Atlanta Shooting Not a Hate Crime?

The U.S. Senators and a U.S. Representative beg to differ.

Biden Staffers Fired for Marijuana Use?

Credulous reports notwithstanding, there’s more to the story.

US Should Have Federal Vaccine Passport

There are legitimate ethical and liberty questions but they’re outweighed by the benefits.

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Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

Deal-making in Washington is next to impossible.

Elite Private Schools, Race, and Fear of the Woke

Also some ironic positions on capitalism.

Amazon Killing Libraries?

The quasi-monopoly power of the world’s largest bookstore is problematic. Maybe.

Voting Legislation on Parade

HR1 is a national approach to expanding voter access. State legislatures are trying to both expand and restrict the vote as well.

The Pandemic Economy

The job losses and hit to the service sector is well documented. But trade has radically shifted, too.

Texas Ends COVID Restrictions

The Lone Star State is celebrating its independence in a big way.

How Much Longer for Cuomo?

This feels like resignation territory.

Manhattan DA Gets Trump Tax Records

The Supreme Court refused to block a lower court order.

Rush Limbaugh is Still Dead

The reflections on the departed right-wing talk host continue.

Reporting and Commentary Should Remain Separate

There’s more than enough opinion journalism.

Rush Limbaugh, 1951-2021

The talk radio megastar has died, aged 70.

Still the Party of Trump

The disgraced loser remains as popular as ever with his base.

Culture Clash at the New York Times

America’s Newspaper of Record needs to figure out what it wants to be.

The Lincoln Project Grift

Its founders are laughing all the way to the bank.

Trump Refused to Call Off Capitol Rioters

Details of a heated phone discussion with the top House Republican have emerged.

How Powerful is Kamala Harris?

Could the Vice President end the filibuster herself?

George Shultz, 1920-2021

The longtime public servant has died, aged 100.

Romney’s Child Welfare Plan

An opportunity for unity and a restoration of normal order.

NYT Fires Star Pandemic Reporter Don McNeil

The veteran journalist was ousted after a staff backlash over the use of racial slurs.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Stripped of Committee Assignments

House Democrats have done what their Republican colleagues refused to do.

The Smoothest Transition in Decades

We’re witnessing something not seen since 1989.

Supreme Court Rules Trump Emoluments Cases Moot

A legally correct but maddening ruling.

Peak Both-Siderism

David Brooks is the leader in the clubhouse.

Lloyd Austin Confirmed as SECDEF

History has been made in more than one way.

1776 Report ‘Plagiarized’?

Large chunks of a hackish report were lifted from previous works of Commission members.

Will the GOP Fracture?

Will there be in-fighting? Yes. A break-up? No.

Trump Impeached Once More with Feeling

The 45th President will go down in infamy, setting a record that’s unlikely to be broken.

Republican Leaders Rallying to Impeach Trump

Some key GOP figures are at least testing the waters.

Liz Cheney’s Statement on Impeachment

The #3 Republican in the House will vote to impeach.

Bill Belichick Refuses Presidential Medal of Freedom

The New England Patriots coach lived up to the team nickname.

Radicalism and Internet Culture

Does online performance logically devolve into rage and violence?

Capitol Riot Could Have Been Much Worse

The live coverage of Wednesday’s assault on American democracy underplayed its seriousness.

Trump Deserves to be Impeached, Plain and Simple

As we assess Trump’s role in all of this, it is important to think through what he did (and did not) do.

Trump Banned from Twitter

Hashtag: You’re Fired.

Trump’s Solipsism Doomed COVID Fight

The story played out just as we all thought it would.

Two More Officers from Breonna Taylor Raid Fired

The detective who shot her and another who prepared the warrant have been ousted nine months later.

The Faceless Pandemic

It’s easy to mismanage what we don’t have to see.

Are “Liberal” States Shrinking?

Thinking about unsupported narratives and a little bit about data usage.


The Trump Presidency has been a long con.

The Silly ‘Dr. Biden’ Kerfuffle

A silly, sexist WSJ op-ed has generated plenty of attention.

Cleveland Indians Changing Name

The inevitable only took 105 years.

Charley Pride Dead at 87

A country music legend is yet another victim of COVID.

The Republican Party’s Shame

The Party of Lincoln went over the cliff like lemmings in support. It’s tough to see how they recover.

It Was 40 Years ago Today

Music legend John Lennon’s life was cut tragically short four decades ago.