Another Poll Shows Majority Opposes Overruling Roe v. Wade

A fourth poll in less than a month shows that most Americans support keeping the rights protected in Roe v. Wade alive.

Early Polling Finds Public Lukewarm On Kavanaugh Nomination

Initial polling on Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court find the public more divided than they have been for other recent SCOTUS picks, but that’s unlikely to impact the fate of his nomination.

Most Americans Oppose Overturning Roe v. Wade

Another poll shows that the vast majority of Americans do not want to see the Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade overturned.

On Kavanaugh, Democrats Lack A Coherent Message And A Coherent Strategy

At least in these early days, Democrats appear to lack a coherent message, or a coherent strategy, to propel any effort to block Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

Bad Arguments Against Brett Kavanaugh

There are good arguments as to why progressive Senators should vote against his confirmation. Let’s stick to those.

Trump Nominates Judge Brett Kavanaugh To Replace Anthony Kennedy

A selection that is likely to keep the Senate GOP united and red-state Democrats up for re-election under pressure to vote to confirm.

Comparative Abortion Policy

Some additional comparative info (internationally and state-to-state).

Considering a World without Roe

Some considerations on the politics of Roe v. Wade.

Another Name On Trump’s SCOTUS Short List

With the President set to announce his Supreme Court pick Monday evening, another name has entered the game.

Anthony Kennedy’s Right to Retire

A thoughtful liberal argues the Justice has “altered and destroyed his legacy” by allowing Donald Trump to appoint his successor.

Majority Opposes Overruling Roe v. Wade

As Washington gets ready to fight a new battle over Roe v. Wade an new poll shows that most Americans oppose overturning that decision.

politics outrage shouting politics outrage shouting

Outrage Over Minority Rule

There is a frustration and a growing sense that the American political system is illegitimate.

Trump’s Supreme Court Short List

President Trump’s short list of potential Supreme Court nominees consists mostly of conventionally conservative, well-qualified, jurists.

Mike Lee for the Supreme Court?

President Trump is reportedly considering the 47-year-old Utah Senator to replace Anthony Kennedy.

Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy Announces Retirement

After thirty years on the bench, during which he played a central role in some of the Supreme Court’s most significant rulings, Justice Anthony Kennedy is retiring.

The Proper Scope Of Inquiry In Judicial Confirmation Hearings

How far should judicial confirmation hearings go in asking potential Judges and Justices their opinions about issues that may come before them?

Ireland Set To Vote On Lifting Abortion Ban

Tomorrow, Irish voters will head to the polls to decide whether or not to scrap a Constitutional Amendment that bans abortion in essentially all circumstances.

States Working To Chip Away At Abortion Rights While Trump Remakes The Judiciary

While the Trump Administration slowly tries to remake the Federal Judiciary, states are moving to pass radical new challenges to Roe v. Wade.

Mississippi Enacts Law Banning Abortion After 15 Weeks, Immediately Gets Sued

Mississippi has passed a law that seems designed to directly challenge the underpinnings of Roe v. Wade.

The Moore-Jones Race

Explaining what Tuesday is likely to bring.

Gorsuch Sails Through First Day Of Questioning

Day One of the questioning of Judge Neil Gorsuch went very well, and it suggests that his path to confirmation is basically clear of serious obstacles.

With Gorsuch Hearings Set To Begin, It’s Democrats Who Are In The Hot Seat

Judge Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation hearings begin Monday morning, but it’s Senate Democrats who are in the hot seat.

Trump’s First Supreme Court Pick Could Be Days Away

President Trump hinted today that he’s likely to name his Supreme Court choice next week, and the list to appears have narrowed to three men.

Republican Platform Veers To The Right

Once again, the GOP platform is turning into a surrender to social conservatives on issues such as same-sex marriage and transgender rights.

The Beginning Of The End Of The ‘Conservative’ Supreme Court

Depending on the outcome of the election, the Supreme Court’s just concluded term will most likely be remembered as the point at which the Court’s rightward tilt that began at the end of the Warren Court Era came to an end.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas Abortion Law

The Supreme Court has handed down a major abortion rights ruling that reaffirms the central reasoning of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, and makes it less likely that Roe will ever be overturned.

Oklahoma Legislature Passes Unconstitutional Bill That Makes Abortion A Felony

Oklahoma’s Republican legislature passed a clearly unconstitutional bill outlawing abortion in the state.

