The Platinum Coin Boondoggle

Could a coin like this solve the looming debt ceiling crisis?

Congress Jumps Off Fiscal Cliff, Pulls Parachute Rip Cord

Our politicians have averted an artificial crisis of their own making. The next one’s in two months.

The Tea Party Takes a Hit

The Tea Party guys had a bad year.

Virginia GOP Goes Redder as State Goes Purple

The bizarre dynamics of Virginia politics.

Is Boehner’s Position As Speaker In Danger?

Last night’s defeat of “Plan B” demonstrated yet again that John Boehner does not really control his caucus.

Republicans Continue To Have An Image Problem

The GOP’s image problems continue

Crist’s Choice and the US Party System

What Crist demonstrates about the US party system.

Dick Armey Quits FreedomWorks in Huff

Dick Armey has resigned as chairman of Tea Party group FreedomWorks over unspecified principles.

More Republicans Moving Away From Norquist Tax Pledge

More signs of cracks in the wall of GOP resistance to tax increases.

More from the “Is our Pundits Learning” File

Not as much learning going on as one might like, to be honest.

Rick Perry The Worst Candidate Of The 2012 Cycle?

Was Rick Perry the worst candidate to run in the 2012 cycle? It certainly appears so.

The Clinton-Bush-Obama Trifecta

Are two-term Presidencies the new normal?

In Fiscal Cliff Negotiations, President Obama Holds The Upper Hand

Republicans need to realize that they are at a disadvantage in the upcoming negotiations regarding the Fiscal Cliff.

What Exactly Has Conservatism Accomplished Lately?

Judging by the record of the past decade and a half, movement conservatism has accomplished very little.

Republicans Need To Understand What Went Wrong If They Want To Win Again

Republicans are trying to figure out what went wrong. Will they learn the right lessons from their loss?

Why Romney?

Why I supported Mitt Romney despite his constant flip-flopping, fibbing, and fecklessness.

GOP Unlikely To Grab Senate This Year, But They’ll Have Another Shot In Two Years

The GOP’s hopes of taking over the Senate in 2012 have all but slipped away, but there is another option.

Legitimate Reasons To Question September’s BLS Household Survey

While the conspiracy theory is nuts, there are legitimate reasons to be skeptical of some elements of September’s Jobs Report.

Debunking The Poll Denialists

The arguments of the people claiming that every single poll showing Mitt Romney is unfairly biased do not stand up to scrutiny.

How To Fix The Republican Party

Whether Mitt Romney wins or loses, the GOP needs to evolve or be doomed to minority party status.

Will Republicans Cave On Taxes If Obama Wins?

Republicans will have some choices to make if President Obama is re-elected.

What Happens To The GOP If Romney Loses?

Some Republicans are beginning to ponder what might happen to their party if Mitt Romney loses in 2012.

Prospects For GOP Senate Takeover Appear To Be Slipping Away

It’s looking less likely that the GOP will be able to gain control of the Senate.

One Year Later, The Failure Of Occupy Wall Street Is Apparent

The Occupy movement began one year ago today. It’s no surprise that it ended up being a failure.

Romney, And The GOP, Still Haunted By The Legacy Of George W. Bush

The GOP still hasn’t dealt with the legacy of George W. Bush.

When It Comes To President Obama, Many Conservatives Are Living Inside A Bubble

The 2012 campaign is revealing once again that many conservatives have a view of President Obama not shared by the public at large.

Would Obama’s Re-Election End Polarization And Gridlock In Washington?

The President and his supporters say that Congressional Republicans will temper their rhetoric in a second Obama term. Don’t count on it.

When Compromise Is Impossible

The President Obama lost his cool with Speaker Boehner on debt negotiations is not nearly as important as the underlying reason a deal couldn’t be reached.

Two Words Missing From The Republican Convention: Tea Party

Over two days of speakers, not a single Republican has mentioned the Tea Party.

Paul Ryan’s GM Plant: Fact Checking the Fact Checks

Paul Ryan pointed to a shuttered GM plant in his hometown as proof of Obama’s failed policies. The truth will make your head hurt.

Lots of People do not Understand Parties, Conventions, or Presidentialism

Mark Levin provides the latest example.

Romney Rules Change

Mitt Romney’s forces won a rules change that will allow future nominees to have more say over their conventions. While this strikes me as a no-brainer, some conservative activists are up in arms.

Charlie Crist Endorses Obama, Condemns Party That Rejected Him

The former Republican governor of Florida says his former party is so extreme that it holds positions he held two years ago.

Republican SEALs Oppose Obama, Film at 11

Two groups of former special operations soldiers are opposing Obama. Their military bonafides are not their most interesting credentials.