Jeff Flake: I’ll Oppose Trump’s Judges Unless I Get A Vote On Bill To Protect Mueller

Senator Jeff Flake is threatening to vote against President Trump’s judicial nominees unless he gets a floor vote on a bill to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Democratic Gains In State Legislatures Could Impact Redistricting

Democratic pickups in several state legislatures could impact redistricting after the 2020 Census.

Election Day Was A Good Day For Marijuana Legalization

On Tuesday, Michigan joined the ranks of the states where marijuana is legal and several other states legalized it for medical purposes.

Democrats Make Gains In Governor’s Races

In addition to winning back the House, Democrats also made gains in Governor’s races.

Democrats Grab Hold Of House, Republicans Make Gains In Senate In Mixed Results Midterm

As expected, the midterm elections ended up being a split result that gives Democrats and Republicans alike reason to celebrate.

Support For Marijuana Legalization Hits Another High Ahead Of Midterms

Just over a week before two states will be voting on referendums to legalize recreational marijuana, a new poll finds that two-thirds of Americans support legalization.

Support For Marijuana Legalization Continues To Be High

One month before voters in several states head to the polls to vote on legalization referendums, a new poll shows that public support for legalization remains at record high levels.

Trump Continues To Stoke The Political Fire Of The Kavanaugh Confirmation

With four weeks to go until Election Day, Donald Trump and the Republicans are continuing to stoke the divisions laid bare by the Kavanaugh nomination.

Chuck Grassley Tries To Explain The Lack Of Republican Women On The Judiciary Committee

Open mouth, insert foot. Chuck Grassley didn’t exactly help his party when he was asked to explain the lack of Republican women on the Judiciary Committee.

Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Assured With Support Of Collins And Manchin

With the support of two holdout Senators, the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh now appears to be all but official.

Kavanaugh Nomination Passes Procedural Test, Final Outcome Still Uncertain

The Senate voted to proceed to an expected floor vote on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court tomorrow, but the final outcome is still uncertain.

Regrets, Brett Has A Few, But Then Again Too Few To Mention

Brett Kavanaugh is expressing some regrets over his performance last Thursday, but it’s largely far too little, far too late.

Senate Set For Key Vote On Kavanaugh Nomination

As the Senate prepares for a key procedural vote on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh this morning, the Judge’s fate remains up in the air. However, signs are pointing to reasons for Republican optimism.

F.B.I. Completes Kavanaugh Background Check, Senate Moves Forward On Vote

The F.B.I.’s updated background check is complete and will be reviewed by Senators beginning today. As a result, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is moving forward toward a final vote on the Kavanaugh nomination later this week.

Trump Launches Attack On Christine Blasey Ford

After roughly a week of staying silent, President Trump decided last night to openly mock Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

White House Allows Expansion Of Reopened Kavanaugh Background Check

After placing limits on the scope of the F.B.I.’s reopened background investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the White House has relented and is allowing a more open-ended investigation.

Kavanaugh Confirmation Vote On Hold Pending Renewed F.B.I. Investigation

Surprise developments yesterday led to a pause in the confirmation process for Brett Kavanaugh. Where it goes from here is unclear.

Republicans Proceeding Forward With Kavanaugh Nomination In Doubt

Republicans intend to “plow through” on the Kavanaugh nomination even after yesterday’s hearing, but it’s not clear that they have the votes to confirm him.

Ford/Kavanaugh Hearing Ends With Questions, Doubts, And Only One Option

After eight hours of testimony, the only impression a non-partisan mind could be left with from the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh is that we need a full investigation of the charges against the Supreme Court nominee. Unfortunately, we’re not going to get that.

Kavanaugh/Ford Hearings Begin Amid New Accusations And Questions

Just hours before hearings that will likely determine the fate of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, new accusations and revelations are coming to light.

Kavanaugh’s Defenders Aren’t Helping

Prominent supporters of the embattled Supreme Court nominee, including the President, are doing him no favors.

Republicans Join Call For Delay In Kavanaugh Vote Pending Investigation

Cracks are beginning to show in the previously united Republican front on the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation notwithstanding what appear to be credible allegations of sexual assault.

The Year Of The Political Women By The Numbers

A look at the numbers behind the influx of women into electoral politics this year.

The Kavanaugh Nomination Heads Toward Its Inevitable Outcome

The nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh is, effectively, assured. Democrats should be careful about how much further they push their opposition.

