George H.W. Bush Released From Hospital

After less than two weeks, former President George H.W. Bush is out of the hospital.

Support For Marijuana Legalization Reaches A New High

Nearly two-thirds of Americans support marijuana legalization according to a new poll.

Former President George H.W. Bush Out Of Intensive Care

Good news for the 41st President of the United States and his family.

Chuck Schumer Introduces Measure To Decriminalize Marijuana

The highest ranking Democrat in the Senate has introduced a bill that would effectively decriminalize marijuana nationwide and leave it up to each state to decide how far they wish to go with regard to cannabis regulation. It’s a huge step in the right direction.

Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument On Internet Sales Tax Collection

The Supreme Court heard argument yesterday on the issue of whether online sellers can be required to collect sales taxes, and the status of the issue remains as confused as ever.

Barbara Bush, Wife And Mother Of Presidents, Dies At 92

Barbara Bush, only the second woman in history to be the wife and mother of a U.S. President, has died at the age of 92.

Judge Allows Emoluments Clause Case Against Trump To Go Forward

A Federal Judge is allowing a lawsuit alleging that President Trump is improperly benefiting from business being done at the hotel in Washington, D.C. bearing his name to go forward.

Republicans Are Failing The Profiles In Courage Test

Profiles in courage? With Republicans in the Trump Era, it’s more like profiles in cowardice.

Mississippi Governor Taps Cindy Hyde-Smith To Replace Thad Cochran

Mississippi’s Governor has chosen a replacement for Thad Cochran, but the White House isn’t too happy about the pick.

Late Night OTB – Slaid Cleaves

He’s been in the music business in some form or the other since 1985. He has been, it’s fair to say, the opposite of an overnight success.

Supreme Court Rebuffs Trump Administration On DACA

The Supreme Court has declined an invitation to intervene early in the legal arguments surrounding DACA.

Trump Still Doesn’t Believe Russia Interfered In The 2016 Election

Despite what his own intelligence chiefs are saying, President Trump still does not believe that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

Trump’s Immigration Plan Meeting Opposition, From Republicans

The White House’s immigration plan is facing opposition in both chambers of Congress from moderate and conservative Republicans alike.

The Path To A DACA Deal Won’t Be An Easy One

Getting to a DACA deal isn’t going to be easy.

Senate Votes To Approve Agreement To Reopen Government, House Expected To Go Along

While final votes remain to be taken, the Federal Government shutdown effectively ended this afternoon with an overwhelming bipartisan vote to reopen the government, combined with a commitment from Republicans to consider a DACA bill over the next three weeks. What happens next, though, is entirely uncertain.

Government Shutdown Enters Second Day With Few Signs Of Quick Resolution

It’s Day Two of the Federal Government shutdown and there are few signs of a quick resolution.

GOP Growing Increasingly Nervous About Governor’s Races

The GOP’s potential troubles in 2018 don’t just exist at the Congressional level.

Trump Administration Reverses Obama Era Policy On State Marijuana Legalization

The Trump Administration is reversing policy on an Obama Era policy that allowed states to choose their own course on marijuana laws.

Donald Trump Shrugging Donald Trump Shrugging

Trump Disbands ‘Voter Fraud’ Commission

President Trump has shut down the commission he established to investigate unsupported claims of “voter fraud” in the 2016 election.

Republicans Release Final Version Of Tax Bill, And It Appears Likely To Pass

The final version of the tax bill appears to be on track for passage, but the devil is in the details.

Republicans Say They Have a Final Tax Bill, But Senate Democrats Want A Delay

House and Senate Republicans say they have reached agreement on a final tax bill, and Democrats are engaging in an effort to delay a vote in the Senate until Doug Jones can be seated.

Senate Passes Tax Cut Bill On Party Line Vote

The Senate passed a tax cut bill last night, but it leaves a lot to be desired.

Fate Of Senate Tax Plan Still In Doubt

With time running out in the year, it’s looking increasingly unlikely that the Senate GOP will be able to meet its deadlines on passing a tax reform bill.

