a very big hint that he’s leaning toward staying out of the race.

Donald Trump Doesn’t Know Much About Foreign Policy

In an interview, Donald Trump reveals that when it comes to foreign policy he has no idea what he’s talking about.

The Iran Nuclear Deal Debate Is Basically Over

President Obama now has enough votes in the Senate, and probably the House, to ensure that Congress cannot block the nuclear deal with Iran.

Iran Nuclear Deal Now Virtually Certain To Survive Congressional Attack

Senate Democrats are now just one vote away from being able to block a veto override, meaning that the effort to block the Iran Nuclear Deal will most certainly fail.

Voters Would Blame Republicans For Government Shutdown, Poll Shows

Some Republicans are threatening a government shutdown over funding of Planned Parenthood, but a new poll shows that it would be a big political risk for Republicans.

Senate Democrats May Be Able To Filibuster The Vote To Block The Iran Nuclear Deal

If the Administration gets its way, efforts to block the Iran nuclear deal may come to a quick end in the Senate.

As Far As Europe Is Concerned, The Debate Over The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Over

Congress is set to debate the Iran nuclear deal next month, but as far as Europe is concerned the debate is already over.

The Biden Speculation Continues

Thanks in part to a slow summer news cycle, the speculation about Vice-President Biden entering the race for President seems to be reaching a fever pitch.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Ready, Fire, Aim Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Majority Of Americans Oppose Iran Nuclear Deal, But It Will Likely Go Into Effect Anyway

Another poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose the Iranian nuclear deal, but the effort to defeat it in Congress is still likely to fail.

Jeb Bush Is Willfully Blind To The Truth About The Iraq War

Like many Republicans, Jeb Bush continues to be willfully blind to the truth about the Iraq War.

Democrats Not Exactly Eager For Joe Biden To Run For President

Based on a recent poll, it doesn’t appear that Democrats are all that eager for Vice-President Biden to challenge Hillary Clinton.

Chuck Schumer Comes Out Against The Iran Nuclear Deal

The Iran nuclear deal will probably survive it’s test in Congress in the end, but Chuck Schumer just made the Administration’s job a little more difficult.

Republicans Spar In Undercard Debate

The low-polling candidates met in an early debate. It was about what you’d expect.

Obama’s Rhetoric On The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Needlessly Confrontational

President Obama’s confrontational approach to opponents of the Iran Nuclear Deal ignores legitimate questions.

American Public Turning Against Iran Nuclear Deal According To New Polls

Recent polling has shown the American public to be highly skeptical, at beast, of the Iran Nuclear Deal. That may not be enough to kill it in Congress, though.

Trump as Perot 2.0

In 1992, an eccentric billionaire ran an independent campaign against a Bush and a Clinton. It could happen again.

Chris Christie Still Has Reefer Madness

Chris Christie says he would ignore states that have legalized marijuana if he became President. Fortunately, he will most likely never be President.

Jonathan Pollard To Be Released November 21st

After 30 years in prison, Jonathan Pollard will be released later this year.

Mike Huckabee’s Offensive, Idiotic Holocaust Rhetoric On Iran

In bringing Holocaust imagery into the debate over the Iran nuclear deal, Mike Huckabee has displayed the intellectual bankruptcy of his position.

U.S. Considering Releasing Jonathan Pollard?

Reports are circulating that the Obama Administration is considering releasing Jonathan Pollard, and many are seeing it as an effort to placate Israel in the wake of the Iran deal.

Majority Of Americans Support Iran Nuclear Deal

Good news for the President.

Today in “Asked and Answered” (Sowell on Iran Deal Edition)

Any discussion of the Iran deal has to be about realistic alternatives, not fantasies.

United Nations Security Council Approves Iranian Nuclear Deal

The U.N. Security Council has approved the Iranian nuclear deal, and now the ball is in Congress’s court.

Rand Paul’s Campaign Seems To Be Fizzling

Rand Paul’s Presidential campaign isn’t going so well at the moment.

Can Congress Stop The Iran Nuclear Deal?

In the end, the odds that Congress can actually stop the new deal regarding Iran’s nuclear program are pretty low.

Iran Nuclear Deal Struck, Reactions Pretty Much What You’d Expect

Depending on who you listen to, it’s either peace in our time or an epic catastrophe.

Scott Walker Is Running For President

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has formally entered the race for President, but can he overcome his flip-flops and a turn to the hard right?

Can Lindsey Graham Win?

The NYT paints the longshot senator as a happy warrior trying to win the White House by doing it his way.

Scott Walker Set To Enter Presidential Race On July 13th

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker will be entering the race for President later this month, but it’s unclear if his recent turn to the hard right will help him or hurt him.

Changes To U.S. Hostage Policies Are Less Than Meets The Eye

The Administration announced changes to the way the government handles hostage situations, but it really doesn’t amount to much.

It’s Time To End The Cuba Travel Ban

It’s easier for an American citizen to go to Iran or North Korea than it is for them to go to Cuba, That’s insane.

Was China OPM Hack Fair Game?

Was this simply ordinary intelligence collection? Or something more insidious?

George W. Bush Wants To Send Combat Troops To Iraq Again

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us.

Supreme Court Slaps Back Congress In Jerusalem Passport Case

In a case that took seven months to decide, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Presidency’s broad authority in foreign affairs, and inserted itself just a little bit in the thorny politics of the Middle East.

American Pharoah Wins First Triple Crown In 37 Years

A thirty-seven year long drought is over.