Obama Approval Jumps in Newsweek Poll

Newsweek’s latest poll shows a boom in support for President Obama and the Democrats. It’s the only poll showing that, however.

Less Than Two Weeks Out, Republicans Poised For Big Gains

Voters head to the polls in thirteen days, and current indications are that they’ll be handing a big victory to the Republican Party.

MSNBC.com Changing Name?

MSNBC.com is contemplating a name change to distinguish their brand from that of a left-leaning cable news channel.

Do Jews Really Control the Media?

Responding to the rant that got Rick Sanchez fired, Slate’s Brian Palmer investigates the question, “Do Jews Really Control the Media?” His short answer, “Maybe the movies, but not the news.”

Stephen J. Cannell Dead at 69

Stephen J. Cannel, the man behind “The Rockford Files” and “The A-Team,” had died at 69.

Obama Beats Hillary, Again

A new Gallup poll shows President Obama beating Hillary Clinton in a hypothetical 2012 Democratic nomination fight. Nobody should be surprised by that.

Harnessing The Tea Party

Support for the Tea Party is at record levels but that movement does not have a coherent policy platform. Can the energy be harnessed to good use?

Obama: School Choice For Me, But Not For Thee

President Obama’s recent comments about the D.C. Public Schools should raise a few eyebrows.

Rahm Emanuel Leaving White House, Running For Chicago Mayor

White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel is leaving his job at week’s end to run for mayor of Chicago.

The Fox News Primary

More than ever before in the past, Fox News Channel will be the exclusive medium through which many of the candidates for the 2012 Republican nomination communicate with the public. And that’s a problem.

If John Lennon Had Lived

A Vanity Fair piece imagines what John Lennon’s life would have been like had he survived an assassin’s bullet.

Number of the Day: Delaware Primary Edition

Let’s go to the numbers in Delaware.

Instapundit’s Initial Take On 9/11

Taking a short trip back in time via Instapundit’s archives reveals a September 11th post that turned out to be prophetic.

About That Ten Point Democratic Gain In The Latest Gallup Poll

According to Gallup, there was a ten point move in the public’s preference on the Generic Congressional Ballot between last week and this week. What’s more likely is that Gallup is making a mistake somewhere.

Fifty-Six Days Out, A Tidal Wave Approaches

As the mid-term elections enter their final eight weeks, there’s more bad news for Democrats.

Hillary Clinton 2012 Ad Running

The first ad of the 2012 presidential cycle has aired, by some dentist touting Hillary Clinton. She’s not running. Could she?

The Politics of Crowd Estimates

Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally raises, yet again, the tiresome fight over crowd estimates and their political significance.

Whites-Only Class President Rule Ends at Mississippi School

A rule allowing only white students to run for class president at a Mississippi middle school has been quickly changed after the Internet brought attention to it.

NY GOP Candidate Exploiting “Ground Zero Mosque” Issue, But Getting No Traction

Rick Lazio is running for Governor of New York and he’s found an issue in the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque,” but it doesn’t seem to be helping him in the polls.

Obama: Don’t Raise Taxes During Recession

A year ago, President Obama was emphatically against raising taxes during the recession — even on the rich.

Caption Contest Winners

The Sturgis or Bust Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

Tea Party More Popular than Pelosi, but not the Democratic Party

Shockingly, the Tea Party as a generic movement is more popular than congressional leadership. Interestingly, the Democrats are still slightly more popular than the Tea Party and the Reps are in third.

MSNBC/WSJ Poll Reveals Gloomy, Pessimistic Electorate

According to a new MSNBC/Wall Street Journal poll, the public that will head to the polls in November is increasingly gloomy and pessimistic.

Conservatives Suddenly Love Hillary Clinton

Conservatives seem very eager for Hillary Clinton to get back on the campaign trial, but it’s not going to happen.

Worst Sports Broadcast Ever

Last night’s preseason opener between the Dallas Cowboys and the Cincinnati Bengals was the worst sports broadcast I’ve ever seen, barring any recent Olympics.

Malapropisms, Manhattan Mosques, And Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin tweeted, and took the wrong side in a story that doesn’t even deserve to be a controversy.

Biden Promises November Surprise From Democrats

Vice-President Biden glances into the future and sees a relatively good year for Democrats. Is he right ?

Sarah Palin: Hot In The GOP, Not So Hot In America

When it comes to opinions about Sarah Palin, there is a striking difference between Republicans and Americans in general.

Who Should be on TV?

Should outrageous people like Pamela Gellar be invited to spread their message on national television?

Federal Court To FCC: Indecency, F**k Yeah !

A common sense decision on broadcast “decency” standards was handed down by a Federal Appeals Court today.

LeBron James And The Tea Party

Will LeBron James’s departure push upset Ohioans to the right ?

Sarah Palin, One Year Later

One year ago today, Sarah Palin resigned as Governor of Alaska after only 2 1/2 years in office.

Charlie Cook: “Hurricane GOP” Bearing Down On Democrats

The latest poll trends have pollster Charlie Cook thinking that the Democrats could be in for a very bad trouncing on Election Day.

Pollster Transparency

Honest pollsters should deposit their raw data with the Roper Center to improve transparency.

Endorsement By Sarah Palin Seen As A Negative, Poll Shows

“Endorsed by Sarah Palin” could become something that Democrats start using in negative campaign commercials.

Obama’s Approval Numbers Sinking Fast

Another poll brings bad news for the White House.

McChrystal Fired, Petraeus to Afghanistan

President Obama has relieved General Stanley Chrystal of command of ISAF.

McChrystal Quotes Alcohol Fueled?

General McChrystal and company spilled their guts to Rolling Stone on a road trip during which they were imbibing steadily.

Rue McClanahan Dead at 76

The actress best known for her role as Blanche Deveraux on “The Golden Girls” has died of a stroke.