Kavanaugh’s Second Day Of Questioning Was Bumpy, But Won’t Derail His Nomination

The second day of questioning for Judge Brett Kavanaugh was a bit rockier than the first, but nothing happened that seriously threatens his eventual confirmation.

Kavanaugh Sails Through First Day Of Questioning Unscathed

Day One of questions for Judge Brett Kavanaugh went about as you’d expect.

John McCain Was A Strong Moral Voice Against Torture, America Should Be Grateful

Throughout the War On Terror, John McCain stood out as a strong moral voice against the use of torture against prisoners. For that he deserves the thanks of a grateful nation.

Kavanaugh One Step Closer To Confirmation

Judge Brett Kavanaugh reportedly told Senator Susan Collins that he considers Roe v. Wade
“settled law.” This will likely be enough to get her support and that of another holdout Republican Senator.

North Dakota To Vote On Marijuana Legalization In November

Another step forward in the seemingly unstoppable movement toward nationwide legalization.

Lawsuits Challenge “Winner Take All” Allocation Of Electoral College Votes

A group of lawsuits filed across the country are seeking to challenge the predominant method for allocation of Electoral College votes. These lawsuits appear to have little merit.

Confirmation Hearing For Brett Kavanaugh To Begin September 4th

Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination appears to be on track for confirmation before the new Supreme Court term begins in October.

Federal Judge Allows Emoluments Suit Against Trump To Proceed In Historic Ruling

A Federal Judge in Maryland ruled last week that a lawsuit against the President based on a rather obscure provision of the Constitution could go forward.

New Jersey Puts Marijuana Prosecutions On Hold, Anticipating Legalization

The Garden State has put a hold on marijuana prosecutions in anticipation of full legalization by the end of the year.

Another Poll Shows Majority Opposes Overruling Roe v. Wade

A fourth poll in less than a month shows that most Americans support keeping the rights protected in Roe v. Wade alive.

On Kavanaugh, Democrats Lack A Coherent Message And A Coherent Strategy

At least in these early days, Democrats appear to lack a coherent message, or a coherent strategy, to propel any effort to block Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

Another Name On Trump’s SCOTUS Short List

With the President set to announce his Supreme Court pick Monday evening, another name has entered the game.

Marijuana Legalization Continues To Move Forward

In November, Michigan voters will be able to make their state the tenth state to legalize marijuana. This is just the latest step in what seems to be an irreversible trend.

Anthony Kennedy’s Right to Retire

A thoughtful liberal argues the Justice has “altered and destroyed his legacy” by allowing Donald Trump to appoint his successor.

Two Women Leave GOP Over Policy GOP Has Espoused 38 Years

A Republican organization dedicated to abortion rights is shutting down after 30 years, eight fewer than the Party has opposed them.

Alexandria Renames ‘Jefferson Davis Highway’ to ‘Richmond Highway’

A controversial name is disappearing from one small stretch of road.

Trump’s Trade War Chickens Coming Home To Roost

Three months after it started, the Trump Trade War is already starting to have a negative impact on American businesses and American consumers.

Yes, The Border Patrol Can Probably Stop You and Ask for Papers

The 100-mile Constitution-free zone strikes again.

Maine Voters Head To The Polls To Give Ranked-Choice Voting A Try

Maine voters head to the polls today to pick nominees for Governor and several other offices, but the most interesting thing is way they’ll be voting.

Trump Administration Won’t Defend Obamacare, Says Mandate Is Unconstitutional

The Trump Administration is declining to defend the Affordable Care Act in Court, arguing that the individual mandate is now unconstitutional because the tax penalty has been eliminated.

Former President George H.W. Bush Released From Hospital

A week before he turns 94, the former President is out of the hospital.

Former President George H.W. Bush Hospitalized In Maine

The 41st President has been hospitalized in Maine.

Gina Haspel Nomination To Be C.I.A. Director Has A Clear Path To Confirmation

With a third Democrat crossing the aisle to support her, Gina Haspel now has the votes she needs to become the next C.I.A. Director.

Ebola Making A Reappearance In Africa

Ebola is making a reappearance in Central Africa.. Will the world be better prepared this time?

Haspel Faces Questions About Torture, But Her Confirmation Seems Assured

Gina Haspel faced some tough questions from Democrats regarding her role in the C.I.A.’s post-9/11 torture programs, but she’s likely to be confirmed anyway.

On Eve Of Confirmation Hearing, Haspel Suggested Withdrawing CIA Nomination

With the start of her confirmation hearings just days away, Gina Haspel’s nomination to be C.I.A. Director is by no means secure.