Maine Voters Vote To Expand Medicaid, Making An End Run Around Governor LePage

Voters in Maine hand their conservative Governor a setback.

Support For Marijuana Legalization Now Stands At 64% Of Americans, Majority Of Republicans

A new poll shows that a record majority of Americans, including a majority of Republicans, support legalization of marijuana.

Susan Collins Forgoes Bid For Maine Governor, Will Run For Re-Election Instead

Susan Collins will stay in the Senate rather than running for Governor of Maine next year.

Decertifying The Iran Nuclear Deal Would Be A Foolish, Potentially Dangerous, Error

Reports are indicating that President Trump will decertify the nuclear weapons deal with Iran. This would be a foolish and potentially dangerous mistake.

Tom Price, Trump’s HHS Secretary, Resigns Amid Private Jet Scandal

Trump loses his HHS Secretary amid a growing scandal involving the use of private and government jets by Cabinet officials.

Senate Cancels Vote On Graham-Cassidy Health Care Reform Bill

What was essentially the final effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act is officially dead.

Latest Effort To ‘Repeal And Replace’ Affordable Care Act Basically Dead

The latest effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act appears to be dead.

Graham-Cassidy Health Care Bill Likely Dead As McCain Announces Opposition

The GOP’s effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act appears to suffer a fatal blow as Senator John McCain announced his opposition to what is the last gasp of that effort in the Senate.

Fate Of Latest Attempt To ‘Repeal And Replace’ Obamacare Remains Unclear

Senate Republicans have ten days to act on their last-ditch attempt to ‘repeal and replace’ Obamacare, and it’s not at all clear if they have the votes to do so.

Senate Once Again Fails On Health Care Reform

Seven years of rhetoric on health care reform ended early this morning with a narrow vote on a bill that even Republicans didn’t really support.

Senate Votes To Proceed On Health Care Bill That Doesn’t Exist Yet

In a vote close enough to require the Vice-President to cast a tie-breaking vote, the Senate voted to proceed to debate on a health care bill even though nobody seems to know what bill they’ll ultimately be voting on.

Senate To Move Ahead On Health Care Reform Votes That Seem Unlikely To Succeed

The Senate isn’t giving up in its efforts to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act, despite the fact that it seems clear that the votes aren’t there.

Senate GOP’s Plan C On Health Care Dies In Less Than A Day

What looks like it will be the Senate GOP’s last effort on the issue of health care reform died less than a day after being put on the table.

McConnell Pulls The Plug On Senate Health Care Reform Bill

With the defection of two more Senators, the latest effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act has gone down in flames.

Senate Health Care Debate Delayed Due To McCain Surgery

With the fate of the Senate health care reform bill hanging in the balance, the Senate will delay consideration of the bill due to the unexpected absence of one Senator.

Senate GOP Releases Revised Version Of Obamacare ‘Repeal And Replace’ Bill

Senate Republicans have introduced their latest version of a plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

Senate GOP Faces Another Make Or Break Week On Health Care Reform

The Senate GOP’s effort to ‘repeal and replace’ the Affordable Care Act is headed for a bumpy ride.

GOP Senators Facing Health Care Blowback At Home

Senate Republicans are back home and hearing from their constituents on health care reform. It’s not going well for them.

Another Deplorable Trump Twitter Tirade

Once again, Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to attack women, embarrass himself, and embarrass the nation he purports to represent.

Senate GOP Delays Vote On Health Care Reform

A big setback for Republican efforts to ‘repeal and replace’ Obamacare.

CBO Score Casts Even More Doubt On Senate Health Care Reform Bill

Once again, a bad CBO score is casting doubt on a Republican health care reform bill.

Senate GOP Health Care Bill Faces Crucial Week, And Many Doubts

The Senate GOP health care reform care bill faces a crucial week, and things aren’t looking good.

Joe Lieberman For F.B.I Director?

For some reason, Joe Lieberman is apparently the front-runner to replace James Comey at the F.B.I.

Impeachment Talk Grows, But It’s Not Going To Happen Anytime Soon

Even with the revelations of the last three weeks, impeaching the President is still largely a fantasy.