Donald Trump, Joseph McCarthy, And Profiles In Republican Cowardice

Much like it did during the McCarthy Era, the Republican Party has to decide what side of history it wishes to be on. The right side, or the wrong side.

The Post-Trump GOP Will Not Go Back To ‘Normal’

Contrary to the hopes of some, getting rid of Trump isn’t going to purge the GOP of Trumpism.

Kyrsten Sinema Facing Blowback For Being The Senator She Said She’d Be

Far-left Democrats in Arizona want to punish Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema for being exactly the kind of Senator she said she’d be when she ran for office a year ago.

Voters Voting Voters Voting

Rank-Choice Voting for President in Maine

Staring in 2020 the winner in Maine will be the majority preference.

Appeals Court Rules States Cannot Punish ‘Faithless Electors’

The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last week that states cannot punish electors who fail to follow the will of the majority of voters n their state or state laws purporting to direct how they should vote.

Trump’s Racism Reveals The Moral Cowardice Of The GOP And Conservatives

The failure of Republicans and conservatives to denounce the President’s racism reveals everything that has gone wrong with the “right” in the Trump Era.

Raise The Debt Ceiling? Let’s Eliminate It Instead

The Trump Administration is warning Congress that we will need to raise the debt ceiling by September. Congress should take this as an opportunity to eliminate it entirely.

Susan Collins Faces Political Headwinds Back Home

Susan Collins hasn’t officially announced her intentions for 2020 just yet, but she looks like she’s running for re-election. If she does, she appears to be facing some political headwinds.

Senate Declines to Rein in Trump’s War Power

The Kaine-Udall amendment has met its predictable end.

Maine Becomes 8th State To Legalize Physician-Assisted Suicide

Maine has become the eighth state to pass a law allowing terminally ill the choice to bring their lives to a dignified end.

Texas Bans Red-Light Cameras

Texas has become the latest state to eliminate red-light cameras amid increasing evidence that they are largely counterproductive.

Kansas Democrats Dump Caucuses, Implement Ranked-Choice Voting

For 2020, Kansas Democrats are making some interesting changes to how they will have a say in he race for the Democratic nomination.

Illinois Set To Become 11th State To Legalize Marijuana

Further progress for advocates of marijuana legalization from the Land of Lincoln.

Roy Moore Hits Back At Trump’s Call For Him To Stay Out Of Senate Race

Republicans nationwide are trying to discourage Roy Moore from running for Senate again. Roy Moore doesn’t care.

Senate Republicans Have Already Made Up Their Mind On Impeachment

The House of Representatives has not even acted on impeachment, but Senate Republicans have already made up their mind.

Politicizing Intelligence

Yet another violation of norms by the 45th President.

Democratic Primary Rules and Proportionality

More proportional than the GOP, but perhaps not as proportional as one might think.

No Mitch McConnell, It’s Not “Case Closed”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared “case closed” on the Mueller Report and the Russia investigation. This is far from the truth.

Democrats Trying to Block Trump from 2020 Ballot

Ballot measures across the country would deny access to those who refuse to release tax returns.

Sanders Takes Campaign-Killing Position on Felon Voting

Sanders’ position on felon voting is logical, yet politically suicidal.

Republicans Resisting Democratic Efforts To Limit Exemptions From Vaccine Laws

As Democrats at the state level seek to limit the ability of parents to decline to vaccinate their children. they are facing resistance from Republican colleagues.

A Comparative Note on Prisoner Voting

Sanders’ suggestion is not as outside democratic norms as one might think.

Monopoly board Go Directly to Jail with car and hotel Monopoly board Go Directly to Jail with car and hotel

Sanders: Prisoners Should Vote

As many states contemplate restoring voting rights to felons who have completed their sentence, a leading Democrat wants to go further.

No, the Electoral College Wasn’t About Slavery

Princeton historian Sean Wilentz lays to rest a pernicious idea propagated by . . . Princeton historian Sean Wilentz.

Splitting States

While polarization in our national politics gets the most attention, several states also face serious rural-urban tensions.

