Sales Taxes On Internet Purchases Seem To Be An Inevitability

The days of tax-free online shopping are coming to an end.

Huntsman 2016?

The GOP’s most promising alternative to Mitt Romney in 2012 may run again in 2016, but it doesn’t seem like he’d go very far.

Fewer Primary Debates Is A Good Idea, But Probably Not Achievable

Republicans seem to think they need fewer Presidential debates in the 2016 cycle, but it’s unclear how they can make that happen.

Rand Paul Wins Meaningless CPAC Straw Poll

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul won a completely meaningless straw poll.

Rise of the Megacommuter

About 8.1 percent of U.S. workers have commutes of 60 minutes or longer and nearly 600,000 have “megacommutes” of at least 90 minutes and 50 miles.

Republicans Still Sticking Their Heads In The Sand

The GOP seems to be drawing all the wrong lessons from the 2012 elections.

Guns and Tribalism

Josh Marshall explains what it’s like to be a non-gun person in a very pro-gun culture.

Judging The 2012 Preditions

Last January 1, some of us made a series of predictions. Here’s how we did.

Iowa’s Governor Calls For An End To The Ames Straw Poll

The Governor of Iowa thinks the Ames Straw Poll should be ended, but he really ought to go further than that.

Rick Perry The Worst Candidate Of The 2012 Cycle?

Was Rick Perry the worst candidate to run in the 2012 cycle? It certainly appears so.

Neither Mitt Romney Nor Paul Ryan Understand Why They Lost

Neither member of the Republican ticket seems to understand what really happened on Election Day.

Republicans Could Have Done A Lot Worse Than Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney wasn’t a perfect candidate, but he was much better than most of the 2012 Republican field.

Petraeus Hindsight Bias

As is often the case with sex scandals, pretty much everything ever written about General David Petraeus takes on an ironic double meaning in hindsight.

Unfortunately For the GOP, Democrats Have An Electoral College Advantage

The Democratic Party appears to have a lock on a substantial part of the Electoral College. That poses a problem for Republicans.

America Not a Center-Right Nation Anymore

President Obama easily won re-election last night, carrying virtually all of the battleground states. Meanwhile, abortion, gay marriage, and recreational marijuana also won big.

Barack Obama Re-Elected President Of The United States

There are still votes to be counted, and the Romney campaign has yet to concede, but the race is over and Barack Obama has been re-elected.

Dixville Notch Tie: Obama 5, Romney 5

In a silly quadrennial tradition, the residents of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire voted at midnight. It was a tie.

On Election Eve, The Race Is Close But Obama Has The Advantage

The 2012 Election promises to be close in the Popular Voter, but President Obama still retains an Electoral College advantage.

Romney In OH And PA On Election Day: Sign Of Confidence, Or Desperation?

The Romney campaign doesn’t seem too confident of its path to victory.

Did Hurricane Sandy Blunt Romney’s Momentum?

Republicans already seem to be blaming Hurricane Sandy in the event Mitt Romney loses.

2012 Presidential Election Predictions

The OTB gang give their best guess at the outcome of the 2012 presidential contest.

Romney Running Out Of Time In Ohio And Elsewhere

Mitt Romney has ground to make up if he’s going to catch the President and there’s not much time left to do it.

Presidential Race ‘Tight’ in Meaningless National Polls [UPDATED]

A week out from the election, President Obama is a heavy favorite to win re-election. But the major press continues to pretend otherwise.

Romney Has An Advantage Among Independents

Mitt Romney has an advantage among self-identified Independents that makes writing him off at this point inadvisable.

The Politics of Hurricane Sandy

Naturally, most of us are asking: What does this mean for next Tuesday’s election.

Romney and Obama Work for Every Vote, Especially in Small States (Oh, Wait…)

No, the electoral college does not encourage the candidates to pay special attention to the small states.

The 2000 Election All Over Again?

We could be headed for another extremely close election where the Electoral Vote and the Popular Vote disagree with each other.

Romney’s Post-Debate Surge Continuing, But Will It Last Past Tuesday?

Mitt Romney continues to benefit from the first Presidential Debate, but will that last past the second debate?

Three Judge Panel Upholds South Carolina Voter ID Law, Delays Implementation

A victory for advocates of Voter ID laws in a Washington, D.C. Federal Court.

Romney’s Poll Surge is Real

The Pew poll is no longer an outlier but the start of a trend.

Expectations High For Paul Ryan Ahead Of Debate

Expectations are high for Paul Ryan heading in to Thursday’s Vice-Presidential debate. That’s not necessarily a good thing.

Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Restoring Early Voting For All Ohio Voters

Another legal victory for the Obama campaign in Ohio.

Romney’s Ohio Problem

Mitt Romney has an Ohio problem, and little time to fix it.

Was Mitt Romney The Best Candidate The GOP Had This Year?

Whether Republicans like it or not, Mitt Romney was the best candidate they had in 2012.

Is Early Voting A Good Idea?

Should people be able to vote six weeks before Election Day?