Divided Supreme Court Hears Argument In Texas Abortion Case

The Supreme Court seems as closely divided as ever on an issue that has divided the nation for forty years, but the implications of Justice Scalia’s death were quite apparent during oral argument in the Texas Abortion Law case.

How Justice Scalia’s Death Is Likely To Impact The Court’s Current Term

In the short term, Justice Scalia’s death will have a significant impact on cases the Supreme Court has already heard, and cases it is scheduled to hear in the next two months.

Marco Rubio Panders To The ‘Religious Right’ On Same-Sex Marriage, Obergefell

Marco Rubio is telling conservative Christians in Iowa and elsewhere what they want to hear on same-sex marriage. It just happens to be complete and utter nonsense.

Sarah Palin: Now That I Think About It, Katie Couric’s Questions Were Fair After All

Sarah Palin To The ‘Lamestream Media’: Never Mind

Supreme Court Accepts Texas Abortion Law Case For Review

The Supreme Court has accepted a case involving a new Texas abortion law for review, the first abortion rights case it will hear in eight years.

Public Opinion About The Supreme Court Nears New Lows

Thanks mostly to Republicans unhappy with the Court’s decisions on same-sex marriage and the Affordable Care Act, public disapproval of the Supreme Court is nearing a new high.

Driven Largely By Republicans, Public Opinion On The Supreme Court Hits A Low

Public opinion on the Supreme Court has declined significantly, largely because Republicans don’t like the Supreme Court very much right now.

Supreme Court Declines To Review Ruling Striking Down North Carolina Ultrasound Law

Yesterday, the Supreme Court let stand a ruling striking down North Carolina’s mandatory ultrasound law.

More Americans Identify As “Pro-Choice,” But That’s Only Half The Story

In a new poll, a majority of Americans identify as “pro-choice,” but a deeper look at the numbers reveals that abortion politics remains as complicated as ever.

Hillary Misrepresents Citizen’s United, Says She’ll Demand Promises To Overturn From Nominees

Hillary Clinton told supporters she’d require Supreme Court nominees to pledge to overturn Citizens United, a decision she completely misrepresented.

House Republicans Set To Sacrifice Limited Government On The Altar Of Abortion Politics

House Republicans are set to vote on a bill banning abortion in almost all cases after twenty weeks. What they can’t do is explain where the Constitution gives Congress the power to do this.

61% Of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage, According To A New Poll

As oral argument in the Supreme Court gets closer, a new poll finds public support for same-sex marriage at it’s highest level yet.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Americans Are Ready For Nationwide Same-Sex Marriage

Justice Ginsburg acknowledges the fact that, over the past nineteen years, same-sex marriage has gone from something that most Americans oppose to something that most Americans are willing to accept.

House Republicans Drop Abortion Bill Vote At Last Minute, And It Was Smart Politics To Do So

The House was set to vote on a ban on abortion after 20 weeks that never would have become law today but they pulled the bill. Conservatives are annoyed, but it was smart politics in the long run.

Will The Supreme Court Be The Most Important Issue Of The 2016 Elections? Probably Not

The next President will have a profound ability to shape the future of the Supreme Court, but that is unlikely to be the most important issue on voters minds in 2016.

Most Americans Support Supreme Court Decision, Expansion Of Same-Sex Marriage

The Supreme Court’s expansion of same-sex marriage seems to be sitting well with the American public.

Mike Huckabee Threatens To Leave The GOP Over Gay Marriage; Don’t Believe Him

Mike Huckabee is threatening to leave the GOP if the party backs down on same-sex marriage. He’s bluffing.

Mitch McConnell: GOP Will Act To Limit Abortion If We Win The Senate

Mitch McConnell is making promises to pro-life groups that the GOP probably won’t keep, but it’s still a politically risky move.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Aggregate Limits On Campaign Contributions

Once again, the Supreme Court reminds us that limiting political speech is unconstitutional.

Dispute Involving Brain Dead Pregnant Woman Finally Comes To A Proper End

Marlise Munoz is finally at peace, but the law that kept her hooked up to machines for two months remains on the books.

Justice Ginsburg Has No Plans To Retire Anytime Soon

Once, against Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg makes it clear she isn’t going anywhere.