Editors, Fact Checkers, and a Culture of Integrity

A culture of fact-checking, of honesty, is as important as the actual fact-checking.

Journalists Married to Politicos

When and how often must they disclose their relationship? And can we take them seriously at all?

Obama Campaign ‘Roiled By Conflict’ Says POLITICO in Promo for POLITICO eBook

POLITICO has a new eBook on the Obama campaign and wants you to buy it.

Todd Akin Says He’ll Stay In Race, While Republicans Continue To Abandon Him

Todd Akin says he’s staying in the race, but his party is abandoning him.

White House Press Corps Bristles As Obama Limits Access

It’s been two months since the President has taken questions from the reporters who cover him.

In Picking Paul Ryan, Has Romney Actually Helped Obama?

Mitt Romney has effectively rebooted his campaign by picking Paul Ryan, but he’s also handed the President a powerful weapon.

Team Obama Begins To Unveil Its Plan Of Attack On Romney/Ryan

The Obama campaign has begun to respond to the addition of Paul Ryan to the Republican ticket.

Mitt Romney Would Like Everyone To Stop Talking About His Taxes And Business Record, Please

Mitt Romney is showing signs that the negative attacks from the Obama camp are getting to him.

Chris Christie Lambastes Anti-Muslim Bigots In The GOP

Once again, Chris Christie makes one wish there were more Republicans like him.

Republicans Speaking at Democratic Convention

Politico’s Mike Allen reports that several Republicans are expected to speak at the Democratic National Convention next month.

Priorities USA: Mitt Romney Killed A Lady

A Pro-Obama SuperPAC is out with what may be the most despicable ad so far this election cycle.

Romney, Other Top Republicans, Mostly Silent On Same-Sex Marriage

Mitt Romney and other top Republicans are not taking part in the latest round of the culture war debate over same-sex marriage, for good reason.

Obama: Stop Watching ‘Real Housewives’ and Playing Video Games

Kids, the President of the United States has a message for you: stop hanging out and get to work.

Boy, ABC News Really Messed Up Its Coverage Of The Colorado Shootings

Because of a culture where being first is more important than being right, ABC News made a few mistakes in its Friday morning coverage of the Colorado shootings.

Romney’s Campaign Is Mishandling The Politics Of The Bain Issue

Mitt Romney’s campaign is mishandling their response to the Bain story, and hurting the candidate in the process.

Yes, The GOP Can, And Likely Will, Repeal ObamaCare in 2013 If They Win In November

If the GOP wins in November, there will be very few actual barriers in the way if they really want to repeal the PPACA.

Obama Leading In Three Swing State Polls

Three swing state poll results should be raising some real concerns among Team Romney today.

Obama Plays 100th Round of Golf as President, Should Play More

Americans should be thankful when our presidents take time off.

Did Obama Make a Blow Job Joke? No, Of Course Not.

The crack investigative team at BuzzFeed is living up to its name with a story headlined “Did President Obama Just Make A Blowjob Joke?”

2012 Race Down to Seven Battleground States?

While the news media is focused on sixteen battleground states, the professionals running the Obama and Romney campaigns are focused on a much narrower list.

Wisconsin Post-Mortem: Winners, Losers, And What Comes Next

What lessons can we draw from the Wisconsin Recall?

Wisconsin Recall Was A Bad Night For Cable News

None of the cable news networks did particularly well last night.

On the Vetting (and Other Thoughts)

Vetting, media bias, and a passing swipe at the war on terror.

Even if Christie is VP, Obama Wins New Jersey

A new poll finds that adding Chris Christie to the ticket would fail to deliver New Jersey to the Republicans.

New Obama Ad Attacks Romney’s Bain ‘Job Creator’ Record

A tough new Obama campaign ad highlights people who lost their jobs after a Bain Capital takeover–at a time Mitt Romney was not at Bain Capital.

Is Mitt Romney Running Against Barack Obama, Or Jimmy Carter?

He may be running against Barack Obama, but Mitt Romney seems to mention Jimmy Carter a lot.

Obama’s Composite Girlfriend and Other Things I Don’t Care About

A series of shocking revelations about Barack Obama’s past have not changed my view of the man who’s been in the White House three-plus years.

Newt Gingrich Rents Out Donor List

Further cementing his reputation as a sleaze bag, Newt Gingrich is now renting out the private information of his donors.