Voters Voting Voters Voting

Why Two Parties?

Some basics on the US party system.

Senate Votes Down Unconstitutional Emergency Declaration, 59-41

Congress is doing its damned job for a change.

Marijuana Legalization Becoming Consensus Issue Among 2020 Democratic Candidates

Democratic candidates for President are quickly voicing support for marijuana legalization.

The GOP’s Blind Loyalty To Trump Is Likely To End Up Costing Them

Republicans are blindly loyal to this President in a way we have not seen before. They are likely to end up paying a price for that.

Senate Appears Poised To Block Trump’s National Emergency

There appear to be enough votes in the Senate to pass the resolution disapproving President Trump’s border wall “emergency,” but there’s not enough Republican support to override an expected veto.

Once Again, Trump Becomes An Apologist For A Dictator

Once again, President Trump proves that in the face of evil he is a coward and a disgrace.

House Passes Bill To Block Trump’s Emergency, With Minimal GOP Support

The House of Representatives voted yesterday to block the President’s declaration of an “emergency” at the southern border. Now the matter goes to the Senate.

Congress Poised to Block Trump’s Emergency Declaration

While not subject to filibuster, it’s still subject to Presidential veto.

ACLU Files Lawsuit Against Trump Over ‘Emergency’ Declaration

The American Civil Liberties Union has joined the list of groups with lawsuits against the President’s declaration of a “national emergency” at the southern border.

Sixteen States, Other Groups, Sue Trump Over Border Wall ‘National Emergency’

The lawsuits against President Trump’s “national emergency” have begun. Except more.

Trump To Sign Funding Bill, Declare ‘National Emergency’ At Border

The President will sign the bill to fund the government and avert another government shutdown, but in doing so he’ll also lay the groundwork for another showdown with Congress.

If Howard Schultz wants to be President…

…there is only one plausible pathway to get there.

Another Shutdown? White House Says Maybe, Senate Republicans Aren’t So Sure

The White House isn’t ruling out the idea of a second government shutdown, but Senate Republicans have other ideas.

Senate Rejects Competing Proposals To End Government Shutdown

The Senate rejected Republican and Democratic proposals as expected but there are some signs of movement forward.

Democrats Prepare A New Proposal To End Shutdown

As the shutdown enters its thirty-fourth day and the Senate gets ready to vote on proposals that have no chance of succeeding, Democrats are preparing a new proposal.

Shutdown Drags On With No End In Sight As Trump Refuses To Relent

After twenty-five days, there’s no end in sight to the Federal Government shutdown. You can thank the President for that.

Attention Shifts To Senate Republicans As Shutdown Drags On

As the government shutdown enters through its twenty-fourth day, attention is shifting to Senate Republicans who could be pressured to break ranks and potentially force a resolution.

Some States Are (Finally) Getting Rid Of Caucuses

Several states are getting rid of caucuses in favor of primaries, a move that could be to the disadvantage of candidates like Bernie Sanders.

McConnell Faces Pressure From Within And Without Over Shutdown

As the shutdown drags on, Mitch McConnell finds himself facing pressure from the White House and from members of his own caucus.

Democrats Pass Bills To Reopen Government, But They Won’t Go Anywhere

In a late first-day session, Congress passed a series of bills designed to reopen most of the government, but they’re already ‘dead on arrival’ in the Senate.

California Moves Primary Date To March 3rd

California is set up throw a huge curve ball into the 2020 Presidential nomination fight.

James Mattis Resigning As Defense Secretary In Rebuke To Trump’s Policies

In what clearly appears to be a rebuke of the President, Defense Secretary James Mattis is retiring as Secretary of Defense.

Andrew Cuomo Says He’ll Push For Pot Legalization In 2019

New York State seems likely to join the list of states where marijuana has been legalized sometime next year.

President George H.W. Bush Dies At 94

George H.W. Bush,, who served his nation as a warrior, Congressman, Ambassador, Vice-President, and President, has died at the age of 94.

Will The Last Republican In New England Please Turn Out The Lights?

Another part of the country that was once a Republican stronghold is now almost completely blue.