Understanding the Mess (and Why it May not Get Better Anytime Soon)

The situation we currently find oursevles in is very much driven by structural issues.

Obama Warns Wall Street On Debt Ceiling

President Obama had some potentially market-moving news for Wall Street.

Will The GOP Back Away From Using The Budget To Attack The PPACA?

Republicans don’t seem willing to let go of the Obamacare issue just yet. But, how long will that actually last?

Ted Cruz and the Fight for the Soul of the Republican Party

With key conservatives pushing for sanity, the grown-ups have a chance to take back the GOP.

Ted Cruz Working To Undermine Boehner’s Plan On Budget, Debt Ceiling

Ted Cruz is going after the Speaker of the House.

Cruz Needs to Work on his Analogies (and His Analysis)

Nazi comparisons are only helpful when discussing actual Nazis.

There (Probably) Won’t Be A Government Shutdown

If recent history is any guide, there won’t really be a government shutdown next week. But, the zealotry of the “defund Obamacare” caucus could change everything.

Ted Cruz Admits His Plan To Defund Obamacare Won’t Succeed

Ted Cruz becomes a little more honest about his plan to “defund” Obamacare.

House To Vote On Budget That Makes A Government Shutdown More Likely

The House is going to make it more likely that we see a government shutdown at the end of the month.

Poll: Public Would Blame GOP For Government Shutdown

The GOP’s plan to defund reality becomes even more disconnected from reality.

House Republicans Try To Placate The “Defund Obamacare” Crowd

The House GOP Leadership didn’t endear itself to the Tea Party today.

Syria And The “Isolationist” Smear

Opposing interventionism and unnecessary and unwise military engagements is not isolationism.

Obama As Polarizing As Bush

The political polarization we saw during the Bush Presidency has continued throughout the Obama Presidency.

What Would Obama Do If Congress Says No On Syria?

Given that the vote count seems to be heading that way, this is a question worth examination.

Boehner, Cantor, Pelosi All Support Obama On Syria Strikes

Not surprisingly, Congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle are lining up behind the President in the debate over Syria.

Republican Infighting Over Ridiculous Government Shutdown Schemes?

There seems to be a divide developing between Republican leadership and the Tea Party over the idea of shutting the government down over Obamacare.

Instead Of Working Hard, Congress Is Hardly Working

Congress isn’t spending much time in Washington these days but that’s only one of the reasons it isn’t accomplishing very much.

Ted Cruz’s Foolish Advice To His Fellow Republicans

Ted Cruz is either being incredibly cynical as he deludes his fellow Republicans, or he’s living in a fantasy world.

Groundswell: Conservatives’ Lame Answer to JournoList

Conservatives are doing what the criticized JournoList for doing—even though JournoList didn’t.

Lindsey Graham Wants War With Iran By September

Lindsey Graham is playing cynical political games with a dangerous part of the world.

Republicans Aren’t Happy With Their Party Leadership, But Why?

Republicans aren’t happy with their leadership. The reason why is also the reason why Republicans are in trouble politically.

Supreme Court’s Public Approval Sinking

A new poll shows public approval for the Supreme Court nearing a all-time low.

The Enzi/Cheney Primary, Rand Paul, And The Wider Fight In The GOP

Some interesting taking of sides is already taking place in the GOP Senate race in Wyoming.

Tea Party Apparently Now Considers Stopping Immigration Reform Most Important Issue

Forget about the budget deficit and spending. The Tea Party apparently now considers stopping immigration reform to be its most important task.

House Committee Claims Lois Lerner Waived Her Fifth Amendment Rights

Lois Lerner is likely headed back to Congress over the largely phony charge that she waived her Fifth Amendment rights.

Two Excellent Summaries Of Recent IRS Developments

Looking for a quick overview of recent developments in the IRS Tea Party Scandal? Here are two links to help.

IRS “Lookout Lists” Also Included Liberal Groups. So, Was It Bipartisan “Targeting?”

A new round of documents from the IRS, that aren’t really new, doesn’t really change the basic narrative on the IRS “targeting” story.

The Right Turns On Marco Rubio Over Immigration Reform

Marco Rubio has suffered a reversal of fortune among Republicans thanks to his role in the immigration reform debate.

A New Conspiracy Theory: IRS Tea Party Targeting Helped Win The Election For Obama

A new theory circulating on the right asserts that IRS targeting of Tea Party groups had an impact on the 2012 elections by diminish the Tea Party’s effectiveness. It’s mostly nonsense.

Questions For “Constitutional Conservatives” Regarding The House’s Abortion Bill

Why did House Republicans vote overwhelmingly for a bill that their own theories would find to be unconstitutional?

Scott Walker: The GOP’s Sleeper Candidate For 2016?

Scott Walker could be the GOP’s surprise candidate in 2016.

Obama’s Job Approval Numbers Take A Hit In Wake Of NSA Revelations

President Obama’s poll numbers seem to be suffering under the weight of nearly two months of scandals and/ media attention.

Will Elijah Cummings Release IRS Transcripts Later Today? (Updated)

Today is the deadline for Darryl Issa to respond to a request from Elijah Cummings to defend a decision not to release IRS interview transcripts. What happens if Issa doesn’t respond?

Republicans Haven’t Learned The Lessons Of 2012

The GOP seems to be making the same mistakes that led to defeat in 2012.

Why Won’t Chairman Issa Release The Full Transcripts Of Interviews With IRS Employees?

Without full transcripts, the excerpts released by the House Oversight Committee are worthless.

The GOP Has Already Given Up On The New Jersey Senate Race

There is only one serious candidate in the race for Frank Lautenberg’s old Senate seat, and he’s got pretty much no chance of winning the election.

The BOLO List And The Question Of Optics VS Effectiveness

The TIGTA audit reveals the BOLO “Tea Party” list was right 81% of the time. But does that change anything?

1/3 of Flagged 501(c)(3)&(4) Applications were from Non-Conservative Groups

Tax analyst Martin A. Sullivan finds that 1/3rd of “potentially political applications” approved by the IRS were from non-conservative groups.