Congress Looks To Rewrite Stolen Valor Act

Congress seems to have gotten the message the Supreme Court sent last month about the Stolen Valor Act.

Was The Revolution A Mistake?

Were the Colonists wrong to toss aside the British Empire so casually?

61% Say Country Headed in Wrong Direction, Yet Obama Leads Romney

The election is about the economy. The economy is awful. Yet the incumbent still holds a slight lead.

Obama Crushing Romney Among Latino Voters

Mitt Romney continues to trail the President very badly among Latino voters. That could be a big problem in November.

Anti-Mormon Sentiment Increasing

The “Mormon Question” that has long plagued Mitt Romney is being raised again by a new study showing the sentiment rising among liberals and non-believers.

2012 Race Down to Seven Battleground States?

While the news media is focused on sixteen battleground states, the professionals running the Obama and Romney campaigns are focused on a much narrower list.

Obama And Romney Tied In Western Swing States

Yet more evidence that this is shaping up to be a very close election.

Romney Trailing Obama Among Hispanics By Wide Margin

The GOP has a serious problem with the Latino vote, and it may too late to fix it.

The Death Of Occupy Wall Street? It Sure Seems Like It

All the available evidence suggest that the Occupy movement has fizzled away into virtual nothingness.

Ron Paul’s Delegate “Wins” Won’t Amount To Anything

Ron Paul’s supporters are racking up delegate wins at party conventions in caucus states, but it won’t matter in the end.

Mitt Romney’s Incredibly Narrow Path To Victory

The biggest argument against Romney winning in November is the fact that there aren’t many ways for him to get to those pesky 270 Electoral Votes.

President Obama Much Bigger Fan of Executive Power Than Senator Obama

Charlie Savage documents a major shift in Barack Obama’s philosophy of presidential authority.

A Crack in the Logic of the Drug War Coalition?

Well, maybe a tiny one.

Court Rules That Accessing OTB At Work Isn’t A Federal Crime

A Federal Court rejects an effort to significantly expand the application of a law designed to target computer hacking.

Simpsons Home Town: Springfield, Oregon

Shockingly, the “Springfield” in the long-running sittcom “The Simpsons” is Springfield, Oregon, near where creator Matt Groening grew up.

How SuperPACs Have Made Politics More Democratic

Far from being deterimental, there is a case to be made that SuperPACs have actually expended democracy during this election cycle.

The Six States That Will Likely Decide The 2012 Election

Six states are likely to decide the 2012 election.

Pundits Making The GOP Race Seem Closer Than It Is

If you listen to the punditocracy, you’d think that there’s actually a doubt as to who the GOP nominee will be.

Time Running Out For GOP?

2012 may be the last chance for the current Republican Party to win the White House.

Republicans Clash In Mostly Lackluster Debate

Last night’s debate may have been the last one. It was also the least informative.

The GOP’s Increasingly Weird Delegate Math

It’s looking increasingly unlikely that anyone will have the race for the nomination wrapped up any time soon.

Time To Get Rid Of Caucuses

This is no way to pick a Presidential Nominee.

Romney Not Sealing The Deal With Conservatives

If the reaction at this year’s CPAC is any indication, Mitt Romney still has some work to do to seal up his party’s base.

A Santorum Surge? Or, A Statistical Blip?

A new poll shows Santorum surging ahead of Mitt Romney nationally

A Path To A Brokered Convention?

One analyst sees a way that the current GOP race could indeed lead to a brokered convention.

Santorum Wins Three Races Nobody Pays Attention To

Rick Santorum swept three states that are off the media radar screen. Will it revive his campaign?

The Inevitable Newt Gingrich Meltdown Begins

Last night, we saw the beginning of the end of the Newt Gingrich campaign whether he realizes it or not.

Romney’s Inevitable And Gingrich Don’t Care

Romney continues to roll up decisive victories while Gingrich gets increasingly bitter and nasty.

Mitt Romney’s Bizarre Take On Obama’s Afghanistan Decision

Mitt Romney’s statements about the planned early draw down in Afghanistan make no sense whatsoever.

Why In The World Would Romney Accept Trump’s Endorsement?

Why is the Republican frontrunner pandering to a megalomanical showman?

Wyoming Senator Trying To Revive The Dollar Coin Yet Again

Senator Mike Enzi wants to replace the Dollar Bill with a coin. As with past efforts, it’s a great idea that is unlikely to succeed.

Romney Wins Big, Newt Loses Mean, Race Continues (But Not For Long)

Mitt Romney won big last night, Newt Gingrich was Newt Gingrich, and the race is coming to the beginning of the end.

Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio Warn Republicans On Losing Hispanic Voters

Two prominent Florida Republicans are warning their party about losing the support of the nation’s fastest growing ethnic group.

Newt Gingrich Wins South Carolina, Republican Race In (Temporary) Chaos

Last night, South Carolina was Gingrich Country.

Mitt Romney Is Still The Inevitable Nominee

Mitt Romney has stumbled this week, and may pay for it tomorrow, but he’s still the only candidate with a realistic chance to win the Republican nomination.