McAuliffe Wins, But Virginia Is Still A Purpleish State

The race for Virginia Governor turned out to be much closer than many predicted, but that should not be a surprise.

House GOP and District Level Margin of Victory (and its Relation to the Vote on the Budget Deal)

87.18% of the caucus is elected from safe to very safe districts and, therefore, the only real fear that they might have for their jobs would be at the primary stage.

The Blame Game Begins In Virginia

Polls in Virginia don’t open for another 48 hours or so, but the end result has become fairly apparent when you look at the polls.

Former Fla. Governor Charlie Crist Is Running For His Old Job, As A Democrat

Charlie Crist, and his tan, want the Governor’s Mansion back.

Retail Politics And The Appeal Of Chris Christie

Looking at Chris Christie as he interacts with voters in New Jersey offers a glimpse of just how he could succeed in a 2016 GOP nomination fight.

Obama Hits Majority Disapproval

A majority of Americans now disapprove of President Obama’s performance and a whopping 70 percent think the country is moving in the wrong direction.

OTB Caption Contest Winners

The Clown Wars Edition OTB Caption ContestTM is now over.

November 5th Not Looking Good For Virginia Republicans

With debate season over, it’s looking less and less likely that Virginia Republicans will be able to hold back the Democrats on November 5th.

Yes, Immigration Reform Is Dead, Probably Until 2015 At The Earliest

The prospect of Congressional action on immigration before the midterms just got a whole lot less likely.

Tea Party Senate Candidate In Mississippi Has Ties To Neo-Confederate/Secessionist Group

Several conservative groups have jumped on the bandwagon of what appears to be a controversial Mississippi politician.

Chris Christie’s Gay Marriage Decision And The Politics Of 2016

Chris Christie’s decision to take a tactical retreat on the issue of same-sex marriage raises some interesting questions for 2016.

What Lessons Will The GOP Learn From The Shutdown?

Will the GOP learn the right lessons from the just-concluded showdown? That remains to be seen.

The Coming GOP Civil War

The shutdown debacle seems destined to lead to a battle between the Tea Party and the more business oriented elements of the GOP

Ted Cruz Refuses To Rule Out Making The Same Dumb Mistake Again

Ted Cruz isn’t ruling out a reprise of his foolish, quixotic, crusade.

No, Boehner Isn’t Going To Lose His Job As Speaker

John Boehner’s position as Speaker of the House seems quite secure.

I Don’t Think that Means What you Think it Means

Ted Cruz’s definition of “the American people” needs some refining.

Sane Republican Minority Prevails

Nearly two-thirds of House Republicans voted for default. They lost.

The GOP’s Seinfeld Shutdown

The GOP’s shutdown was about as pointless as a show about waiting for a table in a Chinese restaurant.

Time For A GOP/Tea Party Divorce? No, Time To Re-Open The ‘Big Tent’

Much like the Tea Party, David Frum wants to make the GOP tent smaller.

Senate Nears Deal That Kicks The Can Down The Road, Accomplishes Little Else

The deal emerging out of the talks between Senator Reid and Senator McConnell is about what you’d expect, but it’s probably the best we can expect right now.

Crafting a Budget Grand Compromise

As long as we’re tacking on unrelated measures in order to secure a deal to end the government shutdown-debt ceiling standoff, why not some related measures?

Veterans Didn’t Like Being Used As Republican Political Props Yesterday

The presence of politicians like Sarah Palin at yesterday’s “Million Veteran March” was not appreciated by the people who organized the protest.

New Jersey Senate Race Tightens Ahead Of Election Day, But Booker Will Still Win

Cory Booker has not been quite as dominant in the New Jersey Special Election as many expected, but he’s still a virtual lock to win on Wednesday.

Monument Shutdowns Bring Protesters To National Mall

Conservatives gathered on the National Mall today to protest the closure of memorials, but their message seems really intended for Republicans in Congress to not back down.

Reid/McConnell Talks Stalemated As Democrats Push For Sequester Changes

Talks between the two Senate leaders haven’t exactly gone so well.

How One Change In House Rules Made The Shutdown Inevitable

A little noticed rule change in the House is arguably one of the main reasons we’re in a government shutdown crisis.

Another Republican Debt Kamikaze

One Virginia Republican suggests that defaulting on our bonds wouldn’t be that big of a deal.

Another Poll Brings Bad News For The GOP, But Will It Matter Come Election Day?

The GOP’s approval numbers have fallen like a stone, but it’s unclear whether this will matter in 2014.

Signs Of A Temporary Deal In Washington?

There seems to be at least some hope for a temporary deal in Washington to end the shutdown and raise the debt ceiling, but don’t count your chickens just yet.

Being Speaker Of The House Isn’t What It Used To Be

Being Speaker of the House has become much more of a difficult job than it used to be.

Good Government Reforms Gave Us Bad Government

Recent anti-corruption measures have contributed to making American government worse.

Return Of The Debt Kamikazes

They’re back…….

Majority of Americans Blame Everybody for Shutdown

63% are angry at Republicans, 57% are angry at Democrats, and 53% are angry at President Obama.

Monumental Silliness

One cannot support the shutdown tactic and then be outraged that part of the government is shutdown.

Want To Understand The GOP Hardliners? Talk To Their Constituents

To borrow a phrase from Stephen Colbert, if you want to understand how Congress works, you better know a District.

Ted Cruz Doubles Down On His Failed Obamacare Strategy

Ted Cruz wants his fellow Republicans to follow him down the rabbit hole again.

Ken Cuccinelli Distancing Himself From National GOP On Shutdown

The Republican candidate for Governor of Virginia wants a quick end to the Government Shutdown.

This is How Legislative Blackmail Becomes a Real Crisis

Not raising the debt ceiling will create a true constitutional/legal crisis.

House Democrats To Attempt Discharge Petition On “Clean” CR

Democrats in the House will attempt to use an obscure House procedure to force an end to the government shutdown. It’s success is by no means guaranteed.

GOP Getting Most Of The Blame For Government Shutdown

The first poll taken after the shutdown began has little good news for the Republican Party.